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Diebold / Tri Ad Employee WhistleBlower  Reward /  CHALLENGE

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Diebold / Tri Ad Employee WhistleBlower  $$$ Reward /  CHALLENGE

by Robin Baneth


Due to the popularity of the last two Wheel of VOTER Challenges (WVC)2004 (see below) -- in which  paper-trail voting emerged to have an unrivaled mandate and undetectable machine hackability became shockingly indisputable -- we at WVC headquarters now offer the following $500 opportunity for an equally tantalizing issue:

We will send a $500 cashier's check to the first Diebold or Tri Ad elections systems information technology employee who provides proof they:

a)  Voted for Gore and Kerry in the last two general elections.
b)  Are registered Democrats.
c)  Worked at Diebold or Tri Ad for at least three years.
d)  Will answer eight queries below to the best of your ability.
Your name and identifying information will be NOT be made public in any way without your permission. Your identifying information will be held strictly confidential. A signed non-disclosure agreement will be provided. Non-identifying information, such as staff listing and party affiliations, will be published at WVC discretion.
To win:
a)  Provide a copy of your last two Diebold or Tri Ad paystubs.
b)  Provide proof you worked on the company's election software as a developer, programmer, or tester.
c)  Provide a sample of programming work or similar that you coded or supervised at said elections company.
d)  Provide a staff list of all current and five past IT workers at said elections company.
e)  Provide a good faith percentage estimate of partisanship breakdown in IT department in said elections company, including management.
f)   Provide a copy of voter registration card and info that allows confirmation on SBOE web site.
g)  Indicate whether you were asked about your political affiliation prior to being hired or during performance reviews.
h)  Summarize whether you are aware of discriminatory hiring practices by this employer, such as hiring more of a particular political party or race.
Terms and payout ARE negotiable on some items causing difficulty. You can also win the same amount by referring someone's email address who successfully meets the above criteria who will then win their own separate payout. Two payouts maximum for this challenge.
In summary, go visit the Fraud Slide Show:

(this offer is made by the author, not by OpEdNews.com website)

Robin Baneth, M.S., M.A.
2004 National Wheel of VOTER Challenges Chair
Raleigh, North Carolina
Two Other Wheel Of Voter WOV Challenges (still open!):
1) Wheel of VOTER Challenge 2004
2) Wheel of VOTER Challenge II: $2K
The Survey Says: The Machines Winning http://bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=4662
This was a follow-up to first WOV and is tongue in cheek, Monty Python style
Author and challenge briefly discussed in the
Raleigh News and Observer NEWSPAPER 12/15 (J. Rosen)
beginning 9th paragraph, "A Level Playing Field:"
4) 37 Reasons to Ignore Election Fraud and the Ken Starr Rodeo
5) Clear Box Voting System 1.0



Robin Baneth works at the NC Museum of History. He oversees computers (200), interactives (20), programs, databases, and servers (8) at multiple locations. He was also a Human Factors Engineer with IBM. He owns one patent regarding a universal computer input device. 13 articles published; Voter Tally speaker.


M.S. in Ergonomics (NCSU, 1994)
M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology  (UNH, 1985)


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