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We need BOLD candidates to step forward, and more and more of them ARE standing up now. In just the last couple days Stacey Tallitsch (LA-01) and James Wright (TX-08) have produced their own versions of the Lie/Die TV Spot, parts of which were seen during the Lamont campaign in CT. You should already be seeing one of these productions playing on this page. Or you can see them playing on their own web pages, or on a nearby TV soon if you are in one of their districts.
For the average citizen who would like to believe their government, who still holds a place in their heart for the ideals of goodness and democracy they thought we were supposed to represent, it is a hard moment to suddenly realize the depth of the depravity we have been peddled. But you or I have only to talk to our friends and neighbors to confirm what we fear has been done in our names. A candidate for high public office must possess a special courage to step forward and speak the awful truth, knowing in advance that the full force of the administration's corporate media cronies will try to rip them to shreds for that cause.
These brave candidates are not just waiting to get elected, they are standing up now to call for our troops in Iraq to start coming home. How many more will die or be horribly injured just between now and the November general election. And for what? To force 14 giant, permanent military bases on Iraq where over 90 percent of the people just want us to leave? So Bush can strut around like a war president or Cheney can devise new methods of torture for thousands who will never have a fair trial ever?
And when candidates like these DO stand up, shall we not support them, and reward them for their courage, and encourage them to continue to fight the good fight that must be fought? And when we do show our support for them, will not others be also emboldened to join the growing tide of voices opposing the hideous debasement of the spirit of America which was the bombing and occupation of Iraq?
With just a little over a week to go in this session of Congress, they are still trying to push through a unilateral negation of the Geneva Conventions. We hear that even the last token Republican holdouts have caved in to virtually all the Bush administration's dictatorial demands. This must not be allowed to pass. Democrats must muster every vote to stop this atrocity from becoming law, for you know even the small compromises made by the White House will be disposed of with yet another so-called signing statement.
These same candidates have their own action page on these issues, generating thousands of personal messages to Congress right now. Join with them and send your message demanding that our Congress hold fast to the ideals which are the only thing we have to show we are better than the terrorists we fight. For without our higher principles, the battle is lost forever before it is even engaged.
Action Page:
Action Page:
Speak out now America. Call your members of Congress NOW at either 888-3565-3588 or 800-828-0498 and demand they stop dismantling our system of justice. And if Congress won't listen, you can tell your friends and neighbors you know of at least two more candidates who will. Stacey Tallitsch and James Wright.