American democracy is in terrible trouble.
In order to have a functioning democracy we need an electorate that pays enough attention and is educated enough to see the issues, and hold its leaders accountable. Enough Americans noticed that this war in Iraq was nothing but a neo-convicts dream come true.
We then kicked enough Republicans out of office to control congress and the first thing that the first woman speaker does is take impeachment off the table. Every time the cravens impersonating lawmakers get a chance to stand down those who wish to seize power from the people, and put it into the hands of an imperial presidency, they waffle and cave in to the fear that they will be perceived weak on National Security and not be invited back for another ride on the tax payers dollar.
The zealots now are in a position to control the majority of the oil in the Middle East and are pushing to start a war with Iran for no other reason than to get control of their resources and enrich their war profiteering pals. It is the same people who planned the debacle in Iraq are planning the next adventure in Iran.
Rallying the call to arms the news network for the mentally challenged, Faux Network, CNN, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and all the parrots and blind followers of the likes of Norman Podhoretz are leading our country to the abyss and the Democrats are on board the fast train to the demise of America.
The newest thing that the Democrats are planning to cave in on is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or FISA for short. We can still act to prevent the Bushites from permanently being able to invade our privacy with no meaningful oversight from the courts or Congress.
Two bills were introduced yesterday to fix the Protect America Act but only the FISA Modernization Bill introduced by Rush Holt, will fix the Protect America Act that was rushed through Congress in August. That bill rubber stamped Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program. This bill will require individual warrants. The other bill, The Restore Act allows for a blanket warrant for the government to record our personal conversations without our knowledge and save the information in a secret database forever.
America was founded not by a fearful people but people courageous enough to risk life, liberty, and fortune to through off the yoke of tyranny. Mr. Bush says the terrorists hate our freedom but I think it is Mr. Bush and his cabal of cretins that hate our liberty. Call your Congressman today and tell them to support only the FISA Modernization Bill introduced by Rush Holt.
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