If anyone here has ever experienced having an idea bouncing around inside your head that caused you insomnia, then you know how this thing has affected me. I came up with the basic idea on the day of darkness, October 17, 2006; a date that will live in further infamy.
It is a sad, forlorn love song to a once proud legal right. It's a funeral dirge for every freedom America once held sacred, yet was so easily sacrificed on the altar of so-called "national security". It is a tribute in song to our paranoid nationalistic fervor that first gave us the (un)Patriot(ic) Act, and reached its insane pinnacle with the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Finally, it's a lyrical indictment of DUBYA, Dick(LESS) Cheney, and the rubber stamping idiots in both Houses of congress, from both political parties.
While I invoke the right of satire and parody in rewriting of the lyrics to the Sir Elton John / Bernie Taupin song Candle In The Wind, please know that I do not look upon this as either a parody or a piece of satire. I look upon it as an indictment of the kind of mentality that would give rise to willingly giving away our freedoms in the paranoid name of "national security." Just because "they" supposedly, "hate us for our freedoms," is no reason to remove our freedoms. "They" will still hate us, and our freedoms will be naught but a far distant memory.
So, with that lengthy preface out of the way, I give you, Goodbye Habeas, a lyrical condemnation of the (un)Patriot(ic) Act and the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
SUNG TO THE TUNE OF CANDLE IN THE WIND By Sir Elton John and Bernie Taupin.
Goodbye, habeas
Though I never used you at all
You were the basis of liberty
And justice for all.
Born in 1215,
On England's soggy plains
It was the Magna Carta
In which you were contained.
And it seems to me
They've tried to snuff you
Like a candle in the rain
For you guaranteed our freedom
From men insane
And drunk with
Absolute power
Who went to great pains
To kill our sacred freedoms
And stupefy our brains.
9/11 was rough
The roughest episode
We'd ever faced
DUBYA created a straw man
And "war on terror"
Was his name
In the name of this goblin
Our freedoms were subdued
For the Patriot Act
In congress was pushed through.
Goodbye, habeas
Though I never used you at all
You were the basis of liberty
And justice for all.
Goodbye, habeas
From the country
With its back against a wall
You will surely come back again
When this horrid law falls.
So, there you have it. At long last, I can finally put this thing to rest in my head. While I can't guarantee I'll get to sleep any easier tonight owing to the toothache that is currently kicking my ass, at least I know the idea above will no longer be bouncing around in my head.
I wish to end this by sending out my undying respect to the original authors of the song. Your songs have filled my heart over the years. Please do not take this as a slam against your music. I would never presume to do such a thing to two of my musical heroes!
Blessed be!
Harpist, unemployed blue collar worker, and Bush basher living deep in the heart of Texas.