This is not an unfounded fear raised by crazy alarmists, but a legitimate main-stream question of great importance to all Americans. Bush has already been using the obscure and dictatorial Unitary Executive theory to justify illegal torture and illegal wiretapping in violation of existing Law. (See and The Supreme Court has not yet had the chance either to affirm or deny the Constitutionality of the Unitary Executive theory, but he time will be coming soon, if Bush continues to violate the duly-enacted laws, claiming authority to do so under the Unitary Executive theory.
According to the Unitary Executive theory, taken to its logical conclusion, the President has Constitutional authority over all parts of the Federal Government except those few parts which specifically belong to Congress or The Supreme Court. And neither Congress nor the Supreme Court has any authority to interfere with whatever the President feels he needs to do, particularly in time of perpetual war, when his "inherent powers" are the greatest, in order to "protect us from our enemies." This turns our President into a Dictator and turns our Constitution upside down, re-establishing the exact kind of tyranny it was intended to prevent.
For more information about the Unitary Executive theory, please see and and
Alito is a staunch supporter of the Unitary Executive theory, and he has helped to develop the "signing statement" applications of this theory. There can be no doubt that he would do everything in his power on the Supreme Court to turn this theory into Law, by deciding cases in its favor. For instance, if Congress challenges Bush's authority to conduct wiretapping and torture, the case would go to the Supreme Court. And if Alito could assemble a majority on the Court, the Unitary Executive theory would then become the Law of the Land, by Supreme Court decision.
Blessings to you. May God Help us all.
Rev. Bill McGinnis, Director