Those who opposed the FACTS in my article on Holt and Microsoft were unable to refute a single point. The best they could do is say 'misquote' for title had part of Holt quote which as you know must media put highlight phrase in title... I was careful to include the exact full quote right below. Please re-read. Ask yourself why the facts could not be refuted and a red herring was offered up in lieu.
I actually got into Voting Integrity because of friends who introduced me to Rush Holt. CVI sent members to lobby for earlier bills but when we saw what was developing in 811, did extensive study, and then saw the disastrous mark up changes, our organization unanimously decided we had to oppose the bill and seek alternate security measures.
Now I am very disturbed to hear that 811 will be likely voted on as a non-funded bill - now they tell us at last minute... and there bery likely will be no funding till 2010 or's all up in the air. Why should we pass a bill that won't help 2008 (though quite frankly it would have caused problems if the 2008 date prevailed). and could stop better bills from coming forward? We need to clear the decks and focus on next year's can be must be done. A stripped down bill focused on most critical needs for 2008 is currently being worked on. It's time to put REAL reform in...means DREs must be removed from our elections fast!
Also 811 now appears to likely have any funded parts deferred and that is likely to be 2010 or later. Why pass a bill that won't help critical 2008. election. As my article said we need a stripped down bill first banning DREs (see complete article). AGAIN...We need to clear the decks of problematic bills so real reform can be introduced and enacted.
By the way there is an open question if unfunded 811 passes, would the parts that aren't related to money go into effect ... like giving further and unnecessary power to the EAC, four presidential appointees who have little oversight and a very dubious track record...why would we ever do this?
message from Nancy Tobi
HR811: In Holt's own words, three short videos Congress is poised to pass another phony bill. Like the "Patriot Act", designed to strip civil liberties from American patriots and other free citizens of the world, or the "Clear Skies Initiative", designed to allow corporations to pump more poisons into our heavens. The "Voter Confidence Act", or HR811, or the Holt Bill, is being brought to the House floor today.
Learn more about this dangerous legislation from its prime sponsor, Congressman Rush Holt himself. View these three short videos, taken from a town meeting with Congressman Holt's constituents in July 2007.
Is his bill good for the nation? You be the judge.
Paper or Vapor?
Federalized elections
My article ...
In a town meeting in his New Jersey home district in July, Congressman Rush Holt made some disturbing statements which leave no doubt that H.R. 811 has become a bill that protects the interests of software corporations over the rights of citizens. In fact the Holt bill is NOT the Holt bill anymore! It has become 'Microsoft 811'!
Mr. Holt: "The bill has been changed since I introduced it. It's no longer my bill -- well, it's still my bill but it's been marked up in committee."
Further he added:
"Unfortunately, the committee that made this change heard from Microsoft. They heard that Voice. The point is Microsoft did lobby strongly. It wasn't just Microsoft. It was everybody who—"
Audience question: "Diebold?"
Holt: "No, it was software -- the software industry."
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Co-Founder of the Coalition for Voting Integrity. Host of "Voice of the Voters! Radio & Internet. Nationally recognized expert in Quality, Process improvement and Change Management. Associate of the late Dr. W, Edwards Deming. Speaker/seminars at (