Freedoms Watch – The new Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
We have a new noise machine coming out just in time for the 2008 elections. This neo-convict organization that is run and supported by the former Bushites. The Washington Post lists the following members and donors for this fear mongering spin machine.
• Bradley A. Blakeman (president, a former deputy assistant to George W. Bush).
• Ari Fleischer (board member, former Bush press secretary).
• Matthew Brooks (board member, executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition).
• Mel Sembler (donor, former ambassador to Italy who helped finance the 2000 Florida recount battle).
• John Templeton Jr. (donor, board member of the Templeton Growth Fund and financier of Let Freedom Ring).
• Sheldon Adelson (donor, CEO Las Vegas Sands Corporation and the third-richest American in Forbes magazine's rankings last year).
• Kevin E. Moley (donor, former U.S. ambassador to international organizations in Geneva, and a senior adviser to Dick Cheney during the 2000 campaign).
• Howard Leach (donor, CEO Leach Capital and former ambassador to France who also helped fund the Florida Recount).
• Anthony Gioia (donor, head of Gioia Management and former ambassador to Malta).
• Richard Fox (donor, co-founder of the Republican Jewish Coalition).
• Gary Erlbaum (donor, owner of Greentree Properties).
This is the P.A.C. that has the commercial with the vet who lost his leg in Iraq and the mother that had lost a son imploring for continued occupation of Iraq so that their sacrifice would not be in vain.
When this came out I watched Chris Mathews show and he was interviewing Ari Flescher, former White House spin doctor, who was touting the sacrifice of the young vet who had lost his leg and Matthews asked Flescher what was the young mans name and Flescher had no clue. Just goes to show you how much they actually care about the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. They are also rattling sabers towards Iran comparing it to Hitler's Germany.
This organization has deep pockets and is spending 15 million in advertising in 20 states where the Democrats don’t have clear advantage or the seat is up for grabs.
Several of the group’s ads play to the same old Bush spin that Iraq was responsible for the World Trade Center attacks of September 11th 2001. Here is how one ad goes. A war widow claims “I lost two family members to al Qaeda, my uncle a firefighter, on 9/11, and my husband, Travis in Iraq. Congress did the right thing, voting to defeat terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Switching their votes now, for political reasons, it will mean more attacks in America.”
This organizations whole spin is the same fear mongering tactics the Bush administration has been using since the build up to the Iraq war. Since it is a Political Action Committee it is not subject to campaign finance laws. They will come out attacking Democrats for the 2008 elections like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group that smeared Kerry’s reputation with lies and distortions of the truth in 2004.
Go here to watch their propaganda.
What this group should be named is Watch Your Freedoms Disappear. As the Bush administration tries to dismantle the Constitution and start a war with Iran before he leaves office in 2008.
What Freedoms Watch should stand for is
Freedom Watch Out for the war profiteers
Freedom Watch Out for the lies and distortions.
Freedom Watch Out for partisan politics.
Freedom Watch Out for corporations that ship our jobs overseas.
Freedom Watch Out for 50 million Americans that don’t have health insurance.
Freedom Watch Out for tax breaks for the rich while neo-cons bankrupt this country.
Freedom Watch Out for secret prisons that imprison people without habeas corpus.
Freedom Watch Out for election fraud.Freedom Watch Out for those who won’t impeach politicians that commit high crimes.
Freedom Watch Out!!!
Peace and Liberty through intelligence, strength, and integrity.