If we all had to choose the most important issues to focus on, out of the many which currently face us, I suggest that there are no two more important matters to focus our energies on than to a) stop the passage of S.1959, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act, and b) push for impeachment of Cheney first.
To keep this posting short/to the point, here a list of things we can do to stop the passage of this deadly bill. Please feel free to copy-paste this list of to-do's and pass it on as email, signing your own name to it: I have not one iota of attachment! This is about America, not about personal petty ego, please. Go for it! I want to see this stopped, at all costs! Thank you.
And demand, don’t request, that your Senator promise to filibuster the bill if it passes. Remind your Senator that we PAY them to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution.
Turn the tables and remind them that to even say that is a “radical ideaology to promote the individual’s (your) religious, political or social beliefs”.
Pledge ten minutes per week to do any one of the following actions:
b) Circulate emails and ask other friends to get involved in doing calling their own Senators. Then, ask them to forward the message. While you are at it, ask them to join you in item C:
C) VERY IMPORTANT: Please let’s form a human chain around the country, in which we all write our grassroots organizations, asking them to get involved on an urgent basis. You can simply use the “contact” button on their website and submit your request. And the detailed reasons for your concerns, and your proactive suggestions. Among which is to offer the suggestion to remind people that we PAY to have our Constitution upheld, protected and defended, as is the oath taken by politicians.
D) Dial in to radio talk shows and bring the matter to light. Ask listeners to immediately call their Senators and not only urge them to vote “no”, but also to promise a filibuster of S.1959. Stress the hope: To empower the people is key.
E) Write your editors a letter.
Optionally, you can host letters-to-the-editor parties in your home, Church or Synagogue. And ask your Church or Synagogue to get involved.
F) As long as it remains legal and safe to do so, it would seem urgently indicated that we go on a crusade to get corrupted politicians out of office, and concentrate on electing new and good people who will restore the rule of law.
To get corrupt people to resign, use the proven method: Scandals work! Have you noticed how many politicians are resigning to avoid scandal?
G) Working for campaign finance reform would be key to preventing “Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism” from originating in our government.
Thank you for your proactivity at this pivotal time.
The historian Henry Steele Commager, denouncing President John Adams' suppression of free speech in the 1790s, argued that the Bill of Rights was not written to protect government from dissenters but to provide a legal means for citizens to oppose a government they didn't trust.