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Pissed Off Patricia

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Pissed Off Patricia's Weekly Blog
Friday, February 27, 2004
This blog site will end as of today
Friday, February 20, 2004

Thanks Patricia for sharing your heart with us.


You Can't B.S. Jesus

by Patricia Ernest




Monday morning after the Daytona 500.  
You may already know that I am a NASCAR fan.  This should not be confused with the all inclusive title, "NASCAR Dad".  I am not a blue collar,  "pry my cold dead fingers off my gun" gun toting, hunting, fishing American, Republican, Bush/God worshipping working dad.  I do not now, nor have I ever owned a Confederate flag.  Gosh, can you imagine?
I simply enjoy the sport of automobile racing.  I did not enjoy seeing and hearing driver Rusty Wallace say on Sunday that he did not believe that Democrats attended the races.  Is he nuts or just sadly without a clue?  Probably a little of both.   Anyway, before the race, bush flew in to Daytona.  Thankfully he didn't appear in a fire suit (the colorful fire proof suits the drivers wear when they drive in the race).  He did however wear a little Daytona 500 jacket and he did his usual meet and greet with the drivers etc.   When asked if he would like to drive one of the stock cars, bush took the opportunity to mention that he flew jets when he was in the Guard.  At the mere mention of his service to his country, everyone watching immediately fell to their knees and praised his heroics.  Not!  So the race began and it was great.  My favorite driver didn't win but he did pretty damned well.  So even though bush was in attendance for half the race, it was a successful event.  There was the usual "big wreck" and thankfully no one was badly injured.  I do have two wishes about this year's race, I wish the politics could have been left in the garage, and I wish that Rusty Wallace could understand a bit more clearly the political makeup of NASCAR fans. 
Would you like to know where you are on the "Political Compass"?  Go to this site and take the test.  You can take the test on the site, nothing to send in or anything like that.  Be sure to do it in the order they suggest.   http://www.digitalronin.f2s.com/politicalcompass/index.html  This is GOOD!
PLEASE, if you read nothing else this week, you must read: 
"No End to War"    
"The Frum-Perle prescription would ensnare America in endless conflict." 
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Here's a little tidbit to ignite your interest.
"The guru???s reputation, however, does not survive a reading. Indeed, on putting down Perle???s new book the thought recurs: the neoconservative moment may be over. For they are not only losing their hold on power, they are losing their grip on reality

"An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror opens on a note of hysteria. In the War on Terror, writes Perle, ???There is no middle way for Americans: It is victory or holocaust.??? ???What is new since 9/11 is the chilling realization that the terrorist threat we thought we had contained??? now menaces ???our survival as a nation.???

Go here:  http://amconmag.com/3_1_04/cover.html

I would truly like to hear what you think about this article.


Friday, February 13 (yikes), 2004

I couldn't post my blog last week, so this week I offer two-fers.  Below this entry is my entry for last week.  Funny, as I look back at it, nothing has changed and nothing is outdated.  That's sort of the way it's been lately hasn't it?  The "news" isn't news at all to most of us, it's what we've been saying for just about a year and now the media is finally saying at least some of  it. 
Just remember, every single time you hear the words, "Iraq War", remember it was not a necessity, it was an option chosen by this administration.   Every death and every debt that has resulted from this war/invasion is now a reality due to the poor decision made ultimately by george bush.  Please remember that as you step into the voting booth in November.  Just remember those hundreds of dead soldiers, those thousands of dead Iraqis, and that forever mountain of debt, as you vote against the man who caused it all to happen.   No matter what he says, bush caused these deaths and these debts and it had nothing to do with safety or freedom for the US.  Listen to your heart.

If Your Heart Isn't Broken, Check Your Pocketbook

patricia ernest  

It looks as though Sen. John F. Kerry (JFK) will be the Democratic nominee for President.  Be prepared to hear a lot of derogatory "facts" about Sen. Kerry in the months to come.  Also remember that these "facts" will be brought to you by the same administration who told you that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and "we know where they are".  Yep, those guys, the guys who told you all the lies are arming up with some more.  Don't let them fool you again.  They will be much more desperate with their lies this time, because you see, their jobs are on the line now.  They are much more concerned about their jobs than they are about your safety or freedom or all that other stuff they have harped about.   Beware!  Watch out for streaming lies, flying innuendos and a long hard slog through lots of bs. 
This week we have learned that all measures are being taken to protect us from hearing "dirty words" and seeing female breasts.  We did not however, hear what is being done to protect our soldiers from being sent to invade another country while the President gives bs for a reason.  We did not hear anyone tell us how the hell we will know what is truth and what is fiction when we hear anything coming from this administration. 
Will you sleep more peacefully tonight just knowing that you don't have to worry about someone springing a boobie on you when you least expect it?  What's Ashcroft going to do about this new "threat"?  Is he going to put locks on bras?  Is he going to be the only one with the keys?  I do not find the human anatomy offensive.  I do find lies, deaths and debts offensive.  I also find empty headed leaders offensive, especially when they have no ability to think or to use common sense and as a result they do horrible things to good people. 
Saying that homosexuals should not be able to marry is insane!  This is a topic about which I do not care to hear what anyone else thinks or says.  I have already heard those same lame arguments when Caucasians and Afro Americans wanted to legally wed. 
What are people so afraid of?  How will two gay people being married harm anyone else?  It won't harm my marriage and it won't harm yours.  So, to everyone who is against gay marriage.....Get over it!  Go about your own business.  Better yet, use that energy you have been wasting on this issue to try to figure out how the hell we can vote bush out of the white house.  Be productive with your time and energy and just let people be happy, be in love and be married.  Isn't that your Christian way?
If you haven't as yet read this article, please do.  It will amaze you!!
Stewardess ID'd Hijackers Early, Transcripts Show 
by Gail Sheehy

Can You Hear Us Now?

