We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.We had the guts to take on and defeat a King. We now have the resolve and the legal power to oust a usurper, a would-be dictator. Do it! We have that power. It is time to exercise it. It is time to effect a revolution. It is time to bring to an end this illegitimate occupation of the White House, this perpetual war crime against the people of Iraq. It is time to indict Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and Powell for having defrauded the people of the United States. Apparently, for some, the issues of impeachment and indictment are confused. While I support impeachment, it must be understood that impeachment is a political remedy. Impeachment has but one function: the removal from office a miscreant. The crimes charged in an impeachment may be of a criminal nature but just as often have to do with what is very generally considered to be "malfeasance", ie doing a bad job or, in other ways, not fulfilling one's responsibilities in a political position. Indictment, on the other hand, is a legal remedy. An indictment is a formal allegation by a court or grand jury that there is probable cause that a person has committed a specific crime. An indictment is a charge that someone has broken a specific law. Indictments are legally precise. One is not indicted for being a "bad person" or for generally doing a bad job. Indictments involve specific acts at a place and time by person or persons who may be positively identified. Indictments are about crime and punishment. Of course, I want to impeach George W. Bush. But, more importantly for the good of this nation, I want to see him indicted along with all his co-conspirators. Bush is a clear and present danger. Frankly, I want to see him locked up where he can no longer harm innocent people, subvert the rule of law, enrich his crooked friends at the nation's expense. I want to see justice. I want to see Bush answer for very real and specific war crimes. I want to see him answer for his deliberate violations of US CODES Title 18, Section 2441. I think the future of the nation depends upon justice beign done in this case. Don't even think about pooh pooh conspiracy theories. Last time I checked the various data bases --Findlaw, Cornell Law Library, et al --there were hundreds, if not thousands, of court cases involving conspiracies and just that many statites involving conspiracies. That is a lot of ink spent on something that does not exist. I will not waste my time with "conspiracy theory deniers". Most major crimes are conspiratorial in nature. What is organized crime if not conspiratorial? What was Enron if not a conspiracy to defraud employees, investors, and the IRS? Major crime is almost always conspiratorial. If Bush ever had a right to "rule", he has of his own actions, lost it. His administration daily and deliberately flouts the will of the people, the law, and the Constitution. Bush works overtly to subvert the rule of law. Bush thumbs his nose at Congress, the people, the courts. He recognizes no moral or legal restraints upon his reckless, lawless, and subversive behavior. He asserts, upon no basis whatsoever, an evil and false theory: a unitary executive, a right wing cult code word for a dictatorship never envisioned by the our founders at any time! It is a concept so pernicious Mussolini might have blushed. Our founding fathers, intelligent, articulate, responsible,, worked mightily to prevent anything of the sort ever taking root like an evil weed on this soil. It's time for this blighted Bush to leave and leave now while there are still shreds of law with which a new republic, a rebirth of freedom might be stitched in the wake this national horror.--Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, July, 1176
- Lied about Iraq to Congress, the Public, and the United Nations.
- 9-11 Cover-Up and Obstruction of Justice.
- Violated Rights of Citizens including Habeas Corpus.
- NSA Program to spy on Citizens without Warrant.
- Violated International Treaties Including Geneva Convention.
- Actively Encouraged, as a Policy, Use of Torture.
- Gross Negligence on Hurricane Katrina.
- Iraq Contract Corruption--Bremer "Lost" $8 billion in cash, sole source awards, and gross negligence in managing the peace.
- Stole Ohio election in 2004.
- United States V. George W. Bush et al. (Paperback)by Elizabeth De La Vega
- American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America
- Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush And Cheney
- Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic
- Hubris: The Inside Story of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War
- Armed Madhouse: From Baghdad to New Orleans--Sordid Secrets and Strange Tales of a White House Gone Wild