"When the world community accepts that Israel cannot and will not compromise her own identity as a Jewish state...and when Israeli Jews understand that the transfer solution is not just the only possible solution, but is also substantiated by the Torah, only then there will be no doubt that Israel will attain her goal. "When two spouses truly do not get along and hate one another, it is foolish, useless, and cruel to force them to continue living together. They will never be able to share a bedroom. As Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach once noted, Zohar Ha'Kodesh says that Eretz Yisrael is God's bedroom where He interacts with the Jews, His chosen people, and where others do not belong. They have no business being involved in the relationship between God and the Jewish people. This is especially true now, when all that remains as a home for the Jews is the tiny bedroom called western Eretz Yisrael."But, what really sent me skittering to the corner was an article a month later, "The Growing Clamor for Ethic Cleansing," by Ali Abunimah, which laid out a neat plan for expelling Palestinians from their homes and land by Alan Derschowitz, a prominent Jewish attorney here, who was part of O.J. Simpson's defense "Dream Team." First -- Derschowitz says Israel should issue a warning that -- in response to a terrorist attack -- an entire Arab village or settlement, randomly chosen by computer, will be completely leveled. Derschowitz appears to be unclear on what is to be considered a "terrorist attack." I assume if you're walking home from work with wire cutters in your pocket to get through all the barbed wire that criss-crosses the area, it could be considered an act of terror... And last (there's no in-between, Derschowitz cleans it all up in just two steps) -- The Arabs will not know which one of their villages or settlements will be erased in retaliation. Abunimah says Derschowitz's use of the word "erased" very precisely reflects the force of Israel's response. Derschowitz says Arabs will be evicted without compensation. All houses and buildings will be completely demolished and the area completely bulldozed into a large field. After several such fields, Derschowitz believes that Arabs will lose any desire to commit "terrorist attacks," and more and more of them will leave Israel. This, then, is the agenda of all but a handful of members of the US Congress and the majority of the American people? Somehow, advocating ethnic cleansing as a final solution to the problems of the Middle East says so much more about America than it does Israel, and hardly qualifies as a plan for peace. Somehow, anyone familiar with the relentless ferocity of the Palestine spirit as its people were forced to fight a lonely battle for the past 60 years in a futile attempt to hang onto their own land knows the Derschowitz theory -- those being dispossessed will finally hang their heads in defeat and quietly leave -- is destined to fail. Because the last Palestinian standing will be waiting for Israel's bombs and tanks and bulldozers. And he'll have a rock clenched in each hand.