patricia ernest

Happy Valentines Day!
Friday, February 6, 2004
You know, this whole administration is all icky and sticky.  They look ugly and they act ugly.  They tell lies and feel no remorse.  People die needlessly and they don't seem to care.  This administration says that Saddam killed thousands of his own people and this administration calls that genocide.  This administration kills thousands of Saddam's people and they call that liberation.  I guess we liberated their souls from their bodies or something.
This was the week that CBS didn't want to show the MoveOn.org ad, so to make up for that Janet showed something of her own.  CBS said they didn't want to get into politics so they chatted with bush.  Janet's breast is exposed and America takes a giant gasp.  Children are blinded and their mothers screech in alarm.  Yeah, just imagine what would have happened if they had been exposed to the truth in the MoveOn ad. 
Kay says there are no weapons.  Tenet says, well who the hell knows what Tenet said.  Bush says we are going to go on the offense rather than be attacked again.  I  guess that means if another country even dreams of having wmd, we will bomb the hell out of their people and take over any really good natural re$our$e$.   Of course if the country is sitting on a pile of useless rocks then they can dream all they like.  People are calling for bush to apologize.  That's bs, you can't just apologize after you've killed thousands of people on a whim.  If that should be the case, would we accept an apology from Osama?  If he simply sent an ecard stating that he regretted the events of 9-11 and he commanded those planes be flown based on bad intelligence...............Would that be okay with you?  It wouldn't work for me.
I suppose Dr. Dean should have never made negative comments about big media, because after he did they rolled right over on him.  They screamed him to death and then they said they had played the tape ten zillion times without explaining that the real sound in that room that night was so loud that no one there even heard Dr. Dean.  Nice going media folks, notch one up for you!  Too bad you wouldn't play all the goofball stuff bush says about half a zillion times. 
I think we actually have a chance in the election to send bush home, but I don't envy the Democrat who moves into the white house.  Imagine the mess he is going to have to clean up.  Since bush has soiled everything he has touched since he got there, it's got to be a disaster.  Clean up in the First Aisle!  The economy, the environment, jobs, war........it makes me tired just to think about it.  We can do  it, we've done it before.  We must work together and bite all the bullets we'll have to bite.   It's like cleaning out your closet.  The first thing you do is pull everything out, sort through the stuff and toss what you don't need (John Ashcroft).  Once you see what you have to work with,  you can make a plan for what goes where.
Friday, January 30, 2004
Today my niece's fianc?? leaves for Iraq.  God, I hate to write those words. 
This week we were given proof that none of our soldiers should have had to go to Iraq.   If this administration truly believes that they were given bad info about the wmd, why aren't they calling for someone's head instead of changing the reasons and playing around with the facts.  They are like children spelling out their reasons with alphabet blocks.  Each time they spell out one of their reasons for going to war and the truth scrambles their blocks, they quickly rearrange the blocks to spell another word and another reason.  
This is getting so lame that they are trying to justify their invasion based on the possibility that Saddam was "harboring thoughts" of obtaining weapons.  Harboring thoughts?  Have you ever harbored a thought that would be considered anti-social or illegal?  Have you even simply thought about doing something like that?  If you have, you really should consider turning yourself in at the nearest police station.  Walk up to the first officer you see and explain to him that once you got so angry with someone that you thought to yourself, "Damn, I'm so mad that  I could just shoot him for doing that".   Explain to the officer that you are no longer a gun owner, but you still had this bad thought.  Tell him that the thought sailed directly through your head and you are now aware that thoughts about doing bad things are against the law.  You can explain to the officer that you had not been paying attention to our new laws and you had been under the impression that everyone still had all those silly things like freedom of speech.  Try to explain that you didn't know we had given up all those luxuries up in the name of fighting terrorism.  By the way,  what is the score now between us and the terrorist?  If we are still afraid, who's winning?
There's so much anger here in the US, and yes much of it is justified, but we need to begin to use this anger to produce a positive product.  Just ranting to be heard ranting isn't going to be productive.  We really should harness the energy produced by this anger and use it in a persuasive way.  Use it to write letters, use it to work for you favorite candidate, use it in some way to produce success for your cause.   Someone once said, if you want people to listen to you, you should whisper.  If you think about it for a minute, it's true.  If someone is speaking softly, you will exert more effort to hear their words.  If someone is screaming at you, you will want to move away from the noise.  Maybe it's time to stop screaming words and begin to speak a bit more softly and with a bit more substance.  Instead of screaming that bush is an idiot, which by the way, he is, why not try softly explaining what brought you to that conclusion.  Being convincing is much more difficult than being angry, but it's much more productive. 
I have come to the realization that apparently the only people truly concerned about the war in Iraq are those who have friends of family in the military.  Celebrity court cases seem to matter more to the general public more than our soldiers do.  Is that the truth or is that simply a concoction of the media?  Courts handle trials, not the public.  So why does the media feel that it is so important that the public know every single detail about every single celebrity case?  I believe if the media was as concerned about the questionable circumstances of this war as they are about Martha Stewart's finances, our world would be a lot better off as a result.  The outcome of Martha Stewart's case effects Martha Stewart, the outcome of this war effects the world.
Cat lovers and smart people, have I got a site for you!
If you're a cat lover, and if you aren't you will be after you visit this site and see the  "Friday Cat Blogging".  While you're there, read the articles and learn.  The photos will warm your heart and the words will expand your brain,  You can't beat that, can you? 
Visit here:  http://home.earthlink.net/~publicdomainprogress/
Bush's Deadly Deception

In Our Name



contact Patricia at nesters@bellsouth.net

Wed. Jan 28
Senator Durbin Rocks for MoveOn

Senator Durbin (D) of Illinois stood on the Senate floor today and expressed his feelings regarding the MoveOn.org ad.  The Senator feels that the ad should be shown on CBS during the Super Bowl.  He had a large blown up poster about the ad and he advised that anyone who agreed that CBS should reconsider their refusal to show the ad should write or call CBS.  He gave the address and phone number for CBS .  All this was shown live on C-span.

