Yesterday, I finally chose a candidate and have decided to support Barack Obama. Neither Obama nor Clinton are perfect and each has questions that need to be answered, however, Mr. Obama has demonstrated that he can galvanize the country and possibly unite us in a positive manner we haven’t witnessed in years - and we’re long overdue to come-together and solve our problems and issues in a concerted spirit of healing the country. I do have some questions in regard experience, however, a good President is advised by a Cabinet that is hand-picked and “supposed” to be representative of the foremost experts in their fields. Presidents are sometimes made by the expertise of their advisor’s, as there are too many issues for one man to review in-depth himself. I believe the Obama Cabinet will adhere to those standards rather then partisan appointments such as we witnessed in the Bush administration, and now that we have seen first-hand the damage of unbridled partisanship and how it distorts a President’s world-view and perception of important events, I believe Obama will choose a cabinet that will represent some of the best talent America has to offer.
We need a President with charisma who can address the nation and the global audience and be taken seriously - who will inspire other nations to believe that America is making a turn toward the right course - to be accomplished in a responsible manner, but we also need a President that will form a strong diplomatic corp that will work to undue and attempt to mitigate the damage of the Bush administration. The GOP is already beginning to employ the politics of fear, and it’s time to end this primary with dignity and a belief that Mr. Obama will indeed be a true “uniter” that can help to lead America though times that have become extremely troubled and fraught with danger. I have hopes that uniting behind a Senator that has proven to be the most Liberal Senator on record during his short tenure will continue with those beliefs with his Presidency, but that he will also remain strong on national defense and work to create a multi-national task-force on terrorism where we involve the world in fighting and winning a bitter match that threatens much of Europe and other allies abroad instead of attempting to lead the fight, expending our recourses on no-bid contracts and billions of dollars that appear to have disappeared into thin air on a war that was started based on deceit and lies! Our wars that breed even more terrorism need to stop, and we need to concentrate on regions that harbor and encourage attacking American and allied targets.
But, even with the hope of electing a President that’s prepared to unite the country, we cannot forget the past Seven (7) long and disastrous years we’ve been through, and the financial ramifications are barely beginning to fully manifest themselves, and there’s rough sailing ahead for the entire country. Repairing this mess won’t be easy, however, the election of Barack Obama is likely to raise the value of the dollar and confidence in the United States, all key components of our economy as a whole. That won’t solve the problem, but it does go a long way to enhancing our recovery efforts.
Nevertheless, even though I maintain a strong belief in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, both have failed to protect the principles that established our nation this past seven years; the Justice Department has been stacked and has a distinctive conservative leaning, although that’s not representative of the US attitude and beliefs as a whole; the President himself stands in contempt of the American people and our Congress, yet a Congress voted-in to protect the people and uphold their basic function of protecting our constitution, the rule of law, and stand as guardians of our democratic process have failed miserably in their duty, leaving the people to suffer under the oppression of the Bush administration as we have watched in horror as our industry is outsourced and or economy has become as fragile as our ecology. LINK
No Matter Whether It’s Hillary or Obama elected as President - WE MUST INSURE THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!
I am one person with one idea, however, there must be hundreds, if not thousands of ideas on how we can legally protect ourselves from allowing this to happen to our nation again. In the interests of getting some of our more talented political writers and political strategists interested in taking off a few minutes of their time and editorializing on “how” we can prevent a catastrophe of this nature from happening again in our foreseeable future, Justanothercoverup is proposing a series of Op-Ed and articles, submitted by anyone that chooses, to expand upon and provide concepts and ideas that can be forwarded to our Congress and both Presidential Candidates.. The ugly head of fascism has risen across this great nation, and it appears that our only real defense, when it comes down to the nitty-gritty is the voice of the people themselves - and we need to insure that when it’s needed, the people will be heard!
We propose to offer a prize pool for articles and essays that address this issue and present viable solutions that could be presented to members of Congress for their perusal and consideration. I feel so strongly about this matter and wish to open a dialog between some of our best-known, and also the unknown writers that post exceptional material on the Internet in bursts of pure inspiration. To “sweeten the pot”, the writer who receives the most votes will receive a grand prize of $100.00; the second-place winner will receive $50.00 and third-place will receive $25.00 If we begin to receive some exceptional ideas that begin to garner support among the readership and the traffic increases appreciably, we will request donations to sweeten the pot even more and attempt to draw-in writers that otherwise may not have participated.
