I watched him at the Doctor's office a while back. My wife was in with the doctor and I was left in the waiting room, tired after a day of work and anxious to get home to eat dinner, and MSNBC was on. I watched Beck in fascination for a few minutes and I thought that he was supposed to be a comedian. Then he had Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa) on as a guest. I knew this wasn't going to be funny. They talked back and forth for about fifteen minutes about how much they loved each other. At that point I think Santorum was just looking for a friendly face, any friendly face. I was left in the waiting room another ten minutes with these two idiots, and believe me, when my wife came out, I was not happy.
How do some of these right wing guys get their jobs? People like Michael Savage, the world's worst political analyst. Ann Coulter a brainless pretty face. Rush Limbaugh, who is so defiantly out of synch with humanity he has to pick on peoples diseases. That remark about Michael J. Fox was so bad that (and I happened to hear it live in my Jeep) if I was standing next to him, I probably would have smacked him in the face (really) don't the networks have any shame anymore? It's not just their views; it's their total lack of respect for anyone else. They somehow believe that they can say anything about anyone and get away with it. Unfortunately they are usually right. I don't watch Fox, even on a good day. Beck should waddle over there and work. He'd probably be a star.
One more thing while I'm on a roll.. There seems to be in politics and with talk show hosts, a double standard. Right-wing pundits all seem to point at the left's "Political Correctness" and chide us for it. That seems to be something they absolutely detest. They are always pointing to liberals as driving BMW's and attending PETA fundraisers and making sure that nobody's rights are being violated. Yet, when a liberal says something a they don't like, Damn! They Raise Holy Hell! I am not kidding. Look at John Kerry. He said that if you don't succeed at something, you can always join the Army. It was supposed to be a witty remark, but it came out sounding wrong. He was almost burned in effigy on Fox and other "conservative" outlets like Limbaugh's show. I mean big deal. Bob Dylan sang it in "Subterranean Homesick Blues". He sang almost exactly the same thing. They said nothing in 1964. That's what I mean about this double standard... The right has just about changed the definition of the word "liberal". They have done a pretty good job of it too. Liberal used to mean in politics, a person that: rejected many foundational assumptions which dominated most earlier theories of government, such as the Divine Right of Kings, hereditary status, and established religion. Fundamental human rights that all liberals support include the right to life, liberty, and property.* Now the word liberal, after the neocons got through with it, means a person that is weak-willed and won't stand up for America. A person that doesn't believe that people don't have to work if they don't want to and that the people that have money should "carry" the people who are poor by taxing them to death. Do you see what we have here? If you don't like the definition of your adversary, then change it. Change the entire language to fit your narrow view of the world.
I look at the word "conservative" and I still see someone that is slow to accept change and a person that doesn't like the government to spend the taxpayer's money. In some things hell, I'm a conservative, like when it comes to immigration for example. (That's a whole other subject). The word Neo-Conservative however, to me means xenophobic and militaristic person that thinks you can solve all problems with lies, innuendo and when that fails, force. A person that believes that might is right and that individual rights are given by the state, at the states discretion. A person that believes that diplomacy is a tool of the weak, and nations without military power. A neocon believes that the end justifies the means.
*Definition of "liberal" partly taken from Wikipedia. The internets free dictionary.