The difference between the Middle East and Vietnam is oil. Quite simply, it's about control of what Russia has plenty of, and if we can't secure our own source of the stuff, we can kiss our world power status goodbye. The world has only 35 years of oil left unless they find a giant reserve of oil somewhere that they haven't looked for it yet. I don't believe that Americans see it this way. I think they believe that we can get oil some other way. I guess they believe that we can just buy I at the price it is today forever. Well, that's a thought, but the problem is that we really don't have any money. This nation only has 233 Billion dollars in Federal Reserve Notes, the rest of the money is "missing". We could not now or ever pay off our national debt. now or in the future. As oil gets more scarce, the price will go up. We tend to put that information in the "irrelevant bag of things that we can't do anything about category". Where we will get the money for our energy needs is anyone's guess. My own belief is that Bush is doing what was planned while he was still a drunk. We are simply going to take it and after we have it, "spin" the war and everything else that we had to do to get it. This is what's happening now. You can believe it, or you can believe that George Bush is behind the whole thing and his giant intellect and ego thought this whole thing up.
If you agree with what I have just told you, you then must ask yourself what your own belief systems and moral code will allow you to accept or reject. If you think what we are doing is wrong, even though it's being done to guarantee America's energy needs for the future, then by all means try to stop it. If you don't want to see the United States possibly become a nation like Great Britain, a nation with a highly advanced culture and military, but basically de-gutted because it's run out of resources, than you will probably want the country to either continue in the direction it's headed, or find another way out of the energy crisis. Be aware however, it IS a crisis, and the crisis is here, right now.
Russia has the largest proven oil reserves in the world. Saudi Arabia, and Iraq and Iran have oil.We peaked on our American oil in 1970. What we should be asking, and what we should have been asking all along, is do we have the money to pay for oil legitimately on the world spot market. Now that Bush has done what he's done in the Middle East however, the factors there are quite different than they were before this war. Now the oil merchants in the Middle East have figured out that we will take what we want, and that we really aren't omnipotent. Iraq has shown them that. The gamble that Bush has taken on getting us oil has backfired and left us in a worse situation than we were before he started this scheme.
The only reason I am writing this is because I think we all need to look at this in a realistic way. Bush isn't crazy or the perpetrator of this war. He authorized it and pushed it, but if it had succeeded, when all the smoke had cleared and we had control of the oil in Iraq and big military bases there, most Americans would have forgiven him. I was against this from the beginning and I would not have forgiven him, I still have a grudge against Nixon and he's dead, but most Americans would have been fine with a successful war in Iraq. The war was badly planned and badly executed and now is almost hopelessly lost.
I don't want to hear the nation screaming when we are paying $6.00 a gallon for oil, like they pay in Europe. Don't be surprised when the Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia) is the world power 15 years from now (they have their own oil). This is probably going to be the case, primarily because of Bush's mismanagement. If we were going to go to war for oil, we should have done it better and been more prepared. The was the last chance we had of securing our future as a world superpower, unless alternate fuels and technology are developed. I don't really care about being a superpower, so don't kill the messenger. I'm just telling you how I see it, and I really didn't need to be a genius to figure this out. You just can't get stuck inside the 'box". I know this; just about everything I've ever predicted when I've been this clear about it, usually has cone to fruition. I tried a few days ago to write this article, but it came out kind of fuzzy as thoughts sometimes do when you first try to articulate them.
We could just forget about fossil fuels and concentrate on alternative fuels. Even if we were find huge reserves of oil, we should be getting away from carbon based fuels. We should be in crisis mode now. If we are rejecting Bush and his "Carbon Cabal", we should be screaming for huge government research programs to get us off this carbon addiction that is destroying the fabric of our world. It is no longer just the province of the Greens and the other ecologists. We should all be clamoring for answers to this crises that has been behind this war from the beginning. We have to get rid of the corporate influence that is controlling our political establishment. They too are part and parcel of this "Carbon Cabal". This must be something that the people initiate, because trust me, our government won't do anything but provide lip service to a new economic base. They are too entrenched with companies that are petroleum-based. Those with any sense will bet on other players as the petroleum dries up, but change comes hard. They are financed by these corporate interests, as they pay the politicians campaign bills.
Most likely this article will go to the bottom of the heap. If I were screaming about Bush's "mental heath" and how "great" Nancy Pelosi is and how the "NeoCons" should go to prison, then it would be at the top. I can't do it. You deserve better. This is what I believe is happening. These things are behind Bush's actions. It's not a group of Nazi's that were cryogenically preserved by Prescott Bush in the early 50's. It's just as simple as trying to steal the world's oil supply.