Why? That's an easy question. I did it to stop the Right wing Republicans from giving the worst president in my lifetime another rubber-stamp congress. Do I believe that the Democrats are going to turn this country around? No, not at all. Do I believe that they will take the moral high ground? No, they will take the path that they feel will lead them to victory in the 2008 elections, and it doesn't matter to them if what they do is right or wrong. The Democrats will work for the Democrats. Not for the citizenry, not for what is right and certainly not for what is moral. They will also not accomplish much, not as long as President Bush has the power of the veto in his pen at the oval office. They will not accomplish anything more than a raise in the minimum wage, and with any luck at all, they might be in a position to get Bush to start negotiating with people he would not have talked to had the Republicans stayed in power. As long as Rep. Pelosi insists on no impeachment, the war in Iraq will drag on and the body count will continue to rise with no real gains in getting a unified government that will be able to stop the violence in that country. We could see a charismatic figure rise in Iraq that could unify the divided people and bring progress to the country, but don't hold your breath. He or she would probably get themselves assassinated in short order.
When the elections come around again in 2008, we will still be in Iraq, unless the Democrats can scare Cheney and Bush into resigning at the same time which is unlikely. If anyone leaves, whether by impeachment or investigation, McCain will probably be President and not Nancy Pelosi. If an investigation begins and it looks as if they will have enough evidence, Cheney will resign, Bush will appoint McCain as VP, and McCain will be President if Bush goes. Of course, McCain's vice-presidency would have to be approved by both houses by a majority vote. This would make for some very ugly politics. Under the law, the Speaker of the House is only third in succession upon the death of the President and the Vice President, or if they both resigned at the same time. You don't seriously believe that whomever holds the Presidency (according to who gets thrown out first) would actually nominate someone from the opposition party to be Vice President do you? So impeachment would be a dreadful situation.
So, if Bush remains as President, we will more than likely have another Congress that will have gotten nothing of any serious consequence done. The Republicans will blame the Democrats and vice versa. The truth will really be that both parties will care less, as long as they have fodder for accusations in 2008. As long as their Corporate and Special Interest benefactors have been kept out of harm's way, and the economy is strong, then it will be business as usual. This country will not have single payer national healthcare, the war in Iraq will still be going on, we will not have overturned any of the laws that bring this nation closer to a fascist state, and who will be elected in 2008 will be anyone's guess. I'll tell you this; it will be a Democrat or a Republican. When the elections come up again in 2012, it will be another "referendum" if we still have elections in 2012.
Nothing will change as long as we have these incredibly inept, broken spirited political parties running this country. We will still have the very wealthy in power in Washington and they will get just enough things done to keep Americans that still think we are living in a democracy happy. Meanwhile, the Lawyers and insurance companies and oil and gas companies and the myriad of economic institutions we have will be calling the shots in Washington. In ten years we will have no middle class. We will have the rich and the poor. The workers, and the administrators. Large corporations will swallow up small private industry. The prisons will all be "privatized" along with the military, and everything else. Unless you have been born into a wealthy family with corporate roots, you will be working for a large corporation and you will have no union representation. There will be no unions. Think about it. It's happening now. Nabisco, and ADP and Con-Agra own all of these "Organic" food companies. They got you coming and going. Corporations are international. Piss them off too much and they will just move their factories to other countries where the economic and political conditions are more "favorable". This is who owns your political parties too. Not the people as you would like to believe.
War will be a business. It is already in the case of Iraq. In Iraq there are almost as many private mercenary soldiers as there are American troops in some areas. Private companies run the messhalls, fix the vehicles and even guard the military bases. When I was in the Army, the soldiers did those things. It's a brave new world out there now. It a brave new world in the halls of Congress, where we are even outsourcing our government to these International Corporations. What's next? Who knows? I don't see many people in this country that seem to care. To Quote Dylan; "Time will tell, just who has fell, and who's been left behind. When you go your way and I'll go mine".
Me? I think it's time for new political movement. A political movement that would protest this War in the streets until it's stopped. A political movement that would demand the reinstatement of the Bill of Rights and reinstate Habeas Corpus and would require warrants for wiretaps and surveillance. A political movement that would support organized labor. A political movement that would be against corporate financed elections. A political movement that would be against the political gerrymandering that has taken place during the last five years with incumbent parties drawing up districts that will perennially keep them in power. A political movement that would require the separation of church and state as demanded by the Constitution. A political movement that will stop pre-emptive wars on other nations. A political movement that will demand that power go back to the people and not to the corporations. A political movement that will be an alternative to the political parties that ask us to give up everything that this nation has worked to become in the last 200 years. This because a few lucky terrorists with box cutters managed to hijack some airliners and scare the majority of Americans (with the help of our own nazi leadership) into surrendering our freedom for a phony veneer of security. Is there anyone out there that wants this, or am I just whistling in the wind?