We all should email Sen. Durbin and thank him for what he did.
You may email him at   dick@durbin.senate.gov


Friday, January 24, 2004

Before I start the weekly rant and rave, please consider going to the following site, and if you can please sponsor a Valentine for a dog who spends his life chained in a yard.  If you know the address where a dog is chained, tell them at Dogs Deserve Better and they will mail that dog a valentine and a treat.  If you don't know of any dogs who suffer like that, that's okay just send them a donation for their work.  The Valentines range in price from one for three dollars to twelve for twenty dollars.  Their goal is to send out 2000 Valentines, I think we can help them do that, don't you?  Just go to the site and see what your money will do for a dog that is made to live at the end of a chain.  On Valentines day you'll have a smile on your face all day because you did a really nice deed, and somewhere a little dog will get a doggie treat and perhaps a better way of life.  The organization is "Dog's Deserve Better" and they surely do.  The site is  http://www.dogsdeservebetter.com/hearts.html 
This is a paypal site or if you like, you may call toll free 1-877-636-1408 and send a check.
 My dog Murphy and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 
This has been a week of ups and downs.  Depending on who your candidate for President might be, you have either had reason to celebrate or reason to work even harder.  Do both!
Watching the state of the dysfunctional union address on Tuesday night should have encouraged you even more to work just as hard as you can to make a change, because we owe our country that much.  In 1961 during his inaugural address, President Kennedy said, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."   This is another time to ask what you can do for your country.  The answer is work, work, work for your candidate, and no matter who the final nominee should be, please work just as diligently for him.   Please don't give up, instead give your time or financial support or anything that can help.  No matter what we do, we can't be guaranteed victory, but we will know that we gave it every ounce of energy we had and we did our best.  Doing your best is as good as it gets! "United we stand" never sounded so good, did it?  We can do this thing and we have to, because four more years of this administration is not an option it's a nightmare.
There is a story you really must read.  This story will open your eyes to just how bad we look, it sure did open mine.  Have you ever wondered what we look like to children in another country?  It's time for you to see.  Just click this link and let me know how you feel after you read the article.  http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=127&ncid=742&e=7&u=%2Fuclicktext%2F20040121%2Fcm_ucru%2Fsufferthefrenchschoolchildren
Below are two articles that I wrote this week, and they pretty much sum up how I feel about a lot of things that are happening in our country.  Don't ever forget, it is still OUR COUNTRY no matter what the bush administration may want you to believe.  The Supreme Court may have hired them, but we can and must fire them!   I am not ready to give up on democracy, I'm ready to believe in it once again.

Bush Blows! Is It Holy Smoke or Wholly Smoke and Mirrors?




WMD is All We Found Last Night



Friday, January 16, 2004
War? Don't Even Think About It!

Here's Why You Feel Like You're Going Insane

No one reading this was surprised by what Mr. O'Neill said on "60 Minutes" this past Sunday night.   We knew all of this because we read, we listen, and mostly because we aren't stupid.
Here's how I bet your thought processes went.  First you heard the words from Mr. O'Neill, then you said to yourself, "See, I knew it".   After the euphoria began to evaporate, you realized the harsh truth.  Nothing will come of this.  None of those sleeping, drug induced by safety alerts and color codes, Americans will give a damn.  The media will just spin the story about O'Neill.  The administration will just smear O'Neill, and bottom line, we'll be exactly where we were before this book came out.  Do you feel any consolation in the fact that you predicted it just right?  I don't either.
Do you realize what this means?  It means we're becoming accustomed to this warped new world.  We are subconsciously accepting the fact that truth is not important anymore.  How sad is that?  When did America cross out truth as an important virtue? 
The media is no longer held responsible for telling the truth.  The administration is no longer held responsible for telling the truth, and we're no longer expecting to hear the truth.  What happened?  When did we give up on truth?  Is that word even relevant anymore? 
Remember when you were a little kid and your parents put so much emphasis on that word, truth?  I can still hear my mother and father asking me, "Are you telling me the truth?"  Sometimes I was and sometimes I wasn't, but the times that I wasn't were times when there was hell to pay.   If I admitted the lie to them, they would take action.  That action would become a reminder to me of what would happen if I lied again.  If I didn't admit my lie to them, my conscience would haunt me until I just had to tell the truth and get rid of the dread of the consequences.  But, the result was that it worked, I learned to tell the truth to the best of my ability.  You probably learned this lesson in a similar way.  And because we both learned to be honest, that's what's driving us insane with this administration.  That's why it's just so damned frustrating.  We just don't understand how this administration can lie out loud and receive no punishment.  We wonder what kind of person can lie about just about everything and feel no remorse, no guilty conscience.  Just lie and nothing happens.  President Clinton lied about his sexual affair, he was found out, and then he had to face the consequences.  You may think that  the administrator of the consequences was too harsh or not harsh enough, but either way, there were consequences.
Some may say that the bush administration has been misleading, some may say that they misspoke, but those of us who were taught to tell the truth just call it what it is, a lie.   A lie is not the truth no matter how you spin it.   But it seems the bush administration has decided that lies are necessary in today's world.  These aren't lies that are beneficial to national security or to the welfare of the American citizens. These are lies that are beneficial to the bush administration.  And the worst part is that they know that we know that they're lying, and they're just basically laughing in our faces.  That's frustrating because it means that they have no conscience and they fear no consequences.  When our government disregards truth and faces no consequences, what kind of government do we have?  It would appear that we have a government that has disengaged itself from the American people and has become an independent corporation.  This corporation is definitely a for-profit business at the expense of us, the American people.  We are working for a corporation and there are no rules in our favor.  We have been, and will continue to be, used at their pleasure and for their benefit.  We have no recourse.  There was a time when we could have turned to the Constitution, but each day the Constitution becomes weaker, as it's strength is sucked dry and it's words are deflated.  The Constitution has also become a victim of this administration's independent corporation.  The Constitution, along with the American citizens, have become fodder for the success of this administration.  Fodder that has been ground up and fed into this administration's gluttonous corporate machine.
No wonder we feel frustrated and angry and fearful of this administration.  No wonder we feel like we are going insane.  We are living in a world where the values we learned are no longer valuable, and those who should be leading our country toward prosperity have turned our country into nothing more than a tool for their own personal wealth and fame.   For the first time in our lives and maybe for the first time ever, our government is no longer responsible to us, the citizens.  They have taken away our power to hold them responsible.  Ours has become a country where truth no longer matters, and  where our government is no longer responsible to us, it's citizens.  There was a time when we felt we had some strength at the ballot box, but even that has become seriously questionable.  All things have changed, all rules have changed, and all of our government has changed.  This is a country out of our control. and that's why you feel like you're going insane.   Trying to understand it all, trying to make sense of it all, and trying to determine how to change it all, is enough to make anyone feel as though they are going insane.  But, take heart, you are not insane, and you aren't going insane.  You are just an American who cares deeply about truth and justice, and there is absolutely nothing even remotely crazy about that.    You're not insane because you care, in fact you would be crazy if you didn't.
Now, just for fun or maybe not.......
Bush legalizes illegal aliens in this country in hope of winning their votes.
Bush sends space ship to Mars.  He hopes to find life on Mars and to win the Martian vote.
Bush makes tax evasion legal in hopes of winning the evader's votes.
Bush sends man back to moon to look for moonies and to win their votes.
Bush resends conviction of drug smugglers hoping to win the smugglers votes.
Bush looks into thawing cryonic patients hoping to get a"head" at the polls.
Bush to ramp up space programs in hopes of winning the vote of space cadets.
Bush to offer Sadam a reprieve in hopes of winning his vote.
Bush suggests making Iraq the 51 state with the hope of winning Iraqi votes.
Bush also suggested making Alaska a state, but is told that already happened in 1959.  Bush still hopes his suggestion will garner votes in Alaska.
Bush determines that felons aren't all that bad after all.  After he frees them all and restores their voting rights, he hopes to win their votes.
Bush announces plans to build a steel ceiling over the entire United States in order to win steel workers votes and those of the paranoid population.
Bush refuses to ban beef after the Mad Cow discovery in order to garner votes from physicians and morticians.
Bush is looking into giving citizenship to all prisoners held in Guantanamo.  Bush says since they haven't really been charged with anything, why can't they vote?  Bush is hoping to garner the votes of these detainees.
Bush suggests lowering the voting age to three .  Bush is hoping to garner favor with the "Tickle Me Elmo" crowd.
  According to Pat Robertson, God has said that bush will be a clear favorite in the 2004 election.   Is it that bush doesn't trust God's word or is bush just covering all the "bases"?

