We need to redefine the human problem; Rather than deciding how to cut up the scarcity pie, we need to bake a much bigger prosperity pie. To quote my brother, O.T., such a pie will be "LUSCIOUS!"
How can we create the intelligent systems where everyone gets what they need? By redefining the problem, we can create a new solution; we can now use our collective intelligence to devise a new engineering equation.
Humanity now has enough knowledge to be able to invent our way into a future of plenty. We simply have not been aware of the fact that we now have the possibility of prosperity for all. This will bring global peace.
According to engineers, the world's industrial system is now operating at only about four percent efficiency, but scientists have calculated that this can easily be improved to an average of twelve percent. In other words, all we have to do is start using already existing technology and stop being so damn wasteful!
We waste 90% of all energy; We use 50% of all gasoline within 3 miles of our own homes as we drive in circles in poorly designed communities to work, shop, learn and recreate. We have designed our towns and cities around the car, rather than around the people! We can design and build efficient communities where we walk and bike to all of these daily activities, and minimize long range transport for real necessity. Our present homes and buildings burn 40% of all energy! We can build efficient zero net energy use buildings. Such technology is already available and in use in places such as Abundance EcoVillage in Iowa. We can put the 90% of our energy that is wasted into action to produce enough for everyone.
Since engineers have calculated that the world's industrial systems for production of food, goods, transportation and services are now operating at only about four percent efficiency. This can be easily increased to an average of twelve percent efficiency.
Four billion people are already "making it" now with our present inefficient systems. Two billion are either not making it or living at very high risk.
3 x 4 billion =12 billion people that can "make it and thrive" with a threefold increase in efficiency.
The only missing ingredient is the "will to act".
Engineering efficiency could probably be raised much higher. It is better to understate than overstate a goal.
We need to ask how we can we raise engineering efficiency in our human operating systems and then create a concrete plan of action. How can we produce more energy, stop wasting energy, use less materials, & use less human time and labor to provide for our basic needs?
Since energy drives all human activity, we need to produce plenty of renewable energy. With plenty of energy, we can then produce plenty of food, decent inexpensive housing for every family, preventive health care, effective medical care, reality based education, efficient transportation and global communication systems.
We have the technology. We are only missing leadership. Our present global leaders are asleep at the wheel, heading down the wrong road.
If you "get this message" then you are part of the global leadership team for the new paradigm of prosperity. If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
Presently available technology provides for at least a dozen modes of renewable sources of energy.
We also now have the know-how to connect together all the world's electrical generating plants onto an efficient and integrated global grid. That one global project would almost double the amount of energy available in the world. Right now most generating plants run at about half capacity & use the other half for peak demand only. By interconnecting these systems every plant can swap power (especially between the light & dark sides of the earth) and therefore be run at almost peak capacity most of the time --without building any new generating plants.
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