With enough work we could formulate viable and bipartisan solutions that one day soon may lead to legislation to Protect America from anyone that refuses to honor their sworn duty to uphold and protect the Constitution of The United States. We request that these suggestions be well laid-out and based on sound legal principles or new ones that are “res nova.” but have a firm basis in international law. The “prima facie” case for change to protect the people has already been made as witnessed by the past seven (7) years of incompetence, mismanagement, and downright cronyism that has cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars. We must first survive the initial onslaught of consequences that will result from President Bush’s poor management of our country, but it’s also imperative to enact legal measures to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future as well.
I propose that the entry period be anytime from this Friday to the middle of May. (The entry date could be extended until the last minute of the contest, although it would take a flurry of voting to catch-up with a popular, earlier submission - but it could happen.) The official start date will begin on April 1st, 2008, and will end on midnight, the 1st day of May 2008. Entries will be voted on by the readership, and will be posted in an adjacent forum for discussion and voting after appearing on Justanothercoverup. Authors will be at liberty to post their material in other places as well; we’re not attempting to take traffic away from anyone, but create a “simmering pot” exclusively for this idea alone. The forum will entertain debate and suggestions as the readership dictates, but will be limited to the subject at hand. The popularity of the individual articles will be displayed by their position on the forum and the views each of them receive. The winner will be decided by individual votes, all made by the public which will be shown in real-time as the articles are read and rated by interested viewers. The only subject this forum will entertain are the suggestions and articles that are posted to prevent this type of tragedy from happening in the future, I have no interest in forming a full-time discussion forum, don’t have the time, and if this endeavor becomes successful, I may appeal to some of the better-known forums for help in part-time moderation of the forum. Good moderators are hard to come by, and I value the people who diligently supervise some of our best known political forums.
My suggestion to this debacle and preventing it in the future is a constitutional amendment that gives the American people the power to recall en errant President via a referendum process. This is a matter that I need to look into and investigate as to how it could work, what it would take to trigger such an event, and most of the technicalities I can think of. I will be researching this idea and this will be the theme of my personal entry which will also be judged by the general readership, and the final will be posted as it were any other entry. (But I am tagging this suggestion as my own.) (Which doesn't mean that others cannot use the same theme; how it is articulated and presented - and the skill in doing so, will allow several people to write on ideas that are similar to each other - however in the end, the "best" articles will be those which the public chooses based on their own interpretation of the material.)
All of my life I have been opposed to amending the constitution, however, when we find that the rest of our sacred safeguards have broken down, then it’s time to implement new ones that will give the final say where it actually belongs - firmly by and through the voice of the people of the United States! Obama says “Yes we can” and I say we can also prevent a situation such as this from arising again without the people themselves standing on the sideline, helpless to do anything meaningful other than feel the utter despair as we watch our great nation being torn-down economically and becoming a society that we normally would envision to exist in Russia or China.
As a nation, we stand perilously close to tyranny and oppression of a magnitude yet to be understood, but in Obama, baring any interference from the GOP or Bush’s Neo-ons, we actually stand a chance of reclaiming this country and when we do so, it’s imperative that we the people take measures to insure that it can’t happen again. If the response is good and we wind-up with three (3) proposals that make sense and appeal to the general public, it’s our intention to send each member of Congress a professionally bound copy of the top three essays/Op-Eds with any relevant comments that resulted from discussion of that particular submission from the discussion forum. We also intend to send each Presidential contender, Democrat and GOP, those same three articles.
Further, with the permission of a major news aggregator, we will highlight those three winning submissions and create an action page so they can readily be submitted via email to your appropriate Congressmen and or newspaper. Justanothercoverup is being submitted as a non-profit organization, and to date, all of our advertising income has gone back into enhancements for the site. Justanothercoverup is now hosted on an ultra high-sped server to handle increased traffic and graphics without noticeably slowing-down during high-traffic periods, and tomorrow an SEO organization will begin optimizing the site, creating Meta-Tags, and increasing our exposure to search engines we traditionally receive poor results from. In short, those authors who do enter this contest are likely to receive high exposure of their Op-Eds/Articles and ideas.
If you are interested in participating in this contest to discuss and attempt to raise a solution that will help to protect us from this ever happening again, please address an email to . As soon as the total reaches 25 early entrants, I will open the contest and create the appropriate forum to host the entries in addition to them being posted initially on Justanothercoverup. Rules governing the contest will be sent out to each competing writer. All writers entering the contest will also have an account created with posting rights, but in order to reduce the incidence of Spam, all entries will have to be moderated before they can be published. (Only to check to make sure they fit-in with the theme we’re attempting to promote. Under no circumstances would an entry be posted that had been edited without express permission of the author - and unless it’s to add %$#*& where a foul word was used, there will be no editing of material. I request no foul language, as this site is constantly accessed by schools and colleges pursuing the many subjects that are written about herein.
William Cormier