What the country needs now is a WTF political party. Now every one who knows a 14 to 22 year old knows what WTF means.
I will give a definition for the web challenged. W = is interchangeable with What, Why, or Where T= the F = the word for which I ate my first bar of soap.
This party would stand up and say WTF are we doing in Iraq? The war was based on lies and false intelligence. This war is bankrupting our country. It is destroying our nations standing in the world. This war is taking our eyes off the real threat to world security which is WTF is the tallest guy in Pakistan Osama bin Laden?? WTF if Islamic fanatic’s get control of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal?
This party would ask WTF is impeachment off the table? The only way we can hold a rouge executive, congressional or judicial branch accountable for lying to congress and breaking the laws of these here United States of America is to impeach the SOB’s for their crimes and throw them out of office.
This party would stand up and ask WTF don’t we have a national heath care system that covers all Americans? Every modern country in the world has one. Our corporations have to compete with foreign corporations whose citizens are provided health care by their government so their corporation can do business cheaper.
This party would stand up and ask WTF are all these loopholes in the tax structure. WTF do we give corporate welfare to companies that export American jobs to countries that have slave labor and exert no environmental controls over their industries that would keep them from polluting this planet?
This party would ask WTF don’t we have public financing of our elections so that a large corporation say like a Halliburton or an Exxon can’t unduly influence a candidate’s decision on an issue?
This party would say WTF don’t we have an independent ethics body watching congress, the lobbyists, and the Executive branch? Although significant changes have been made for the better we still need more oversight and more independence in an ethics body.
This party would say WTF is this president doing to the constitution? This g*%dam* piece of paper is the only thing that keeps this current and future band of crooks from taking over and turning this grand experiment we call democracy into another tyrannical nightmare. This party would ask WTF is congress when the president is shredding the constitution one line at a time?
This party would be the party that would be asking WTF can’t we all the parties work together to find solutions to the differences that we have all and coming to the center and backing sane policy decisions instead of spinning off from one extreme to another?
Where is the WTF party?
Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.