No email dialogues with like minded friends, no dem/progressive internet sites, no factual electronic news, etc. Frightening thought, isn't it, since all that would be left is the Judas media.
OK, then what? Well . . . Fox Snooze, "Clear" Channel, and general Rupert Murdoch trash. Sure, a few (a VERY few) heroes here and there, but basically a horizon to horizon desert of deception.
Remember how we felt after 9/11 when we still didn't get it that journalists had become extinct? Lots of us still watched television, maybe even Fox Snooze, and talk about pouring salt into your wounds! By the time they finished their spinning it seemed like our Constitutional Republic, the rule of law, ethics, and rationality had utterly ceased to exist.
Suddenly our screens were filled with babbling air heads (many of whom probably hadn't even completed a GED), pontificating to us about the God-like wisdom and courage of George W. Bush and how the Republican Party, Christian Fundamentalists, and the neocon lobby (lobbying for what country?), had truth by the throat and all the rest of us were either traitors or atheists or both.
It was a textbook one, two punch. First 9/11, and then the Judas media. In the language of Alcoholics Anonymous, we had HIT BOTTOM.
So, probably more than anything else, the internet saved us. Gradually, gradually, the dem/progressive sites began to appear, telling us to keep the faith, sign petitions, and talk to each other. Dear God, remember how wonderful it felt to discover we weren't alone and that out there in the seeming outer darkness were pockets of sanity and integrity.
Later we joyfully discovered that these "pockets" were really political continents of millions of patriotic, enraged Americans citizens (and voters!) who knew very well that George W. Bush was scum incarnate, the neocon lobby had treasonously un-American agendas, and Christian Fundamentalists were, let's just say, profoundly intellectually challenged. Not to forget that the monkey fundies literally anticipate going up in clouds of Armageddon smoke any day now.
Yeah, right.
Point being, God Bless the Internet, because it has been our lifeline during this would be neoNazi, Bush/Republican coup d'etat of our much loved homeland.
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The Liberation of Realism