by Robin Baneth
Due to the popularity of the last two Wheel of VOTER Challenges (WVC)2004 (see below) -- in which paper-trail voting emerged to have an unrivaled mandate and undetectable machine hackability became shockingly indisputable -- we at WVC headquarters now offer the following $500 opportunity for an equally tantalizing issue:
We will send a $500 cashier's check to the first Diebold or Tri Ad elections systems information technology employee who provides proof they:
(this offer is made by the author, not by website)
2004 National Wheel of VOTER Challenges Chair
Raleigh, North Carolina
Robin Baneth works at the NC Museum of History. He oversees computers (200), interactives (20), programs, databases, and servers (8) at multiple locations. He was also a Human Factors Engineer with IBM. He owns one patent regarding a universal computer input device. 13 articles published; Voter Tally speaker.
M.S. in Ergonomics
(NCSU, 1994)
M.A. in
Psychology (UNH,
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