The big question is why, after all the numerous reasons to impeach, we haven't seen real movement to do so by those that have the power to implement it. Why, after Rep. John Conyers wrote a book on impeaching this president, he now cowers behind statements you can see he himself doesn't believe. Why Rep. Henry Waxman can stand before a group of citizens and say without apparent shame that investigating steroid use in baseball is more important than allowing Sibel Edmonds to testify about treason committed by high government officials in an on-going criminal enterprise.
There has to be an explanation beyond mere run-of-the-mill corruption and incompetence. What I'm about to propose is extraordinary and fraught with conspiracy, but when you take it all into context it adds up.
I've noticed over the past seven years when those of influence would go into a meeting with Bush&Co, they would come out and start singing the praises of those they went in to condemn. It was puzzling to say the least and would conjure-up dark thoughts of blackmail or something even more sinister. It's the more sinister part that perhaps will provide answers to the Big Question.
To wit, what we have now is not a functioning government or government at all, but an on-going, full-blown criminal organization of staggering proportions, with unlimited money, power and influence. It crosses all boundaries and cultures, and encompasses criminal elements of so-called intelligence agencies, corrupt governments of other nations, mega-international corporations, bankers and old world money. The only function of this organization is to do what all criminal organizations do, and that's to take the resources of the many and place them into the hands of the few.
They do this by using all means of persuasion -- murder, extortion, intimidation, threats, and much more -- to achieve their goals. They are here not to govern, but to destroy and, if you should stand in their way, they have the full force of the deadliest weapons ever devised along with the people to employ their use behind them.
We can start with 9/11. We could start with the 2000 election, or even go back for generations, but 9/11 did indeed change everything. Let's assume that 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not going to go into arguing the case that it was, but the sake of argument let's assume that it was a "false flag" black-ops operation orchestrated and executed with in-your-face bravado.
One of its effects was to inflict "shock and awe" intimidation. The shock of accepting this is enough in itself to intimidate anyone. I've heard on more than one occasion where someone would say, "Well if that's true, than all is really lost." And indeed that's the premise.
Put yourself in this situation. Say you have a grievance and were influential enough to present it to the powers that be. You're taken into a room and you're brazenly confronted with all the evidence of 9/11. Who was behind it, how it was pulled off, how the media is manipulated, influence over the justice system, and how investigations are stymied and controlled -- enough to make the extent of the criminal organization make your blood run cold. What would you do? What could you do? Knowing this organization has the power to commit mass murder in broad daylight and get away with it, what would you do?
Next they might use Sen. Paul Wellstone's mysterious plane crash that killed him and his family as an example of what could happen to you if you bucked the organization. They could use the Anthrax sent as warnings to Senators Tom Dashle and Patrick Leahy, which was traced back to a US military base, before its investigation was abruptly stopped by then Attorney General Ashcroft. Wouldn't that be enough to have you stand down? Knowing if you walked out the door you couldn't trust normal channels of authority for fear of them being compromised, and if you dared go public it could all go for naught and your family would be put in mortal danger regardless. But if you did what you were told, you and yours would come to no harm and instead flourish and be "protected." What would you do?
Now look at all the lame excuses given for not touching anyone in this organization. Do they make sense? Do you really believe steroid use in baseball is more important than investigating the sale of nuclear weaponry to terrorist organizations, or that the people who report this tripe believe what they're saying? Do they really believe we're that stupid? Are we that stupid?
Who has been held accountable? Save for one greedy lobbyist and a few low-lying politicians whose crimes were so obvious they could not be ignored and didn't affect those in the organization, no one from the higher echelon of the organization has been touched. What has been the effect of any of the investigations so far? Who's been held accountable for ignoring subpoenas or destroying evidence?
If you or I committed the above, would we be running around free, giving speeches, being offered high-paying consulting jobs or lobbying for companies we were supposed to be regulating when in office? Would we be allowed to continue in our jobs or, in many cases, promoted?
This organization didn't spring up overnight. One could make an argument that it's been around for generations by tracing organizations such as Skull & Bones, Bilderberg Group, Tri-Lateral Commission, PNAC and a host of other groups, corporations, agencies and families both rich and/or royal. This criminal organization has reached its zenith and is now so entrenched as to be near impossible to eradicate through normal means, but rather requires a total uprising and revolution.
If what I propose is real, what recourse do we the people have? If powerful people can't effect change and are brought to their knees; if we know we have no say in who leads us and that our votes are simply for show, that our petitions are less than worthless and indeed make us targets instead; if we know there's going to be no one person, or party, or authority, or media figure to bring justice -- to whom do we turn?
Thomas Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must be nourished from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
I submit - that time has come.
Michael DiBari is just an ol' guy from the Big Easy who would like to see something done right -- just once -- before he leaves
Sheila Samples is an Oklahoma writer and a former civilian US Army Public Information Officer. She is a Managing Editor for OpEd News, and a regular contributor for a variety of Internet sites.