One of the more compelling things about this evidence is that among other things it involves actual handwritten notes by Vice President Cheney on a copy of Joseph WilsonÂ's New York Times Op-Ed article Â"What I didnÂ't find in AfricaÂ" published July 6, 2003 in which Wilson claimed that US Intelligence was Â"exaggerated and twistedÂ" to support Bush administration claims of WMD in Iraq. Specifically refuted were the claims of Â'yellow cakeÂ' uranium being sold by Niger to Iraq. Who can forget President George W. BushÂ's 2003 State of the Union address where he alleged that Iraq was seeking Â"Significant Quantities of UraniumÂ" from Niger? One can only speculate about what Cheney wrote on that copy of WilsonÂ's article, but if it is relevant enough to be submitted as evidence by Fitzgerald, it must be at the least embarrassing for Cheney and the administration if not out and out damning to the Vice President. ( A complete text of WilsonÂ's New York Times Op-Ed can be found at )
What can now be clearly seen is that the CIA Leak-Gate scandal involves the very highest levels of the Bush administration. If Cheney is involved, I think it highly unlikely that President Bush was not himself involved and aware of the conspiracy to discredit Wilson and the information he was revealing via the felonious outing of his wife as a covert CIA agent. It is becoming more and more clear that this administration manipulated intelligence to support the reasons for going to war in Iraq and then conspired like an organized crime family to cover it up and ruthlessly attack those who might expose them. We must have a complete investigation and those responsible should resign or be impeached.