Vicont Isii, the Japanese Rep.
to the League Of Nations, 1930s
'And one of the first steps we can take together is to add to the ranks of our military so that the American Armed Forces are ready for all the challenges ahead. (Applause.) Tonight I ask the Congress to authorize an increase in the size of our active Army and Marine Corps by 92,000 in the next five years. (Applause.) A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. It would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time. '
The above is an excerpt from the GW Bush's State of the Union address January 23, 2007. That day will live in infamy as a day when the US fascism stopped hiding. It came out to the surface accompanied by the applause of those who swore to protect the Constitution. Listen to the roar. They applaud the death of the US Democracy.
It died with a whimper. None of the mainstream media sources paid even the slightest attention to the Primary Statement of the GW Bush's speech. The phase 2 had started.
The phase 1 was the takeover of the administrative institutions. Bush was not kidding when he called the Constitution 'a piece of paper'. It becomes one when it is not protected by the proper authority. By definition the primary guardian in the US is the Supreme Court, which had performed an unconstitutional act in the Y2000 by intervening into the election process. That guardian being removed, the plague spread through the redefinition of powers (Pentagon) and establishing the overall, umbrella-kind new institutions ( Homeland Security). All the political activities of our country in the Y2001-2006 whether those were wars, new totalitarian laws or just plain mischief like stealing elections in the Y2004 were aimed at one thing only- to redefine the very essence of the US institutions, to prepare those as a framework for fascism. It was done.
But the framework needs people to fill. The cabal in power is small. It cannot rule without cadres, without a vast number of loyal servants, reporting only to them, ready to do anything, those who have no roots and whose very sustenance depends on the stability of the rulers. They need the match made in Hell. In the 1930s Germany those cadres were called SA, the stormtroopers. In the 2006 US it is called the 'Civilian Volunteer Reserve Corps'.
Think about it. Who will command the Corps? The Commander-In- Chief or someone appointed by him. Who will be the members of that Corps? People, paid from the proceedings of the regime. No regime-no job and no salary and/or benefits. Where will those people come from? They will be recruited from those who would be either poor enough, desperate enough or willing enough. We have a plenty of those, don't we?
One of the first laws invoked by Hitler when he came to power was the reinstatement of the medieval law of inheritance, according to which the senior son would inherit all the parents estate in the countryside, including land and farming equipment. To all the other children of the German peasantry thus impoverished Der Fuhrer offered to join his SA units voluntarily. And the cadres flowed and the framework was filled. It was the phase 2 there. We have it now here.
All politics is local. It is self-evident that whatever the current administration does, its target is not abroad. The war is not on terror and it is not in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is not even with Iran. It is here. It is the war on us. GW has a gun. He had announced the loading. We are in the crosshairs, my fellow- Americans. Continue the applause. He wants us all to make this step together. The final step to the precipice.