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Why is G.W. Bush Crushing the Nation of Iraq?

Mike Berry  OpEdNews.Com March 27, 2003 As I sit watching endless hours of MSNBC and CNN coverage of the carnage in Iraq, that operation cynically named "Iraqi Freedom" by G.W. Bush, I think back over the weeks and months leading up to the invasion about the differing reasons given by Bush for such an aggressive war.

There were so many implausible reasons given that it is impossible to put them in order of their chronology at this point.  I do, however, remember the first reason given: "Saddam Hussein is responsible for the 911 attack on America."  That one stuck like Superglue.  When I ask people with whom I come in contact during the day why they think we are in Iraq, the vast majority of them mention 911.  The Saddam/911 connection was the most successful piece of disinformation created by Bush and his craven fellow chicken hawks.  Even though the Bush FBI and CIA both have stated there was no connection between Iraq and 911, many hardcore right-wing Bushites hold to it as if God had personally inscribed that awful lie on a stone tablet.

Another reason given for invading Iraq was that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear program and was on the verge of producing an atomic or hydrogen bomb that would kill millions of Americans.  This one did not hold water for long with most intelligent people; how was he supposed to deliver such a weapon?  The mere fact that Bush put it forward with a straight face demonstrates the intellectual and ethical level on which the man operates.

A piece of disinformation on a par with the nuclear bomb lie was the one about Saddam being on the verge of supplying Al qaeda with chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction.  If Bush did not invade Iraq immediately, the terrorists would be here shortly with these indescribably horrible weapons to kill millions of us.  Think about this one.  Al quaeda and other Islamic fanatics have branded Saddam Hussein's secular regime as the work of Satin and anathema to all true believers.  Al qaeda and Saddam Hussein are blood enemies. Alqaeda is more likely to hook up with G.W. Bush, himself a rather fanatical religious Fundamentalist, than with Saddam Hussein.

Furthermore, since Saddam Hussein has not attempted to attack the U.S. and its interests in 12 long years, why are we to believe that he is about to do so now? To avoid ruthless destruction by Bush and his "neoconservative" advisors, how long does Iraq have to remain peaceful toward the U.S., 1200 years?  Another Bush lie exposed.

Then there was the one about Saddam ignoring numerous Security Council resolutions. What about Israel ignoring one Security Council resolution after another pertaining to its maltreatment of the Palestinians?  Why has Bush not invaded Israel?  His record for consistency is just about as good as his record for veracity and credibility.

Another implausible reason Bush has given for war is that Saddam is a cruel tyrant and has used poison gas on his own people.  In this one case, unlike all the other many lies told by Bush in this sorry affair, the facts as Bush states them are undeniably true.  What makes this reason so disingenuous is that two of the chief Bush chicken hawks--Cheney and Rumsfeld--have courted and wooed Saddam in the past for business and political reasons. And this in not even to mention that it was a past Republican administration that delivered weapons of mass destruction to Saddam's Brutal Baathist dictatorship in the first place.

Here is another good one.  Bush is invading Iraq to protect that country's neighbors.  The only problem with this absurd lie is that all of Iraq's neighbors are enraged by the bloody Bush invasion.  They are even petitioning the U.N. Security Council to condemn the unjust and aggressive war Bush is waging.  Also, thousands of private citizens from countries bordering Iraq are streaming across the border to join Saddam in defense of that beleaguered nation.  Another lie exposed.

Bush and his cronies have told so many lies that I simply cannot remember them all, but I do remember the most recent one.  Bush is invading Iraq to free its people.  Proof of the need for this war to "free the tyrannized and oppressed Iraqis" will be found in the way people will flood into the streets waving American flags and throwing flowers the minute U.S. troops defeat Saddam's thugs.  Sure they will. After U.S. troops kill thousands and thousands of their husbands, sons, brothers and cousins, they will flood out of their wrecked homes and kiss the bloody boots of the first "liberators" to enter their field of vision.

So, as I watch on cable TV as G.W. Bush rains thousands of tons of deadly high explosives down on the hapless nation of Iraq, all the while searching my thoughts for the real reasons behind this inhuman Bush outrage, I finally reach a conclusion that will at least satisfy logic.  It will not get at the ultimate answers that might be found in the many concomitant issues--fossil fuel use and control, revenge for offences against the father, venal political ambitions, pay back to oil industry supporters, the testing of new weapons systems for the military, Hussein's support for surviving families of martyred Palestinian nationalists, a favor for the ultraconservative war hawks running Israel, etc.--but it is a "surface" reason that no thoughtful person can deny.  The most immediate and uncomplicated reason, then, is that Bush is waging aggressive war on Iraq because Saddam Hussein does not possess nuclear weapons.  Think about it in the context of the so-called Bush "Axis of Evil."

Mike Berry ce1992@swbell.net  is a freelance writer in Belton, MO

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