Friday, January 9, 2004

Things You Told Me This Week About:  "Most of the World Thinks Bush Sucks.  Why Don't We?"
After the piece about bush being considered sucky by so much of the world was published last weekend on this website, I heard from many, many readers.  You guys shared so many opinions with me, that I thought perhaps you would like to know what each other said.  Sort of a protracted, "talk amongst yourselves" deal.
One anti-me, anti-liberal, anti-reality letter declared that basically all the ills of 9-11 could be traced back to President Clinton's zipper.  Yep, the writer connected the dots to zipper-gate.  Gee, talk about earth shaking sex!
Now here are some other things you told me.  You told me that the folks in Canada are truly nice people but they aren't at all happy with bush.  They truly like Americans, they just don't like our American president one bit. 
Many vets wrote to tell me that they are very unhappy with this administration, and bush in particular. 
I received several letters from teenagers and they are not enchanted with bush.
I received a letter from someone who had moved to the US from a South American country.  That person was not happy with bush.
I received letters from all around the US and the world, and the general theme of most of those letters was fear.  Not fear of terrorists or terrorists attacks, but fear of what was happening to our country and our freedoms.  I share that fear as well. 
I read every single one of your emails and responded to as many as I could.  I did not respond to the person who suggested the zipper theory.  What could I say?  I also did not respond to the person who told me that I had been given bad info, and that the world does not think bush sucks.  What could I say?  I couldn't respond to these two individuals because if they haven't "got it" by now, nothing I could say would change their mind.  Remember, there are people in this world who will still argue that the earth is flat and that man never landed on the moon. 
If all the emails I received, save the two I just mentioned, are any indication of the mood of America, I would venture to say that it would not be wise for bush to renew any magazine subscriptions to his Washington address beyond this year.  If the tone of the election follows your emails, bush will be able to spend lots and lots of time clearing brush from his ranch next year and every year thereafter. 
(some of the following is satire, kinda)
In response to fear of forest fires, bush has all trees chopped down in all forests.
Following suit, in response to fear of SARS, China has all civet cats killed.
And then, because one calf is suspected to have been exposed to mad cow disease, they will kill 450.
The moral of the story is when you have a problem eliminate every damned thing associated with that problem.
Why is bush still allowing pretzel manufacturers to roam free?
So now foreign people flying into the US will be fingerprinted and photographed.  Isn't that the first thing that happens to someone once they have been arrested?  Will doing this now save time later?  
How long will it be before all people in the US will be photographed and fingerprinted before boarding a plane?
There are about 27 countries that will be exempt from this new process.  What's to keep terrorists from going to those countries and then flying to the US?
Is this about national security for real or is it just another security blankie for us to grasp on to so we'll feel all safe and cozy?
This just in.  The Bush administration, in order to try to rewrite history and to calm fears over Mad Cow Disease, has determined the original diagnosis was wrong.  The cow will henceforth be described as only mildly irritated.
In the same vein, wmd will henceforth stand for Water, Mud & Dirt of which much was found in Iraq. 
"Mission Accomplished" was not a statement about the war, it was a coded message and when translated the message reads, "We're in deep sh*t in Iraq!"
Oops, hey I forgot something.  I forgot to wish you all a Happy New Year.  We can all wish for it, but unless the soldiers come home and bush is kicked all the hell out of the whitehouse in November, it won't be all that happy, it'll just be kinda new. 
My friend who has been in Iraq for what seems a lifetime is scheduled to come home this spring.  That's grounds for major celebration.  Another friend will be going to Iraq at the same time this one is coming home.  Who is going to stop this madness?  Are we going to be living in a world of anxiety forever?  You know, I think there are people right here in the US who are just stupid and uninformed about the war.  I really do, because anytime you hear someone say things are going well over there, they have to be clueless.  When people are killing each other, there is nothing well about it.  It's sick!
I've decided to show you two emails that I received.  I have removed the sender's names to protect their privacy.  I think this is the very best way to demonstrate the attitudes of both sides.  We always hear that Democrats and anti bush folks are angry and mean.  Well, check out these emails and you decide who has been naughty and who has been nice.
" I hope that America wakes up soon and realizes what they are doing to this country.  I am a little afraid though of them controlling the outcome of the next vote.  One way or another they will do whatever it takes to win.  We've already seen that.  Why does the corporate media keep referring to Iraq as a war?  That almost gives it some kind of twisted validity.  It was an invasion and occupation,  to the likes of nazi Germany or the Japanese empire that we so adamantly oppose.  Anyway,  please keep trying to get your message out to the naive American public."
And then I received this one:
Ms. Ernest............
You speak of "Spewing Venom"? 
After scanning your diatribe I felt like taking a hot shower...to wash YOUR venom off ME.....the reader!
I doubt there's much "laughter" in your house to share. 
And I'm certain of this:
If your loving dog and cat could/would somehow declare themselves as supporters for "bush",
you would kill them in a minute!
You are a strong example of what is wrong with the Democratic party, lately. Your hatred is so intense.  Your party politics (NOT patriotism) is so glaring....and vicious.....that no reasonable person could ever be influenced by your nasty nonsence.
Keep writing this stuff, Patricia.  Keep putting it out there.  It's the next best thing to Fedexing another box load of electoral votes to our commander and chief, President George Bush!
                  (I'll bet you put your husband's name in small-letters too!)
So let's look at these two emails for just a minute.  The first one is very similar to many, many others I received.  The second one is not.  I believe that  the second email is very telling .  Doesn't this give a bit of a twist to conventional thinking about who is angry?  Could it be that even hard nosed bush supporters are frustrated with their man, because he has let them down?  Are they in such denial that they have gone mad, and become just all out mean?  Looks like it to me.  When someone tries to win an argument by making personal attacks, that's a good indication that they have no facts to work with.  I think that's pretty evident in this second email.     No wonder the writer supports bush, they seem to have the same philosophical  attitude.  When you feel you are losing control,  don't deal with the facts,  create lies and then just attack. 
Now, without  fanfare or ceremony I shall bid it adieu, and  introduce the second email to the "delete" key .   Let's move on.


