Using the "signing statement" technique developed earlier by Samuel Alito, Bush has already announced that he has the power to disregard the anti-Torture and anti-Spying laws. Then when Congress goes to the Supreme Court, trying to make him stop, Alito would already be on the Court, waiting to decide the case for Bush. Bush would win, on the grounds that he has the Unitary Executive (Fuehrerprinzip) "inherent powers" in "wartime" to do anything he wants to do, to "protect Americans from harm."
Then that would become the new Supreme Court precedent regarding Executive Powers vs. Congressional Powers, and all subsequent cases would go in favor of Bush, based on that precedent. Thus Congress would be neutralized, just like what happened in Germany when Hitler did basically the same thing Bush is doing now. And the Supreme Court would be ruling in Bush's favor because we allowed his nominees to slip through the confirmation process without giving straight answers to any of the important questions about the limits of Presidential power.
So we would then get what we deserved: An all-powerful George W. Bush as President, probably for life, because that, too, could be ruled necessary for "national defense." And perpetual war, because why would they ever want to stop? And all the fat cats getting fatter, at Public expense.
But that would be a lot of trouble, and everybody seems to have already decided that Judge Alito is "qualified" and should be confirmed immediately. And our lapdog mainstream Corporate Press is oblivious, checking the value of their stocks and waiting for their next ride on Air Force One and their next meeting with "senior White House oficials." And the hapless, inept Democrats are thankful because they still have their jobs in the Senate and still get to go on TV; and they think they probably couldn't do anything to stop it anyway, so why bother.
And the Senate Republicans are all saying, "Thank you, Jesus, for giving us a wonderful Leader like George W. Bush and wonderful God-fearing Supreme Court Justices like John Roberts and Samuel Alito, who will stand by our Leader and let him do anything he wants to do. We're facing a terrible enemy, which will stop at nothing to destroy us and our way of life!"
"Besides, President Bush is a true Patriot, you know. And he surely wouldn't do anything bad for the Country! So all you crazy liberals should simply shut up and let Our Leader (Der Fuehrer) do anything he wants to do to protect the Country," they exclaim, righteously.
And then the Army tanks start rolling down Constitution Avenue, heading toward the Capitol, "just in case anything bad might happen. We have to protect the Country, you know."
Blessings to you. May God help us all.
Rev. Bill McGinnis, Director