We're still in denial about 9/11 and ongoing Bush/Republican Treason.
The evidence just keeps growing and growing that sociopathic Bush/Republicans didn't simply fall asleep at the wheel during 9/11 -- they were DRIVING THE BLOODY CAR.
So, when oh when are we going to come to terms with this ultimate treason?
And when oh when are we going to associate this treason with the money, money, money neocon lobby (certainly not lobbying for the United States of America)? Maybe we should ask Paul Wolfowitz since he has been welcomed back into the neocon fold after his illegal antics at the World Bank.
We still can't quite bring ourselves to see it and say it like it is. We are in the dead center of an historical and elaborately orchestrated corporate coup d'etat. These people have one goal: the extinction of the American Constitutional Republic. The problem is that this is so outside the pale of traditional American social patterns, that we keep trying to understand what's happening in political terms.
But this ISN'T politics! This is a fascist revolution! These people aren't just liars and greed vampires. They are also murderers and torturers and they are systematically killing the American soul. They are encouraging the formerly low profile American Dictatorship of the Rich to come out of their political closet and be the literal Kings and Queens of America. They are trying to regress our noble democratic institutions back into the Middle Ages. Might makes right and the end justifies any means are their battle cries -- just as they were for Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.
This is why "centrist" Democrats, like the DLC Hillary Clinton doll and Judas Joe Lieberman are 21st Century Nazi collaborators, As are all diaper dems and establishment politicos who are a part of the problem, not the solution.
Of course "problem" is too anemic a word to use here. America doesn't have a problem -- America is DYING. WE are losing EVERYTHING. Our civil rights, our retirements, our health care, our children's schools, our children's LIVES (in Bush/Cheney Oil Wars), and even our much loved Mother Nature. All down the rat hole. Listen, can you hear the sobbing of America? All the rest of the planet does and they keep wondering why we keep bending over and eating s___.
In short, they keep wondering why WE DON'T FIGHT BACK. My God, what else can these neo Nazis do to us? When they start sending vans down our neighborhood streets, broadcasting that we have to start wearing uniforms and marching to reptilian music, what will we do then? Anything? Nothing?
Of course, in essence, that's what they ALREADY ARE DOING, but it doesn't seem to interfere much with our escapist television sitcoms. Gee, that's what we have a Democratic Congress for, right? That's why we busted our butts getting these clowns elected.
Yes and no. Yes, progressive Democrats DO get to take credit for electing these 2004 congressional mice, but no, they aren't doing squat. There probably hasn't been such a collection of elected cowards in recorded western history. Our Democratic congress has turned out to be the bottom of the barrel, squeaking their way to some hell of betrayal and tragically dragging all of rest of us with them.
Look, it all comes down to the following:
(1.) Bush/Republican "terrorists" are killing our Constitutional Democracy, with the funding of the money, money, money neocon lobby (and play it again Sam, the neocon lobby is lobbying for who?).
(2.) Our elected Democratic Congress is an obscene joke. And they always will be an obscene joke since we have a ONE party system (the Democratic/Republican Party) which are the "brown shirts" of America's Dictatorship of the Rich.
It's 100% up to us to save the Earth, our children's lives, and our birthright Constitutional Republic. How? Yes, how indeed, but at least we know what DOESN'T work, i.e., business as usual politics. No, it's hardball time and no mistake. Hey, would we hesitate to play hardball if some human filth broke into our homes and began killing our children and stealing everything in sight? But, isn't that EXACTLY what is happening to us as we speak? It's life and death that we start taking non-political, hardball options seriously.
In a sports (or life) contest when you discover that your opponent is playing dirty and breaking all the rules, you better by God rise to the occasion and take care of business. The alternative is dying face down in the mud.
W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
more from Bill at <http://theliberationofrealism.blogspot.com/>