One Big American Burger to Go

 But Hold the Freedom Fries



You should not eat beef because our government, due to their love for the livestock industry, .......... 


"All told, the livestock industry in 2000 gave $4.7 million to federal candidates, with 79% of that total going to Republican candidates. George Bush was the largest recipient of any candidate that year, getting about $253,550 in donations." http://econ4dean.typepad.com/econ4dean/2003/12/mad_cow_lobbyis.html


let some bad stuff happen.....................


"Legislation to keep meat from downed animals off American kitchen tables was scuttled - for the second time in as many years - as Congress labored unsuccessfully earlier this month to pass a catchall agency spending bill.

Now, in the wake of the apparent discovery of the first mad-cow case in the United States, the author of the House version of the cattle provision wants to press the issue anew when Congress returns Jan. 20 from its winter recess. The massive, $373 billion spending bill covering several government agencies is still pending in the Senate.

"I said on the floor of the House that you will rue the day that because of the greed of the industry to make a few extra pennies from 130,000 head, the industry would sacrifice the safety of the American people," said Rep. Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y., chief House sponsor. "It's so pound foolish."


And, now Mad Cow Disease had been confirmed right here in the US.  The disease was discovered in a downed cow that was sent to slaughter.  The word from the administration has basically been, "Don't worry about it.  We have everything under control.  Move on, there's nothing to see here."

Imagine the uproar if the French had discovered a case of Mad Cow Disease in a French cow, and word was out that some of that beef had been sent to the US.  Would everyone continue to eat beef in that situation?  Hell no!  People would be screeching and ranting about diseased "freedom" beef.  I would bet a zillion dollars the entire US administration would be calling for French beef to be banned from this country.  You know they would. 

Meanwhile, we see pictures on TV of people happily munching giant cholesterol dripping chunks of flame broiled cow flesh and proudly explaining how they "ain't afraid".  Well, that's just dandy if that's what they want to do, but personally I think I shall not.  I find it amazing that the leaders of approximately sixteen countries think that US diseased beef is a possibility, but the US does not.  Isn't it kinda funny that a country the size of Japan is protecting its citizens, but no one is protecting us?  Are bush's cowboy pals more important than you and I?  Is it better to protect the cowboys' saddlebags full of money than to protect our lives?  Apparently it is.

The sad news is that lots of people believe every word that comes from this administration.  Even after they have lied about so many other things, even after those lies have been exposed, so much of the public continues to believe.  It's very sad and it may be dangerous.  It has been in the past.

Imagine all those tailgate parties during Super Bowl Sunday.    Let's fast forward to a possible interview out there in super football world.  The camera pans in on some fans all standing around the grill with cold beer in hand or at least near by.  The lid is closed on the steaming grill.  The interviewer approaches the group and speaks to the man who is tending the grill.

Hey there you frisky football fan.  What's your name, and  what's on the menu today? 

Hey man.  My name is Ronald.  We're cooking hamburgers and hotdogs and spare ribs. 

Well Ronald, are you concerned about the problem with Mad Cow Disease?  

Hell no, we're all Americans here.  If our President says the beef is safe, then it's safe.  

Ronald are you aware that many other countries have banned the importation of US beef until it can be proven that it is safe? 

Ah come on, what the hell do they know?   You think our government would lie to us about something like that?  What TV station are you with, some commie station or what? 

No Ronald, I'm with a tried and true American TV station.  I was just curious why you would feel that beef is safe when so many countries around the world do not.  Why do you think those other countries do not believe the words of bush and of the cattle industry? 

Well, I'll tell you whut!  I think that they are just envious because we got him. 

We got who? 

We got Saddam in that hole in Iraq. 

Oh, so other countries are banning possible diseased US beef because they are envious that george bush found Saddam? 

Yep, they sure as hell are.  See, george bush had the big brass ones to do it when those panty wearing UN folks did not.  Man are you out of it.  Don't cha remember 9-11?

Well Ronald, if you will recall, george bush said that Saddam had wmd too, and that turned out not to be true.  So perhaps this thing about the beef being safe might not be exactly true either.  Perhaps the administration is trying to dupe us again so that the beef industry will not lose money.

What the hell are you talking about Jack?  They found those weapons in Iraq.  That guy, I can't remember his name right now, but that guy who we sent to find stuff found them.  Man, he wrote a report about it and everything.  He found all kinds of stuff.  I can't remember all the kinds of stuff he found but it was a lot.

Okay Ronald, enjoy your party.  Oh, by the way, are you serving French fries with your other dishes today?

Hell no!  I wouldn't eat nuthen that came from that pansy country.  I poured a whole bottle of French wine right down the drain just to show those bastards how much I hate them.  I spent a couple a hundred dollars on that wine and had it for a year but, I said hell, it's worth it to pour it out and let those fairies know just what I think of them.

Ronald do you really think that wasting a bottle of good French wine made a difference in the big picture?

Damned straight it did!  Now you go on cause we gotta eat.  If these burgers stay on the grill any longer they'll be too damned done.  Ya know real men eat em so raw they still got blood dripping out of them.  That's the American way to eat meat.  Yes sirree, gotta eat em' so rare you can almost hear them moo!  And, one more time let me tell you, there ain't gonna be no damned Freedom fries served at this American party. No sirree!

