Bugles are blowing that now is the time for America to challenge the Bush/Republican “spin” on 9/11.
Seabirds of an approaching 9/11 tsunami are everywhere. New 9/11 sites are appearing almost every day. "Defensiveness” no more! Now we need to take the OFFENSIVE and once and for all seek out the historical and factual truth of this horrific event.
The pugs continue to dominate the diaper dem Congress, but they aren't dominating US! Just look at the polls! We are Americans and we love our country and we will do WHATEVER WE HAVE TO DO to get our beloved nation back into touch with reality.
The Internet should be smoking with town hall meetings about 9/11. Forget our "non representatives". OK, so we got blind sided and most of this “Democratic” Congress has turned out to be closet Republicans.
However, sometimes in the midst of overwhelming confusion and chaos, the sun breaks through the clouds and we see something with a kind of perfection of clarity. And that "something" is 9/11.
9/11 should be the Battle Cry of America! Indeed, it should be the Battle Cry of the Earth. 9/11 is the ultimate scene of the crime, probably forecasted by the mysterious death (assassination?) of honorable Senator Wellstone and all that anthrax that was mailed only to high profile Democrats.
Remember the political toilet George Bush was in BEFORE 9/11? But then "abracadabra" and president pinhead was metamorphosed into a "hero". A hero! Dear God, what an obscenity. George Bush, this killer of America’s middle and lower classes, this killer of our children in Bush/Cheney Oil Wars, this killer of hope in the Israeli/Palestine conflict, this member of the Royal Bush Family with multiple historical ties to Adolph Hitler’s 3rd Reich, this raper of Mother Nature (and on and on and on) is a "hero"!
It makes you nauseated to use that word in connection with such a man.
9/11 is what mathematicians or philosophers would call the alpha and the omega. It's the core event since the year 2000 stolen presidential election.
It's redundant to review the mountains of data, pictures, news stories, and interviews with generals, scientists, and the most highly placed intelligence officials to make it see spot run simple, but here it is: they KNEW it was going to happen and they did NOTHING to stop it.
May we say that again? They KNEW it was going to happen and they did NOTHING to stop it.
So forget about being defensive about Bush/Republican lies. They ran that scam very effectively for a time, but then is then and now and is now and independently of Bush Democrats (thank God, not all of them), "We the People" want to get to the absolute bottom of 9/11.
And the only way to do it is by being aggressive (not "defensive"). We have as right to know the manner and degree to which Bush/Republicans "facilitated" 9/11. And we should NEVER forget that the control center of the Bush/Republican Administration is the neocon cabal.
We also have the right to know how and why bin Laden and George Bush seemed to be joined at the hip. Remember bin Laden's timely photo op before 2004 which was probably the main thing that got Bush elected (however illegally).
The polls show Bush is back in his toilet, so now is the time for "We the People" to stand up and be counted. If we have to act independently of the nonexistent Democratic Congress, so be it. Our Constitution makes provision far many more options than we think, e.g., referendums, petitions, demonstrations, letters to the editor (and local politicians), and boycotts all DEMANDING the truth of 9/11.
Billionaire Murdoch propaganda factories would do well to go with not against this American inevitability. We don't need Bush's dem toilet slaves to bring this off and neither do we need the Judas media.
WHAT WE NEED, WE HAVE. We have the Internet and we have the great majority of the American people. And most of all, our patriotic, moral outrage about the evidential Bush/Republican role in 9/11 blots out the sun.
So long as we don't commit to learning the absolute truth of 9/11, America will have no soul. <http://theliberationofrealism.blogspot.com/>
ps. Forget 2008. We don't need that crystal ball and we have already waited YEARS to deal with this, so let's turn the Internet into a national/international 9/11 conflagration. Jesus, as always, said it to perfection: “The Truth shall set you free.”