If you have already cast your vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll, you don't NEED to read this. If you haven't . . . perhaps you do need to read on.
When we send out an alert calling on people to speak out on one issue or another, we usually get at least one response, not a lot, but generally at least one, trying to SELL us on the proposition that:
1) it's not going to work, or
2) it's a waste of time, or
3) they'll never listen to us, or
4) it's too late to do anything, or
5) whatever it is should not be done at all because we should be calling for something DIFFERENT, or . . .
The list of possible excuses NOT to speak out is endless, limited only by the pitifulness of the person making the list, but you get the idea. For those who only want to throw in the towel, it can be thrown in many directions. And in our experience the people who are motivated to write such a letter to us, INSTEAD of contacting their members of congress or whatever, generally fall into one of two categories.
First, there are the people who have bit so hook, line and sinker on the Borg-like right wing "resistance is futile" mantra, that they take any glimmer of hope for change as a threat to their own security blanket of abject despair. Indeed, the only thing they WILL fight for is to keep from CHANGING from a loser into a winner. This includes of course right wing operatives themselves just trying to bum us out in our own work. But anyone even remotely progressive speaking such words should have their mind washed out with soap.
Second, there are people who have a agenda just under the surface of some kind of Marxist "man the barricades" crap, that has never brought about meaningful progressive change even one time in history, and has always led inevitably to the installation of even worse monsters that those being ejected by force. There is NO SUCH THING as a "dictatorship of the proletariat". There are only two polar options (with a gradient of degrees in between), a totalitarian despot at one end, and a democracy of the people at the other.
It is a mystery to us where the mental jack off revolutionaries of the second category think they will get millions of "proletariats" to man their barricades when they can't even get a tiny fraction of that number to open their mouths to even express a desire for policy change. It is just the other side of the despair coin to preach non-democratic methods and tactics, when those preachers are themselves such a total failure at mobilizing change through milder actions.
So let us be clear. We have only one avenue of real success, and that is peaceful democratic change. Anything else is just a gateway to increased tyranny, by further empowering the reactionaries on both sides, either by inviting and justifying a brutal crackdown, or by opening a Pandora's box of social chaos where only gross violence would be the winner.
Where we are at is this. We have an administration in office, and a vice president in particular, that has committed so MANY heinous, impeachable offenses that if there were a law school class on constitutional impeachment their pictures would be in the syllabus. Take your pick, torture, deliberately lying to the American people and the world to start a murderous war of aggression, billions and billions of dollars stolen (missing?) from our treasury, turning our entire justice department into their personal secret police, there is no end to their crimes.
And the only thing that continues to maintain even a tissue of a facade over their criminal conspiracy is a totally corrupt corporate media, which uses their dominance of our usual "mainstream" sources of information to pump complacent drivel into the minds of the American people 24/7. But even that is now breaking down as people through the internet can access themselves directly the stories that the talking heads try to keep quiet on their own graphic animation effects loaded "news" casts. That and the fact there are just too many bodies piling up for even them to hide.
Frankly we don't give a flying damn whether you vote yes, or whether you vote no, in the National Cheney impeachment poll. You can do either. It's your voice, not ours. It's not our job to change your mind, or persuade you, or tell you how to vote. But vote DAMN IT. Open your mouth and state an opinion. Because if you are not outraged at what is being done TO YOU, let alone in our names, there is likely no help for you at all. Seriously, if you will not speak out on this one, what WILL you speak out on?
National Cheney Impeachment Poll:
Over 43,000 people have done so already. Is that millions yet? No, it's not. But it will be millions. That's the winning attitude. Perhaps the glass may only be 1% full so far. But that's the way we look at it. This is just the beginning of the process. And when the wave of public opinion breaks on this, and it surely will, the flood with wash away ALL iniquity. And we will do it all within the four corners of the Constitution.
All we need is that one damn piece of paper, and the true power of the words within.