While I do not wish to label myself, most likely Bill O'Reilly would label me a far-left loon. With that out of the way, in hearing what he had to say of Shawn Hornbeck that "there was an element here that this kid liked about this circumstances" As I have stated previously, pedophilia is all about control and controlling the circumstances as well as the environment of the child. It is called mind control plain and simple. There is no spinning or taking that out of context. At the age of eleven when Shawn was kidnapped, he did not have the faculties to think logically as an adult would and any child psychologist will tell him that. Even Polly Klaas's father Marc Klaas stated so as he appeared on 'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' as he condemned O'Reilly's remarks.
Now as far as protecting children goes, well, Bill, I have spent ten years writing letters to various politicians, news papers and now columns. What did I get from the politicians? I received form letters at times thanking me for writing them and in most cases, I did not. I have never seen any letter written to a news paper published when it concerned child sexual abuse and abduction. As for my criticism of Megan's Law, that is the third rail so to speak when everyone thinks it is the answer instead of a panacea that lulls all of us into a false sense of security.
By the way, Bill, I have done all of this without pay.
When O'Reilly stated of Shawn Hornbeck, "The situation here for this kid looks to me to be a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents. He didn't have to go to school. He could run around and do whatever he wanted." All I will say to that is, Bill, were you there? They are not his old parents but his parents. The day he vanished did not end their status as his parents. There is nothing fun in being abducted by a stranger and as we have heard from Shawn's parents, he was abused sexually. While the details are not yet divulged to the media, in the case of young boys, they do go through acts of sodomy in which the pedophile will use anything including his penis to invade a young boy anally. The young boy also known as the victim will often have to commit acts of fellatio. So, tell me, Bill, where is the fun in that?
Bill also had to say of those that did attack him, "We have introduced Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome to a world that badly needs to understand that concept. These vile individuals who have attacked us are doing so for political reasons, and I condemn them in the strongest terms."
I have read up on Child Sexual Abuse Syndrome and we do need diagnostics to determine whether or not a child was sexually abused or not. I have also read whether or not the child sees any form of escape or learns to adapt to his or her surroundings, but let the child psychologists handle this instead of a talk show host.
Now, Bill has stated that those who criticized him have done so for political reasons and to that I add, hogwash. Long before I was ever involved in this game called politics, I was abhorred in reading up of what pedophiles do to their victims. While some may be using this to attack him politically, Bill O'Reilly has rightfully made himself a target not only on this issue, but a myriad of issues.
While we are on the subject of child sexual abuse which is the ultimate form of terrorism which targets children, I would like to ask Bill O'Reilly what his friend President George W. Bush has done for the children of the Congo. He has done nothing for them. I was made aware of their plight through Jan Goodwin's piece in The Nation called 'Silence=Rape'. In my piece, The Congo: A Hidden Terror Which is not our Top Priority, I explicitly write of the sexual slavery of children as young as three years old. The Bush administration has stated of these children's plight that it is "not their top priority" Please try telling that to a little girl with a gun barrel shoved up her vagina as her attacker is pulling the trigger to torture her. Please try telling that to a little girl whose labia lips have been pierced and padlocked. For those of you not familiar with the plight of these children, it is important that you do read it and act on their behalf. It is not a political issue, but a human rights and child's rights issue.
After reading my initial piece blasting O'Reilly for his comments, I was floored as someone posted on a list, "Many so-called 'predators' are being locked up and the key thrown away for having sex with 13-16 year old 'children'. It was once common for girls to be married at the age of 13 (prevented out-of-wedlock births). Are we getting too fanatical about controlling sex?" Thankfully we have evolved as human beings especially in the understanding of child psychology to understand that children have no business having sex with their thought processes and bodies are still developing. Pedophilia is not about sex since it is an act of rape on a child. In both cases it is about dominance and control as well as violence. As I have stated in my previous article, some pedophiles once done with their victims will murder them. Even registered sex offenders.
Roughly two years ago, the 'Dr. Phil Show' aired a show in which two young teenage girls escaped a religious cult headed by Warren Jeffs. This religious cult married girls as young as 13 off to much older men and as far as I can tell that is against the law in this country. Girls as young as that do not have the right to consent to sex and it is considered statutory rape. If the girls did not comply with the orders given them, they were denied food and often their heads were placed under water. In my book that is torture. I was appalled in watching that show and reached out to many to act on their behalf. Hey, I even wrote several letters again to politicians such as Senator John McCain whose state this took place in and no letter came back to me at least thanking me for bringing this to his attention. Thankfully, Jeffs has since been arrested.
While I do not have the podium Bill O'Reilly has to spew his venomous hate and irrational remarks of a child that was kidnapped and abused. Yes, Bill kidnapped. I still do have a voice through my written words. I do not tend to think of myself as being a far-left loon or any such label but a woman who cares about the children of this country as well as other countries. If there is any producer reading this piece, I will gladly take Bill O'Reilly on when it comes to the beliefs I hold to. Come on, Bill, make my day!
Author's note: Should you wish to email me concerning this piece or any other piece on my blog, my email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net