In some ways, the two go hand in hand. As happens in any relationship, when one side of a polarity experiences growth, it can help accelerate growth in the other. As we create a more enlightened left, it automatically encourages the enlightened right. And vice versa. I see our political polarity as one of interdependence - the fractious tug-of-war dynamics between Democrats and Republicans tends to reinforce relating from a certain level. Shifts on either side open space for the other side to evolve as well.
So, from this perspective, creating a more enlightened right is vital for the sake of political progress in America because it provides the complementary half to a more enlightened left.
When I say "enlightened right," many on the left cringe - they have a deep belief that the values, principles, and ideals of enlightened living are found entirely on the left. However, I believe that doesn't see the situation deeply enough. There are noble, beautiful, deep, generous, caring, wise, skilled, and dynamic people on the right, just as there are on the left. The difference is one of personal predilection - where does our soul naturally gravitate? Do we champion the underdog by working for the poor and the marginalized? Or do we focus on creating profitable enterprises that ensure prosperity for all? Do we enhance our social safety net so that all members of our society feel cherished? Or do we focus on cultivating the self-discipline, courage, and fortitude to protect our society, such as in the military?
So although I lean left, I find it valuable to reflect upon what a more enlightened right looks like. Here are a few principles that occur to me in describing someone who expresses what I see as the enlightened right:
That is, of course, far from a comprehensive list. But it does start to paint the broad brush-strokes of the more enlightened right that is emerging. This more enlightened right serves as an improvement over the closed-minded, fearful, and control-based factions of the Republican party that have become too powerful for our collective good.
In a previous column, I had given a somewhat playful name to the higher-octave expression of the right wing - the Radical Republicans - signifying their embrace of the more radical change elements on the left. In retrospect, though, "radical" is a term that most people on the right shy away from since it doesn't connote much respect for the past or power structures - too much youthful rebellion in it. Perhaps a more appropriate name is Progressive Republicans because they are committed to progress - economic, moral, scientific, and spiritual.
The great benefit of adopting "progressive Republican" as the banner for this more enlightened right would be that it is the same term that many Democrats use to describe themselves. The term thus points to the deeper truth, which is that in order to have integrated progress as a country, we need to evolve on all levels and with as many people as possible. The virtues, disciplines, and skills developed by an enlightened right will prove just as valuable as the virtues, disciplines, and skills developed by an enlightened left. As these two wings emerge in parallel, they can demonstrate a shared commitment to "progress" while respecting their differences in how they contribute to that progress. In that way, the next political order can become a synergistic complementarity rather than an antagonistic polarity.