Perfectly logical. Patently insane. Incomprehensibly dark. Sickening, very literally.
And, of course, since the Nazis made the rest of the world sick at heart, we thought we could be rid of them by murdering them. Legally and peacefully. Unfortunately, when it is the ideas that are the problem, killing the people who believed in them, rightly or wrongly, only serves to fertilize the soil in which those ideas might take root and grow. In other words, as long as Hermann Goering was quarantined in a cell, well fed and in good health, he served the purpose of being a living, breathing reminder of what it meant to be insane, pitied or hated as one hates evil. In death, Goering's infected ideas could only spread beyond their host and infect others touched by his martyrdom, his honor or his brand of integrity. The whole of the Third Reich, by dying for their ideology, served to galvanize future generations in search of a justifiable target for their ethnocentric rage. Not to mention capturing the imagination of those Nazis who managed to infect their American adversaries with their dark ideology, fearful beliefs and homicidal ideation.
The present evidence, as I have understood it, suggests that the entire military industrial complex was built with the funds and/or the complicity of some of the world's most powerful families of wealth. Their intention then, as now, has been the systematic enslavement of the majority of the world's population. Simply put, we are their chattel, their possession and the more of us that there are, the less valuable any one of us becomes in their way of thinking about their world. In short, the Nazis were not an aberration, but a planned contribution by fascist, elitist society towards the end of solving the world's many population-related problems.
In a very real sense, we defeated Nazi Germany and then became every bit as cold and calculating as they had shown themselves to be. The process has been at times abrupt, but it is my belief that it has been calculated to lull us all into a state of utter helplessness. From this most vulnerable of conditions, the world's rich plan to retreat to the utter barrenness of their phenomenal wealth, whether that be in the highest of mountains or the deepest of tunnels. The less fortunate majority of the world's population would simply be left above ground to die a death of dwindling resources or one of a toxified biosphere.
Horrifying. Callous. Perfectly logical. Patently insane. Just like their Nazi puppets.
Wealth means nothing if it does not guarantee survival of the species. Burrowing one's self underground, or isolating one's self behind some barrier believed to be impenetrable only seals the prisoner behind a barrier with a murderer. Violent death eventually comes to those who sleep with murderers.
The present evidence suggests that the "southern strategy" of killing surplus humans in for-profit wars is not working fast enough. In fact, it may well have been the martyring of President John F. Kennedy that fertilized the soil for the growth and reproduction of the idea that illiterate, uneducated and unengaged human beings will engage in population-expanding behavior. But in fact, just the opposite has been proven true. The problem with this inevitable approach, however, is that so-called capitalism will become known for what it has always been from day one: fascism. A literate, educated and engaged human population will not long be deluded and manipulated, herded like sheep to an inevitable slaughter that, in truth, benefits no one.
The present evidence has demonstrated and will demonstrate that an educated population will mean the end of concentrated wealth and the beginning of true peace on Earth.