We are eight months or so away from the “08″ election and I’m already sick of the whole mess. The YouTube debates were worthless; the questions screened so thoroughly that nothing of any consequence was asked. The state by state primaries and caucuses are pointless because not one promise that is made, not one plan for the future will ever materialize by the eventual and pre-selected winner. Not one question about the intent to merge the US, Canada and Mexico. No one asked if the working groups would be abolished that are facilitating the Security & Prosperity Partnership and the construction of the NAFTA highway that will cut through the country. No questions about the data mining being done by various intelligence agencies or the loss of any kind of personal privacy under the guise of “national security”. No one asked why chemtrails are reported all over the country that result in high numbers of individuals appearing in emergency rooms with sudden respiratory ailments, or why the content of water in the affected area’s suddenly contains high levels of heavy metals, and other toxins. No one brought up the use of depleted uranium on our troops, or indigenous populations that have resulted in multiple illnesses and a high level of birth deformities. No one mentioned the fact that DU has a life span of 300,000 years and that where it is used the land is now contaminated. REAL ID was carefully avoided. The fact that Homeland Security is strictly prohibited in its charter from ever establishing a form of national ID was never mentioned. Secure Flight, a program designed to accustom US citizens to the idea of having to “present their papers” in order to travel inside the US went unnoticed. So many real questions that need answers were never allowed to be asked, which leaves me wondering just what is going to change with this election. In all likely-hood…..nothing. I can’t vote for Hillary because she is Bush with a brain…..making her a real danger to the country. I can’t vote for McCain because he is promising another 100 years of war and a continuation of Bush policies. (I don’t think he is in his right mind anyway) I can’t vote for Obama, directly as a result of his support for a UN based global tax and his intention to end the ownership of small arms and weapons. Meaning he wants to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. Even as a liberal, I can’t support that. I can’t vote for Huckabee because I think if I hear one more fearless leader claiming that God is speaking to him directly, I will implode. I would like to vote for Ron Paul, but the GOP will never let him on the ticket. Wouldn’t you just one time, like to attend a debate where you could actually get up and ask the questions you really have? Without being pre-screened or shut out? Can you imagine how different this whole election cycle would be if just this once we were actually able to access the candidates with real questions? It’s never going to happen. We have lost our minds. We have allowed ourselves to accept the controlled speeches, the lack of real questioning, the absence of actual debate to substitute for substantive, informed dialogue. Why anyone is excited or charged up about the coming election is beyond me. Our election system is rife with voter fraud, corruption and vote tampering. The winner has already been chosen, we just won’t know who it is until the “08″ fraud is perpetrated. The worst part of that is there are those out there who will be jumping up and down thinking they actually won something. Marti Oakley copyright 2008-02-20
A new president but the same old crowd runs the Washington District of Criminals. We are under attack from all quarters by our own goverment.
I have written for more years than I care to admit about the corruption of our government. At some (