Were the NeoCons trying to "work" with the Democrats when Hastert wouldn't let them propose any bills on the floor? Did the Bush administration try to accommodate the Senators that had misgivings about the war, or were they called defeatist and traitors, and worst of all, wasn't a 30 year Marine Veteran branded a "coward" by a right wing female that never did anything for her country but b*tch about the Democrats? So what are the Democrats going to do, take the "high" road? That "high" road is the road that your corporate handlers want you to take. The people, the ones that really run this country, and have now proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt, want the Democrats to lead, not negotiate. Sixty percent of the American people said that they were voting not for the Democrats, but against Bush and his failed policies and high-handed pursuit of power.
We need that tax cut eliminated. The top 1% has saved enough money at the taxpayer's expense. We need you to get rid of school vouchers and get back to making our public schools the best in the world, not places that poor people send their kids to, because they can't afford to drive them across town everyday to a "Charter" school. If the wealthy want their kids to go to private schools, then let them pay for it! Damn, I forgot, you Democrats are rich now too, how shortsighted of me. I guess that the tax breaks and the school vouchers will stay won't they? I'm sure that you smart politicians will come up with some kind of "spin" about why you can't change those things. Well remember this, most people in this country aren't rich, and we vote.
We also need to stop being the world's police force. If we are going to help somebody, why not help the people in Darfur that are being killed off by the hundreds of thousands? Why not ask for sanctions against Zimbabwe and try for regime change and get Mugabe out of power so he can stop killing his countrymen? How about taxing the hell out of the diamond trade so that people aren't killed for the DeBeers family fortune? How about making sure that John Bolton doesn't go back to the UN and embarrass us anymore? While you are at it, why not say something about the President's "signing statements" that he's used to make America his private fiefdom?
The hell with it all, why not impeach the man. While you are at it, get his co-conspirator Cheney, and send him packing. Let them go home just long enough to put their affairs in order before reporting to federal prison for fabricating evidence that caused us to go to war and end the lives of almost 3,000 American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's that had nothing to do with 9/11? While you are at it, make sure that any money they get for their memoirs goes back into the treasury to help pay for the wasted money we spent in Iraq.
Am I being rude? Am I being disrespectful? I sure hope so. I said from the first day that Bush mentioned that Saddam had WMD's in Iraq that he was a liar. I have proof. Why the majority of Democrats in the Senate believed him is beyond me. If the 22 Democratic Senators would have stood up for themselves, you know who I'm talking about, the ones that voted for the authorization of the use of force in Iraq, we wouldn't have spent almost $350 BILLION dollars. Iraq wouldn't be in a bloodbath. 3000 of our best and brightest wouldn't be dead. The men and women that were crippled and maimed over there would be whole and maybe have a chance at living a normal life.
So stop taking the "high" road and trying to meet in the middle. Bush himself said you can't placate the Hitler's of the world. Don't be "appeasers". Get our Country back on track. This is why we voted Democrats in. We didn't put you in to play with the Neocons.