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By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   2 comments

Steve mcqueen
Message Steve mcqueen
I wrote earlier about last night's debate, and never one thought once about who I thought won the debate, a question that normally comes to mind first.

Obviously the loser was the American voter.

But who won?

The answer is usually comes after figuring out who made the most inroads.

Barack? Certainly not. Hammered all night about blah-blah-blah, how could he be?

Then it would have to be Hillary. Nope. She circled so many answers before landing with anything close to an answer she might end up with more frequent flier miles, but not a victory.

The fact that McCain didn't even have to deal with any questions might make him the winner on the zero-is-better-than-negative yardstick But no.

Maybe ABC.  Don't even go there.

After going through the questions' subjects - William Ayers, Bosnia, Reverend Wright, bitter clingyness, flag pins et al, I realized that there the winner's becomes as obvious as a Sean Hannity ten minute question...SEAN HANNITY.

Sean Hannity, a radio super mogul who many on the left call a fool.

Yes, the FoxNews host and ABC syndicated radio host comes out smelling like a right wing muse to ABC's Charles Gibson.

Were Hannity's incessant rants on the William Ayers, Reverend Wright Bosnia, bitter clingyness, flag pins, et al themes been streamed through some sort of ESP from Hannity to Charles Gibson.? Did Sean just go through the ABC food-chain to pass Stephanopolous a note?

It doesn't matter how they got there. It's because Hannity has spent the last many months repeating it until it catapulted out of right wing world and directly into the mouths of the ABC moderator.

Which mean more than anything, what Sean Hannity does, works. And if anyone should be declared the winner, it's got to be Hannity.

Nw who's the fool?

Steve Young is author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful" www.greatfailure.com

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