No sitting member of Congress has yet called for the immediate impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. But there are three Congressional candidates in the Los Angeles area who have, Charles Coleman (D-CA-28), Bob McCloskey (D-CA-29) and Marcy Winograd (D-CA-36). They have joined forces as the Impeach Team, to stand up for impeachment now, and to run joint issue-oriented radio campaign ads. And they have all issued challenges in the primary election in California a week from today.
If the flash animation player worked for you (and it should work for most people) you should be hearing the new radio spot the Impeach Team put together with Air America Radio (courtesy of their production department), which is already running on the Air America Radio national stream, the Los Angeles Air America Radio local broadcast affiliate, KTLK, and is about to start running on the biggest news radio station in the market, KNX. To support running these ads on even more stations, you can click on the link directly below.
There are many grounds for impeachment now. But it must be stated that while the Impeach Team is committed to their stand on the ISSUE of impeachment, the particular words below are responsibility of this author. On that basis, please read on.
Recently president Bush has taken to lamenting that the "terrorists" can "put horrible images on our TV screens." And he blames THAT for the bottomless landslide of declining support for his atrocity of a war in Iraq. Maybe that is why they have he have worked so hard to hide the horrible image of his OWN record as commander in chief.
They hide it by sneaking the dead bodies of our service men and women back home under cover of darkness, forbidding all pictures, even for members of their own families, lest the American people have to confront the true cost of war. They will show you endless shots of American flags, just as long as they are not draped over any coffins.
They hide it behind elaborately staged photo ops, with phony prop turkeys, and choreographed chats with rehearsed soldiers, and treating the entire crew of an aircraft carrier like they were movie extras.
The president talks about the insurgents killing innocent people on TV. But when WE kill innocent people, and our government and the compromised corporate media conspire in every way possible to keep that OFF our TVs. It is only when something so horrific that is defies human decency finally surfaces, like the systematic torture at Abu Ghraib, only then does a glimpse of the truth momentarily break through. And still they hid the worst from us.
Now yet another coverup too gruesome to maintain, the cold-blooded murder of women and children at Haditha, has been exposed by a media voice they could not control. And once again they will try to scapegoat a few "bad apples", who had the tragic destiny of cracking in a pressure cooker they should never have been put in at all.
But the atrocities at Haditha happened because there was no real accountability for the atrocities in Fallujah and a hundred other places. And the atrocities in Fallujah happened because there was no real accountability for the atrocities at Abu Ghraib and a thousand other places. And that responsibility goes right to the top of the chain of command, with the vice-president himself campaigning in the halls of Congress to maintain torture as a policy "option", and the president issuing a signing statement claiming he can defy the law Congress just passed to stop him.
Unless there is accountability for the lies and deceptions that underlie the so-called war in Iraq, the atrocities will not only continue, they will continue to get worse. Hiding those lies does not make them true, though they still desperately try, denying they even said things that are in the public record from yesterday.
And that is why we have absolutely no moral choice but to impeach both the president and vice-president now.
Those who are faint of heart, or apologists for atrocity, or have a self interest in maintaining their own power, say it would divide the country. Let it be so. Let the country be divided between those who love America and what it's supposed to stand for, and those who do not. And let us come together so that there is no division at all except between those who will face the truth, and those who are the war criminals themselves.