"The Longshore Caucus resolution calling on all locals to honor May 1 by taking action to end the war and bring the troops home safely from Iraq continues to move forward. Various voluntary rallies and public demonstrations are scheduled for May Day."Information above is from the SF Gate article by George Raines "Clash ahead over longshore union war protest, 4/26/08 So it looks like the Longshore and Warehouse Union members are going forward with their statement to the politicians and the nation. Whether they will listen remains to be seen. Whether the corporate media will cover the ILWU remains to be seen. Whether the Bush administration will stretch the law to go after the ILWU for interfering with "critical infrastructure" as was approved under Public Law 108-458: Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, also remains to be seen. Thank you workers of ILWU for taking a stand!