When Barack Obama gave his speech “A More Perfect Union”, the public was treated to something different and almost hypnotic; a Politician who didn’t duck the issue, “disown” his pastor for remarks that shocked many Americans, but instead - Senator Obama faced the controversy head-on and attempted to bridge the gap of racial divisiveness that often muddies the waters whenever someone plays the “race card” and responded with a message that resonated with truth and power! Mr. Obama uttered words that are often whispered about or spoke of in the privacy of our homes, black and white; for once, the 600 Lb Gorilla that co-exists in millions of families across this country was acknowledged and for all practical purposes, was laid bare for all of us who have open minds to examine and analyze.
His speech has received a mixed reaction, and as I’m writing this Op-Ed, CNN is droning on in the background and I’ve heard the criticism of Obama for “throwing his Grandmother under the bus” by revealing her racism, and even that of his now retired Pastor - even though she was white and Barack Obama appears to be black. If we all look back, which I’ll examine later, many of us have experienced similar events in our lives - and it certainly isn’t limited to the black community! The rabid right is attempting to use Obama’s refusal to disown his past as a rationale to disqualify him from being Presidential material because of past associations, and this began before he delivered his speech of historical magnitude:
Obama’s Racist and Extremist Associations
Posted on 03/12/2008 7:16:20 AM PDT by Imperial Warrior
Were Barack Obama a Republican, especially a conservative white male Republican, his political career would have been over before it started were his friends and close associates members of vile, violence espousing racist, race separatist, extremist groups that Barack Obama, liberal Democrat actually has demonstrable ties with. The biased and degenerate liberal media despite their Herculean efforts to shield their empty suit candidate, failed to squelch the long and disturbing record of Obama’s associations with overt racists and domestic terrorists revealed only when the new media, ie: internet and talk radio did the journalistic footwork and heavy lifting the lapdog liberal media intentionally avoided and refused to do even though they would have gladly and eagerly done this and more had Obama been either white, conservative, or Republican.
Instead, in typical communistic fashion the mainstream media has provided cover, body armor, and a safe haven for a politician with very disturbing personal associations up to and including his own wife who has referred to whites as oppressors and suggested blacks need to join together to fight white oppression to preserve black culture and blackness whatever the hell that means. It is little wonder that the Obama’s belong to a racist, race separatist church whose spiritual leader and Obama’s personal mentor parrot this “whitey is the devil” garbage and warmly embrace the “contributions” of the most vile and racist thug, Louis Farrakhan, and his violent anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-white, genocidal, race separatist, pro-Islamist screed.
Yet the worthless and despicable liberal media and press in the bag for Obama, choose to descend on John McCain like ravenous wolves for an unproven and unsubstantiated claim of an inappropriate political insider relationship revealed later to have no substance in whatsoever reality. Yet Obama gets the pass for an unspeakable relationship with both racists and anarchist domestic terrorists for a nation at war in a time of war. Ridiculous and intolerable. Obama and his political operatives as well as the scumbags in the degenerate willing lapdog media conveniently use Obama’s race as a shield to cover and counteract justifiable criticism of this phony bigot who trucks ands travels with the worst of racist scum. The standard attempted to be set by the dirtbag liberal media and Democrap Party is to declare any criticism of Obama’s racist associations or his political record or lack thereof as an attack on his race and thus racism itself. MUCH MORE
Although the majority of the commentary after his landmark speech is positive in nature, there are those who still hold on to the belief that our associations - even though publicly condemning much of their message - somehow is a decisive factor in deciding “who” is qualified to be our next President. Yes, there are many positive articles written about Obama’s speech, but for the purpose of insight and analysis, I’m concentrating on the negatives and attempting to post an opposing, rational opinion that forces us to look back on ourselves, and what is revealed many will not admit:
The Black Theology of “God Damn America!”
by Jacob Freeze
In his nationally televised speech tonight, Barack Obama tried to convince American voters that when Jeremiah Wright screams “God damn America!” in Trinity United Church of Christ, and the congregation cheers, it’s just a holdover of bitterness from the days of Jim Crow, just an isolated outburst of justifiable indignation.
But “God damn America!” is a fundamental component of Pastor Wright’s world-view, systematically developed in the black power theology of his mentor, Professor James Cone of the Union Theological Seminary.
Pastor Wright insisted on his connection with James Cone in a weird interview with Sean Hannity:
Wright: How many of Cone’s books have you read? How many of Cone’s book have you read?
Sean Hannity: Reverend, Reverend?
Wright: How many books of Cone’s have you read?Sean Hannity obviously hasn’t read any of James Cone’s books, and neither have most of the apologists for Pastor Wright.
Professor Cone preaches a very unusual version of the Gospels:
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