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Excellent Inquiries

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   2 comments

Kevin Gosztola
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I have a feeling that this recent incident between McCain and a supporter who asked him, “How do we beat the bitch?” will get a lot of mileage on the Internet and possibly in the mainstream media. 

In this age of planted questions where Hillary Clinton plants people to ask her what she would like to answer and where Obama, Edwards, and her decide what questions won’t be asked of them when in public, I suggest that these type of inquiries be the future of Q&A actions or sessions.

If we are not allowed to approach the most pressing issues of the day with proper questions by asking about impeachment, defunding of the Iraq war, abolishing nuclear weapons, ending war as an instrument of foreign policy, creating a single-payer health care system, repealing the PATRIOT Act, or repealing NAFTA and the WTO for workers, and repairing our civil liberties and Constitution, than it must be that we degrade these sessions to the level of a huddle on the playground of an elementary school.

For those against Hillary, we must stand up for democracy and ask, “How do we beat the b*tch?”

For those against Barack, we must stand up for democracy and ask, “How do we beat the coon?”

For those against John, we must stand up for democracy and ask, “How do we beat this cracker?”

For those against Bill, we must stand up for democracy and ask, “How do we beat this cholo?”

For those against Joe, we must stand up for democracy and ask, “How do we beat this paddy?”

For those against Chris, we must stand up for democracy and ask, “How do we beat this honky?”

For those against Dennis, we must stand up for democracy and ask, “How do we beat this wankster?”

The rumble gets under way next year and by then, we on the Left and especially the Right must know how to deal with these sluts, porch monkeys, wetbacks, whiteys, perm sperms, and poser wannabe leaders who wish to sell us their brand of “Democracy Lite” once more?

Peace. Out.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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