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What then is tyranny?

By       (Page 1 of 3 pages)   7 comments

Message Michael Berglin

What then is tyranny?


By definition tyranny is the rule of the many by the very few.  A few examples would be the reign of Adolph Hitler and Lenin of Soviet Russia.


Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers Party was democratically voted in as the majority political party.  Hitler was democratically appointed Chancellor, and once Hindenburg died, Hitler democratically had his minions in the Reichstag, Germany’s version of congress, to democratically vote German democracy out of existence.  Hitler had wide spread support in both Germany and Austria, his native country for his actions. 


Lenin had Trotsky launch the Russian revolution against a despotic monarchy and in its stead, Communism became the political ideology.  Regardless, the Bolshevik revolution had wide popular support amongst the people of Russia.


Today, our gun people point to both of the aforementioned leaders and baselessly claim that guns in our society will prevent such governments and people from coming to power in the future.  Yet, both men, Hitler and Lenin, came to power by the will of the people – history proves that to be an absolute fact.


While claiming to prevent tyranny, what have the gun people stopped here on terra firma Americana?  Have they stopped the erosions of our liberties?  Have they stopped the signing statements that now counter every law?


The gun culture supports a person in the White House who declares that the Constitution is nothing but “a goddamn piece of paper”.  What then is tyranny, especially possibly in the making?


While the gun people claim high minded idealisms, in reality they have done nothing.  Tyrants do not fear people such as our gun culture; they embrace it as Nazi Germany embraced the brutal and violent armed Brown Shirts.  The Russian Revolution never would have happened if Russia had been disarmed by the Czar.  Knowing this, what then is our gun culture’s true agenda?


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I have a degree in theology and a Masters in Holocaust History.
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