Below is an article I published on June 16, 2007, before I began participating on Op-Ed News. Any writing I’ve posted that attempted to organize Liberals and Progressives has fallen flat, however this one was well-received by the readers, but nothing of substance came from its publication. I believe that times have changed, and the dangerous nature of our immediate situation require us to cast aside our personal ideas on “how we should re-take America” and form a committee comprised of David Swanson, Timothy Gatto, Rob Kall, and others who are the strongest voices for a free and democratic America. The individual Blogs and news sites have to understand that simultaneously publishing a unified column will not affect their core traffic in any way, except the one that championed this idea would pick up traffic as a matter of keeping the public informed of how the concept is progressing - and it could be instrumental to defeat the Neo-conservatives by us calling for the implementation of such a plan; read it, think it over, and reply with any comment that would be beneficial in retaking America from those who are devastating our economy and generally making us one of the most hated nations on earth. If my idea doesn’t sound plausible, then by all means, please submit yours, and lets get this show on the road!
Saving America - A Plan of Action!
I was reading The Impeachment Imperative on Diatribune , and it moved me beyond belief. I suggest each and every one of you read this article, as it brutally and effectively covers the complaints of the majority of the American people. The article lit a fire in my imagination, and if my idea won’t work, then I invite you to submit your’s. Maybe a discussion of solutions on “how” to achieve impeachment of the Bush administration will be more effective than the volumes of commentary we read every day.
It’s hard to write anything when faced with a great commentary, one we wish every household in America could read, hear - or even know about! It’s a call to the people, all of us, because our elected representatives aren’t doing their jobs and are playing politics with our lives. They’re too busy worrying about their jobs and the 2008 elections to address anything controversial or meaningful before a major presidential election.
Don’t forget, if they impeach Bush - Nancy Pelosi ascends to the Presidency, and all of a sudden, the entire mess in the Middle-east will be squarely in the hands of the Democrats - and I haven’t heard one plan yet that really makes sense. No matter how we do it, there’s going to be an increase of Iraqi bloodshed - and somehow we need to get out causing the least amount of further damage; it isn’t going to be pretty, or even politically correct no matter how they do it, so they risk doing nothing at all instead of serving the people who elected them to office. How many more American lives will be lost due to their inaction? How many more Iraqi lives? And at what cost to the people of America?
The real problem at hand, besides an ineffective Congress, is a complicit mainstream news media! We all know if the media got off its butt and actually informed the public of the real facts, emphasized the need for action - and covered the loss of our democracy as much as they did the so-called fall of communism, this nation might have a chance. But that won’t happen. Too many people still believe that Faux News is the gospel as far as news goes - and the other networks choose to run sensational stories about Paris Hilton or anything else to keep the people from learning the truth.
Lou Dobbs tells it like it is on some subjects - but Lou, give illegal immigration a rest for now… Who will care about illegal immigration if Bush attacks Iran and subsequently declares martial law here in America? Yeah, the middle-class is disappearing faster than Bush’s support, but again, who cares if the country is engaging in another illegal and immoral war? How about dedicating your show, as Keith Olberman does - to exposing the worst crimes of the Bush administration, commenting on them with the sincerity of a true American Patriot, and pleading with the people to listen and act upon what they hear; no, it’s not a direct plea for demonstrations or protests - but when a real American is faced with straight-forward facts, raw and without spin - there’s a natural reaction to seek any way possible to pitch-in and help save this country.
This country can still be saved! The politicians won’t do it, the military can’t or won’t, so there’s nothing left but the people themselves. It’s going to take everyone realizing that the end really could be near - not end of times, but our way of life as we know it and a heritage our forefathers fought and died for. How many of you have relatives that died for this country in the World Wars or other conflicts? The sacrifice our soldiers make on the battlefield is much less worthwhile if we don’t sacrifice at home, our time and energy to call and re-call each and every one of our Congressmen/Representatives, local TV and radio stations, and a constant barrage of indignation to the Editors of our local newspapers…
The squeaky wheel has always gotten the grease, and folks, we need to figure out an effective way to unite and bring together all of the resources that remain splintered throughout the Internet. We all have our favorite forums, Media Matters,, The Smirking Chimp, Daily KOS, The Brad Blog, RAW Story, The Huffington Post, BuzzFlash, just to name a few on the Internet - and my apology to the many Progressive sites I didn’t mention. Thousands upon thousands, if not millions, read some of these sites every day. They’re exposed to the situation as it really is, but in a manner that still leaves us all wondering how in the hell we’re going to save this country! We’re learning the true facts of what ails this declining democracy through the courage and persistence of these Bloggers - but the answers to fix our country elude us all! We still don’t have enough grassroots support. These are some of our best and brightest right now, and they’ve done a hell of a job of keeping us informed. Let’s call on them again, this time to unite, and help to repair this failing Democracy in unison, rather than death by a thousand cuts; after all, our enemy is heartless and doesn’t appear to bleed – and there isn’t time for all of the small wounds to take the beast down. United we stand, divided we lose our way of life and the democracy we cherish.
Look at all of the emails you receive, sign this petition, that petition, and a hundred others, until finally it seems to overwhelm your inbox! Think about a scenario where all of the major Blogging sites come together, hold meetings, and begin to send out a unified message on certain planned protests – and a united front can and would make a difference! Illegal immigrants, with the help of radio stations and press generated by support from the Catholic Church brought out people in the hundreds of thousands; surely, we as Americans can do better than that – and with a cause that could include people from all walks of life. There’s no sense in protesting for legal status when the very fabric of the nation is unraveling; in fact, it’s actually a distraction the GOP is benefiting from; to them it’s just another diversion while the Neo-conservatives and right-wing religious fundamentals finish the hijacking of America. They care about immigration all right - especially as it helps to grow the corporate bottom-line with an endless supply of low-cost labor.
Maybe if there was a meeting of the progressive Blogging minds, one among them would arise with the charisma and depth to bring them all together in a cohesive manner that would still allow them to keep their identities and base – while still publishing a “United Column” that would serve as the focal point for uniting our voices into one – and protesting in a manner that would be more effective and would generate the kind of publicity it will take to awaken the rest of America.
Write your favorite site administrator – or send them this message, with your personal note attached. I’ve read their articles, followed some of their brilliant investigative reporting – and it shows you some of the brightest and energetic minds are right here, on the Internet – still unorganized, but bursting with talent and the means to really make a difference. Make it a private meeting, with all of the best-known and respected Bloggers, which will guarantee there won’t be any GOP operatives’ present. Put all of that talent in one place, make it a long discussion, keeping in mind that legal protests and strikes are an American tradition – one that allows us to exercise our free speech, and tell the administration the only way we can we’re tired of their inaction and we want change – AND NOW!
Think about it, or someone at least offer a better idea. I’ve looked deep into my own conscience and writing, but like everyone else, I offer commentary and a gathering of the facts – not suggestions that could help halt the destruction of our country. Nothing else has worked. We are the people, and together, we are strong. We owe it to our children, our parents, grandparents, and those who died before us to take back our country and let the criminals who seek to hijack our government know that we won’t take it lying down! We fight for what be believe in, and when our elected officials refuse to carry out their duty, it is the responsibility of “we the people” to do whatever is necessary to save our Democratic Republic and the American way of life.
If this idea stinks, then please, all of you offer your own – and maybe, with all of the suggestions coming together in one place, maybe one will stand out that will help to bring us back to the rule of law and our constitutional values. You have everything to gain, and nothing but your freedom and way of life to lose. I believe it’s an easy decision…
William Cormier