So long Ronald, nice talking to you.  And good luck!

(picture fades out, interviewer just slowly shakes his head and walks away) 






The Difference Between the "Delete" Key and the "Reply" Key



Back in July of this year, I was asked by this website's owner, Rob Kall, if I would like to have a blog site.  After serious, deep and deliberate soul searching, which lasted for about 10 seconds, I said, "yes".  Shoot, who wouldn't love to have a site on the internet where one could just spout off about all sorts of things?  I was excited about it!  I had written things for other websites in the past, but not on a regular basis.  This had great fun potential!


So I began writing my little tirades about the administration, the treatment of our military personnel, and everything else that drove me nuts.  Within only a few days, some of you started firing back at me via email.  Mostly it was friendly fire, and for that I was grateful.  Some emails were complimentary, others were rather rude, and some, I must admit, I had no clue what they were about.


Then one day, this past October, I had written something that seemed to please a lot of people.  I was getting all sorts of nice emails, and okay, I was loving it!  My ego was sort of dancing around and smiling and having a good time.  Then, I received a particular email.  The writer, let's call him Mr. E., described himself as a retired vet.  He told me that my writing was too angry.  He wanted me to tone it down a bit.  And, real quick I'm thinking, "Hey, who are you to be ragging on me?  Look, all these other folks are writing all these sweet messages, and you're telling me to calm down?"  But, his message came across in such a way that it was not so much negatively critical, but more like positive and constructive.  It didn't make me feel defensive or angry.  The tone of his message had an undercurrent of kindness.  Many of the critical emails that I receive are introduced to my "delete" key, but for some reason I held on to this email for a day or so.  When I brought it back up on my screen and read it once more, my fingers were eager to hit the delete key, but my heart jumped in and said, "Hey, not so fast!  Why not hit the "reply" key instead?"  Do I hit delete or reply?  Finally I opted to hit reply.  It was one of the best decisions of my life!


I replied with a short and sweet message.  I wrote, "Thank you so much for writing to me and I appreciate your criticism."  I felt pretty good about that, because I had not ignored the writer, and I had let him know that I got the message loud and clear.  I hit the "send" key, and never thought much more about it.


A day or so later I received a message from Mr. E.  In that message he wrote the following.


"Mozart would not be considered a great composer if everything he wrote was to be played fortissimo.  Let me give another example. Instead of calling George W. Bush a miserable rotten sonofabitch I prefer to lay out the evidence so the person to whom I am talking says,"Why, that miserable rotten sonofabitch."


Upon reading those words, I said to myself, "Oh my, this is a person to whom I must listen ".  And I have until this very day.  Since October, Mr. E and I have become the best of friends.  He is the epitome of everything one believes a gentleman to be.  He has shared literature with me, he has shared philosophy with me, and best of all he has shared laughter with me.


As the holidays were approaching, I got up all my nerve and asked Mr. E. if it would be all right if I sent him a Christmas card.  He seemed as delighted with the idea as I was, so we exchanged addresses and we exchanged Christmas cards.  But, there was more.  Mr. E. loves music, real music!  He loves jazz, and blues and big bands.  He just loves it all!  Last week I received five cd's he had made for me of all his favorite pieces of music.  Along with the music came little histories about the songs and the musicians.  I mean, isn't that nice?  Isn't that just the sweetest gift?   It was like an early Christmas present.  Oh I wish you could hear this music!  I have learned so much and enjoyed it even more.


I know Mr. E. may be a bit embarrassed as he reads this, but I just had to let everyone know how wonderful he is.  Mr. E. is romantic.  No, I don't mean romantic like that.  I mean romantic like poetry is romantic, and like roses are romantic.  Romantic, as in beautiful.  I have some lace that my grandmother tatted years and years ago - that's romantic.  The romantic I am speaking of is about friendship, value and beauty and wisdom.   This is a friendship that has added many wonderful new dimensions to my life.  How can something like that not be romantic?  Anything that wonderful has to be called romantic.  It just has to be. 


This person that I'm telling you about is someone whom I have never seen, and I have never heard his voice.  I did see his handwriting in the Christmas card he sent to me.  Imagine how I felt when I saw his handwriting.  It was my first true evidence that this was a real person, and not just a sweet figment of my imagination.   Mr. E. is one of the most special friends that I have never really met.  If I had had the luxury to choose my father or perhaps even my grandfather, Mr. E. is the exact person I would have chosen to be both.  Mr. E. is almost magical, but he isn't.  Mr. E is the person who sent an email to me one day, and thank goodness, after I read his message, I did not hit the "delete" key.


Thank you Rob, for giving me the opportunity to share your website.

And, especially for giving me the opportunity to meet Mr. E.


Thank you Mr. E. for being one of my most prized, cherished and treasured friends.

Thank you for giving Christmas back it's magic this year.

And, most of all thank you for your faith in me.


What a year this has been, I wouldn't have missed it for anything!



