Does Evil rule human history?
Let's look at the early 3rd millennia.
More specifically, let's look at the Bush Administration (and family!) -- and if these people aren't evil incarnate, then pigs can fly.
We can talk about our noble Constitution (and it IS noble) until we're blue in the face, but people like Rupert Murdoch, George Bush Jr. & Sr., and Pat Robertson are pulling the strings of the early 3rd millennia civilization.
But these people are the dregs of human existence. They are irrational, psychotic, stupid, and . . . EVIL.
But so what else is new? Hasn't it always been so?
Think about the 3rd Reich of the 20th Century. Monstrous evil. Evil beyond imagination. Now think about the Bush Royal Family (alias, the Saudi Royal Family). Samo, samo: limitless power, vampire greed, infinite hypocrisy, and mass murderers. And these are the people who are at the helm of our American Ship of State.
As opposed to who? Who do we have as a nation and country to oppose them? The diaper dems? People like the Hillary Clinton DLC Doll and Judas Joe Lieberman? This is called washing off blood with blood.
History isn't a subject which makes you optimistic about defeating evil. Yes, the allies "won" WW2, but then came the Soviet Union business and Korea and Vietnam. And now Iraq, Afghanistan, and if President Filth has his way, Iran.
In short, basically years of war interspaced with months (or weeks) of peace.
By why? War is lose/lose for civilization and humanity -- but it's win/win for evil. It has been so through the millennia.
Said differently, George Bush, Sadam Hussein, Dick Cheney, Adolph Hitler, Genghis Khan are all the same person, because the more you lack morality and rationality, is the more you an insensitive, simplistic hate machine. And the Bush Family has enough hate on tap to drown the east coast. They sure didn't blink when they cold bloodily murdered New Orleans, did they?
Bush is just another word for hate or evil. Maybe eventually, we'll speak of Good and Bush, not Good and Evil. Hell, use Satan while you're at it, or the 3rd millennia anti-Christ. Evil is evil is evil, and evil as always is tearing at the vulnerable throat of civilization. Unfortunately, for the first time in human history, evil has reached the magnetite that it can (and is) killing the biosphere of planet Earth.
Does this mean we should stop fighting the good fight. Certainly not, but realistic, factual history is whispering to us that (like it or not), evil generally (always?) has the last laugh.
Case in point? The here and now world. What more evidence do we need? Devils, hypocrites, maggots, Republicans, Texas energy corporations, terrorists, neocon traitors, and Armageddon freaks; call them what you like, but they are indifferent to law, civilization, morality, and rationality. They have their designer lusts and they would unhesitatingly boil your children in oil to get what they want.
And, however much it may torment us to admit it, THEY ARE STILL IN CONTROL OF AMERICA AND THE EARTH.
So what else is new?
Said differently, the biological evidence is strongly on the side that morality and rationality are being selected out of the human adventure.
Grim assessment? Well, this ain't Disney Land and the top of Pandora's Box doesn't even exist. It never did. Pandora’s Box has always been the House of Bush.
W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
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