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Richard Hayes Phillips for Discussion of Witness to a Crime, 6/12/08

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Book Tour and Discussion: Witness to a Crime—A Citizen’s Audit of an
American Election

Author: Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips
Where: Victoria Lovegren’s home in Cleveland Heights, Ohio
When: 7pm, Thursday, June 12th
For directions, and to RSVP, contact Victoria at: lovegrenv@gmail.com
or 216-246-4179

What do you say when your out-of-state friends ask, “What happened in
Ohio in the 2004 election?” or “How did Ohio pull it off?” No one
knows more about this subject than Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips, the
leading investigator of Ohio’s 2004 election.

Dr. Phillips has recently published a book: Witness to a Crime—A
Citizen’s Audit of an American Election and will be in Cleveland next
week on his book tour. Here’s what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has to say
about Dr. Phillip’s book:

Richard Hayes Phillips worked day and night for three years compiling
irrefutable evidence of how the Republicans stole the 2004
presidential race in Ohio. This landmark investigation is a testament
to what private citizens can accomplish when government officials fail
to protect our right to vote and to count those votes as cast. Every
American - Republican and Democrat - should read this book, and join
the fight for democracy's most fundamental right.

Please join Dr. Phillips and others at an informal gathering and
discussion at my home in Cleveland Heights next Thursday, June 12th at

When you RSVP, I’ll give you directions to my home. (For those who
think I still live on Bellfield, be advised that we have moved once

Victoria Lovegren, Ph.D.
Founder, Ohio Vigilance
Organizer, We Count 2006 – A Conference about Fair Elections and

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Founder, Ohio Vigilance Board Member, Common Cause - Ohio Board Member, Election Defense Alliance Board Member, Northeast Ohio AFSC Organizer, We Count 2006 Freelance Systems and Data Analyst Part-time Mathematics Teacher, Hathaway (more...)
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