Friday, December 19, 2003


 The Awesome "Saddam Gets Inspected" Tape

We Just Can't Get Enough of It! 
Well, I'll tell you what!   I just cannot get enough of that tape of Saddam having his head and mouth inspected.  I mean it.  It's just so damned appealing.  Like when you awake in the morning, turn on the news and sure enough, there's that tape on every single channel.  It's just such a joy to view for everyone, except maybe for the wimps who may wake up with a sort of sensitive tummy.  The new American way to start your day, a cup of coffee and one more viewing of the interior of Saddam's mouth.  Aaaaah, life is good!
Hey, you know what?  They should just create a tv station that's all Saddam, all the time.  They could take that tape and have it just run in a loop 24-7.  As it is now, we only get to see it each time Saddam's name is mentioned, which is on an average of three times per second.  The waiting can be aggravating as we have to endure stories about US unemployment and all those other pesky stories, before being treated once again, to a viewing of the tape.  Probably the news room folks are waiting with anticipation  just as we are.  Every time the word, "Saddam" is in the news script, you know there's someone with a big smile saying, "Cue the tape!".  If you're lucky you can find the tape running on three or four news channels at the same time.  Talk about a news viewer's coup. 
I'm truly surprised that the tape isn't being offered as a premium by the GOP.  You know, like donate big giant mega bucks to bush's campaign, and receive a free copy of the tape.  Wow, what a Christmas present that would be for someone.  Just imagine waking up Christmas morning, opening a gift and finding that tape.  Well shoot, you'd toss that baby in the vcr, and what a great way for your family to begin their day.  The kids sitting there in their jammies, granny in her bathrobe......can't you just picture it?  Then you hit the "play" button and the fun begins.  You know the kids would be mesmerized, and so would the adults.  We're talking about the all American Christmas.  After all, I think the Constitution does guarantee us the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of seeing the inside of someone's mouth just as many times as possible.  Can a stranger's uvula be more entertaining?  I can't imagine how.  Does life get any better than this?  No baby, we've hit the big time!
Seeing that tongue depressor, or swab, or whatever it is, as it cruises all around Saddam's mouth is such a joy.  Seeing that inspector run his fingers around Saddam's head, in between and around each hair, well, that just tops everything.  Geez, it's so real you can almost smell Saddam's breath.  Heck, you can almost smell his hair too.  Talk about tv at it's best!  We may have reached the pinnacle in reality tv with this tape. 
Every little kid is now going to aspire to be a mouth and hair inspector.   Watch the applications roll in to colleges that offer these courses.  How proud their parents will be.  And, the grads will attribute their inspiration and success to this special tape.  The "Saddam Gets Inspected" tape, the tape that just can't be seen too often.  The tape that inspired a generation.  Oh God, this is just so emotional, isn't it?
I may be going out on a limb here, but I see Academy Awards, I see Oscars.  Short subject reality film of the year?  Sure sounds like a possibility to me.  You can bet the farm that it will be chosen as the film seen by the most people, on the most days, on the most tv channels.  Yeah, that would be a new category.  Perhaps that category could be called the "Best Propaganda Film" award, or something like that.  I wonder if they would let Saddam attend the festivities?  You know President Bush would be there, or at least it would appear that he was there.  Of course if he actually did attend , I guess Vice President Dick Cheney would have to hide in an undisclosed location.  Maybe in honor of the event, he might hide in a hole.  With his wild sense humor, you never know what he'll do next.  He is such a character!  No wonder we all love and admire him so much.
If this tape does win an award, this could be troublesome.  Because lots of aspiring actors might start hiding in holes, and getting all dirty and icky just so they could be dug up and star in a movie having their head and mouth inspected.  You know how those copycat movies always are?  The copies are never as good as the original.
While we are all enjoying seeing the tape on tv  just as often as we possibly can, who's listening to radio?  What about the radio stations?  They can't show the tape.  How do they get to share in this Saddam excitement business?  What do they do each time they mention Saddam's name?  In the interest of fairness to all the great Clear Channel announcers, perhaps they could intersperse  gagging sounds during the time they are describing the inspection process.  You know, like the  gagging sound you make when someone jams a tongue depressor down your throat, or, as those clueless liberals would say, the gagging sound you make when someone jams propaganda down your throat.  
The liberals are all complaining because they say that the Saddam tape is shown too often on the news.  The liberals don't see this tape as we do.  They don't understand what it means.  They don't understand that each time we see this tape, it is a reminder to us.  It reminds us that as long as George Bush is our President,  we will be safe from all the ills of the universe.  Each time we view those pictures of the inside of Saddam's mouth, we know that as long as George Bush is our President, he will always find dangerous people living in holes and in caves and in all sorts of cavities.  When we see Saddam's matted hair, we know that we are finally safe from Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.  When we see Saddam's gums, we know that the people of Iraq are free.  When we see this tape of this evil doer, we see George Bush.  Yes we do.  President George Bush introduced us to evil doers.  President George Bush knows more about evil doers than anyone else.  When we hear the name George Bush, we immediately think of an evil doer. 
Yes we do!

