A serio-Comedic-satire on the idiocy of the Bushites. Bush wants a War-Czar. (He Already Thinks He is one. He likes Titles which Reek of Oligarchy, Monarchy, or Dictator-archy. But why does he want this War-Czar? One look back at his history of shifting blame and panicky AWOLism will answer the question. Here is an analysis of his desire and need for yet another Patsy. Trouble, is no one is stepping up to accept the job.
Bush and His Fantasy War Czar
Bush complains about wasted time and effort in muddling through the Bureaucracy. People with low competency levels and a lower sense of ethics and morality (the former, not their fault, the latter certainly is, unless they attempt to, as Bush has done, practice above their competency and ability) can never comprehend why so many competent people need to look at every aspect of an idea before it is implemented. The reality of having a group of unbiased, competent people analyze every aspect of a plan, is that if two smart heads are better than one, then fifty smart heads are better than two.
A group of competent, unbiased people sees many more options than a handful of not-so- competent-people, like the Bushites. The more people who examine an idea, the greater the chance of add-ons and take-downs, to perfect the idea, unless there is available, a genius of exceptionable intellect and creativity and the very definition of the word, “Conservative” rules out such a possibility far more often than not. A lower IQ (Bush’s has been said to be 96, a smidge over one half that of each of a number of people criticizing him right at this moment) limits perception and options. There is usually no problem with not-so- competent people, doing what they know well how to do. There is a problem with not-so- competent, corrupt people practicing above their competency and venturing into things they cannot comprehend or properly manage and pretending everyone else is wrong and they are the only ones who know how to make things work. Their shortcomings never kept the Bushites from bungling into situations which were head and shoulders over their heads, as long as Bush had his back covered and there were plenty of people around on which to fix the blame, should things go wrong, as with him, they always seem to do. The advantage of a sharper mind, unsullied by corruption, emotional problems, or substance abuse addictions, is the ability to perceive a greater number of options and calculate how to develop them. That is not a description of any of the known Bushites
The Bush (Alleged IQ 96, which is fine, but pretending it is double that, is not) complained that when the commanding general in Iraq needed people for the “rule-of-law initiative,” his memo went from the U.S. Central Command, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and then to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and finally to the White House. Now, the Bushites want to cut away all those other heads and minds from reviewing their plans. They have learned nothing in the last five years. Who in the Hell voted for them? Can’t the congress see that this is just another fraud to erase a trail of responsibility and overseers, so they can continue to fly by the seat of their pants, and freeboot?
What the intellectually and morally deprived Bushites cannot comprehend is that the more people that see any plan or idea, the more the plan can be enhanced or shot-down. However, by calling them stupid and unperceptive, I actually give them the benefit of the doubt, for it is far more morally acceptable to be stupid than completely evil. The Bushites, I suspect, did not, and still do not want a large number of people to inspect their plans or ideas, because the Bushites don’t care about planning, or morality, only about creating with as much bloodshed, sadism and mayhem-confusion and disorientation as possible, so they could steal the oil and the cash and mass-murder as many dark-skinned Muslims as possible, to satisfy the blood lust of the so-called, “Christian Right” (of which they are neither.)
Here is the plan developed by the Bushites to create a "War Czar" to manage the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Bushites call the position an "execution manager," an apt nomenclature for the bloodthirsty Bushites. They have finally found a means to increase their slow process of one at a time, premeditated murders through capital punishment. Now they can fight Premeditated, preemptive wars against two nations at once, therefore increasing their satanic lust for Mass-murder. Now they can kill thousands of Dark skinned Muslims a week in two nations for their violence loving “Christian Rightists” (of which they are neither)
This “War Czar” job has already been rejected by several generals (who easily saw through the scam and the “Fall-guy” setup coming). Bush just wants another person to blame for the Bushites inept bungling, and the “War Czar” would be the perfect patsy.
