Did they ask how many prison sentences he's commuted for strangers? Did they ask whether he thinks people might suspect he Libby-rated his acolyte to keep his mouth shut? Did they ask whether he intentionally falsified a rationale for war against Iraq? Did they ask why he sat reading children's stories after the plane crashed into the building on 9/11? Did they ask whether he's sorry he fired the generals who said he would need a half-million soldiers to conquer Iraq? Did they ask whether his domestic surveillance acitivities have uncovered dirt on people in Congress or on other opinion leaders?
Did they ask which lawyers told him his "signing statements" don't conflict with his Constitutional duty to see that the laws are faithfully executed? Did they ask whether he knows that Cheney exercises presidential powers and whether he's OK with that? Did they ask how long before the people displaced from New Orleans will be able to return?
Did they ask whether it's a good idea to keep state militias deployed abroad when they might be needed here? Did they ask how much his successors in office should be willing to spend, in lives and money, to postpone a U.S. acknowledgement that it lost the war he started? Did they ask why none of his daughters, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, or associates is serving in uniform?