The Bushites would place this “War Czar” in a direct line to Gen. David H. Petraeus, the U.S. military Commander in Iraq as well as the White House with no intervening connections, they say. (But not really)
The Washington Post has obtained a copy of the proposal, which would shift much of the daily management of the wars to this middleman (“War Czar”), removing the burden as well as the blame from the President and his staff. They have argued that an efficient and coordinated control is missing and this “War Czar” patsy would provide that. What they fail once again to see, is that it is not the lack of a “War Czar” that brings about the failure and lack of coordination they are so excellent at producing so regularly, which is haunting the Bushites, but foresight and intelligent planning. They complain that they don’t have this thing (the “War Czar”) they think they need (never mind that no other US president ever needed one.) and that if they had the “War Czar,” everything would be just fine. Well it isn’t the lack of a “War Czar” that is screwing things up, it is a lack of common decency, intelligent planning and competency, to say nothing about their being far more corrupt, and avaristic than all past presidents combined. Their motives are causing them to falter. They are flailing about in a panic and still not comprehending how others handled the job of running a nation so flawlessly before them. They remind me of those who criticize scientists who discover great things, only because they lack the gifts to understand and refuse to recognize that it is their own shortcomings not the motives of science, that are so far from reality.
As Jesus and Paul said, it is all about competency, empathy, and common sense.
It is not so surprising that such a lame idea as a “War Czar” comes from among one of their other long since, discredited silly geese, former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) Gingrich, sent a memo to the White House in March as part of an 18-point plan. That is considerably more points than Gingrich has on his head and far more than he can manage even with a computer and calculator. He does, to his credit, though, have ten fingers and ten toes, so can at least count to twenty without much help (or so I am told), if he can remember to take off his shoes, stockings and mittens. Beyond that, much to his own dismay, he has been observed attempting for hours to count his nose on several occasions, which is followed by audible whining.
Gingrich is now blaming the “American Bureaucracy for not “winning”. The Bureaucracy is now composed of a good many Neo-Con, Republicans. Back when FDR won WW II, the personnel involved in the war effort was composed of vastly more progressives, liberals and moderate, truly non-partisan, and patriotic, Democrats and Republicans that is why we won that war. Well, old gNut, or gNute, or Nwet or whatever fitting name he has, ought to know about blame, because his own malfunctions are well known to all. And Hell, the Bushites, have blamed everyone else including: Movie stars, Rock Stars, Divorced people, Married people, people without children, Homosexuals, single people, materialistic people, Muslims, Catholics, Darwin, Einstein, scientists, artists, people who like sex, babies born out of wedlock, the French, Europeans, the UN, the World Bank, Donald Duck, anyone who is not a fascist, the democrats and so many more. The only ones not having been blamed so far are various four legged species of the Animal Kingdom.
The “War Czar” proposal would require that National Security Adviser Stephen J. Hadley, the “executioner,” err, I mean the execution manager would have daily conferences with all military ambassadors in Iraq and Afghanistan and offer "same-day-service," to General Patraes.
The hitch is that so far no one has been stupid enough to take the job, only a dimwit would. The Democrats are saying Bush is merely trying to dodge responsibility, as he has all his life. Some have been heard to say, according to Hill chatter, that Bush needs an endless supply of scapegoats, fall-guys and dupes, in order to operate, so that when his plans, as they inevitably seem always to do, fail, he will have no trouble finding someone to plug to take the blame and deflect from him culpability.
Retired Maj. Gen. John Batiste, former commander of the Army's 1st Infantry Division in Iraq said, "Standing up a war czar is just throwing in another layer of bureaucracy. Excuse me -- we have a chain of command already and it's time for our leaders to step up and take charge.”
Eveyone in the military that dares speak freely about the “War Czar” idea has torn it to ribbons as an act of desperate impotence.
Democrats leaped on the refusal by several Generals to accept the offered position. Senator John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) said, "The message from the generals who were offered the war czar position has been crystal clear. If they really thought the administration had a strategy that could succeed in Iraq, why did they turn down the job?"
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