Saddam Would Have Been Free if Bush Got His Way




Friday, December 12, 2003


The Most Egregious Abuse
Don't you  sometimes feel like we're in a time machine and it's going backward?  We're going back to the old way of doing things.  We're going back to destroying the environment.  We're going back to taking rights away from women.  We're going way back and taking rights away from American citizens.  We're trying to go so far back that the Constitution hasn't even been written yet.  We're going back to the pre-industrial revolution, because all our industries are going overseas.  Since when is the United States a backward nation, and who's driving this time machine?  I think it's way past time for a new driver.   Let's turn this baby around.  I do not want to live in a cave! 
I do not want anyone to take our sweet country backward.  I do not want anyone to abuse America.  This is my country, and I demand that it be respected.  I demand that my country be a country of freedom and admiration.  America deserves so much better than what it has now.  Our country deserves a leader who will care for it, love it, and never, ever do anything that would harm it.  But, it isn't getting what it truly deserves.
Our wild lands deserve respect.  They deserve to be left alone and in peace.  The wildlife of this country deserves to thrive in peace.  They deserve to be protected, to have a home that is undisturbed by man or machine.  They deserve to eat natural food and drink clean water and make baby animals.  They deserve wild life.  But, they aren't getting what they truly deserve.
Our people deserve respect.  They deserve to be able to work, raise their families, and live in a world that is fair and healthy.  They deserve the respect and admiration of the entire world.  They deserve good schools for their children, good medical care and the freedom to choose what is best for them.  Our people deserve to enjoy life.  But, they aren't getting what they truly deserve. 
Our military personnel deserve to be treated fairly and with the deepest respect.  They deserve any and all medical treatment they may ever need.  They deserve to be paid for their service and paid for the great risks they take.  The families of our military should never ever find themselves in financial straits due to a loved ones' service to our country.  Our military deserves the best this country can give to anyone.  Our military personnel must be treated like the heroes that they are.  Our military deserves nothing but the very best.  But, they aren't getting what they truly deserve.
America deserves to have it's water running fresh and pure.  America deserves to have it's air fresh and pure.  Destroying the quality of our water and our air should be a crime.  That crime should carry the stiffest punishment, because it effects every living creature in America.  No one should be allowed to cause harm to every man, woman, child and creature in our country.  There is no excuse for causing that much harm.  Anyone who would allow our water or our air to be poisoned should be considered a criminal and perhaps even considered a terrorist.  It is not all right for any industry to poison us, just as it is not all right for an enemy to poison us.  Whether it be for profit or revenge, poisoning air or water should  not be tolerated.  Americans deserve lives free of poisons.  But, they aren't getting what they truly deserve.
America is not getting what it truly deserves.  America is being abused and an awful lot of people are just standing by and watching.  Don't they know they are abetting this crime?  How long will they  just stand and stare?  How bad does it have to get before someone screams for help?  Each day the bush administration slaps and kicks America and no one seems to care.  Don't they hear the cries from the unemployed?  Don't they hear the cries from the children?  Don't they hear anything at all?  They can't turn away because no matter which way they turn the sight only gets worse and the cries become louder.  How can they just stand and watch?  Don't they love this country?  Don't they care?  Why don't they speak up and try to help our America before it's just too late?
They have to hear the lies.  I'm sure they hear the lies, but I don't understand why they allow themselves to be such fools.  How long can they live in denial?  Why would anyone rather live a lie than try to make things better?  How can anyone watch such abuse and not cry out?  Are they ignorant?  Are they lazy?  What is their excuse?  What is their excuse for just standing by and allowing our America to be so horribly abused?  Do they love America?  Do they love America more than they love their ignorant bliss?
It doesn't matter if you like bush as a person or if you hate him.  I'm not talking about bush's personality here, I'm talking about America.  I'm talking about our country, your country and mine. Whether you like bush or hate him, he is the one who is ultimately responsible for allowing this abuse of America.  He isn't trying to stop it at all.  He's just watching the slaps and the kicks.  He's allowing the pain to be inflicted, and he won't do a thing about it.  He was entrusted with America and he was supposed to care for it and treat it with respect.  But instead he has gouged holes in it, smothered in with pollution, and allowed blood stains.  How can he possibly smile?  Doesn't he care?  He doesn't love America.  He has allowed too many awful things to happen to America.  Bush has been cruel to America. 
It's time that we found a new caretaker for our sweet America.  Someone who will heal the wounds, sooth the pain and make our country feel clean and whole and well again. 
Please try to hang in there America, hold on just as tight as you can.  We love you, and we care for you deeply.  We know you're hurting and we see you bleeding.  We've seen how you've been abused.  We are so sorry.  We know you deserve so much better.  We're going for help.  We're going to find someone who will care for you.  We're going to get a doctor.
I just hope it's not too late. 
Friday, December 5, 2003
Let's Hit the Brakes on This NASCAR Foolishness!
"Here the ways of men part:
if you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe;
if you wish to be a devotee of truth, then inquire." 
 (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)
Perhaps I just missed it, but did bush pass the hat for donations for his campaign while he was in Iraq last week?  He must have, because it seems he doesn't go anyplace unless there is a big fund raiser.  Maybe the meal he served the soldiers was one of his thousand dollar a plate deals.  You just never know about old george.  And just out of curiosity, why did every military man in bush's audience just happen to have brought their camera?  After all, it was really early in the morning when bush arrived.  Do our soldiers always carry cameras with them?  Do they like to eat turkey at breakfast time?
There was the big battle in Samarra and the big report that about 54 of the enemy had been done in.  Then the news was, " Nope, not exactly that many, and maybe they weren't even enemies". 
Who exactly is making the news, who is writing the news, and does anyone care if what we hear is correct?  It's sort of become a we said, they said deal.  Somewhere in the middle is the real truth.  Is anyone honestly looking for that real truth or are the majority of Americans just hearing what they want to hear rather than face facts.  Facts can be awfully ugly sometimes.  Awfully ugly.
It was amazing to listen to the news this week.  On Tuesday morning we were told that we might have captured or killed one of Saddam's big shots.  But after everyone had left for work and school we were told, "Oops, we didn't get him after all".   So the majority of the country tramped out happily on Tuesday morning thinking, "Cool, we're getting them one by one just like our illustrious president said we would".   How many of them actually read or listened to the news on Tuesday night and heard that it was all a "mistake"?  Is the American public drugged on propaganda?  Does good news, even if it's not true suffice to feed their habit of false security.  Is ignorance the drug of choice for America today?  If so, who is the pusher man?
First the bush boys said a British plane almost blew operation "Big Turkey Can Fly in The Dark".  Then the British said, "Well, no that didn't happen."  So now you have to ask,  what the hell were the bush boys talking about?  Did someone dream that a British plane contacted Turkey One or what?   As Desi used to say, "Oh georgie, you got some splain-in to do".
Bush was in Iraq for a couple of hours and his ratings went up about five points.  How high would they have gone if he would have just stayed over there?  Now that made you smile didn't it?
The bush administration is to some folks kind of like a religion.  Just put all your faith in bush and you never have to accept responsibility for anything.  You don't ask questions, you don't do anything except follow blindly.  Cowards refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions.  Cowards follow and never ask why.  Cowards would rather let something awful happen, than have the guts to make a difference.  How many cowards does it take to elect a false prophet?  If bush gets elected next November, I'll let you know the answer to that.
The news now tells us the turkey in bush's 'Thanksgiving in Iraq" photo wasn't really for dining  purposes. The turkey on the platter was a prop for a photo-op. What about the turkey who was holding the platter?  Is he ever for real?  Seems the symbol of this administration is that nothing is real.  Their Jessica Lynch story wasn't real, the proclamation after the  landing on the carrier wasn't real.  You have to wonder, did he even fly in on that jet?  We didn't exactly see him climbing out of it did we?  Remember how they lied about where the ship was, and about how he had to fly out there?  Just nothing they tell us is real.  Geeezzz this whole administration is so bad it's unreal. 
Perhaps we should just refer to this whole administration as, "The people who just say s#*t"
You have to admit, they just say s#*t all the time.  It doesn't matter if what they say is true or not, they just say it.  Kind of hard to admire people who just say s#*t  isn't it?  You have to wonder why they feel it's necessary to lie to us so often.  What are they hiding behind all those lies? 
Forget the no spin zone.  Let's demand a  "No  S#*t  Zone"
                                    Santa Claus
                                    North Pole
                    Dear Santa,
                           I can explain !
T'was a month before Christmas and all through the place. 
Each person was bewildered, each person had a sad face.
The Congress was baffled at just what to do.
They said they were fighting for me and for you.
The stock market was shaky.
The seniors in flux.
The general public was saying, "Damn,  are they trying to f*#k us?
The war in Iraq was boiling like stew
The war in Afghanistan was just a mess too.
The white house was busy hiding first this and then that
The nation was clueless watching, "The Cat in the Hat".
The environment was taking a bad daily hit.
The economy was bad, unemployment had folks in a fit.
The lies were a swirling,  the truth was obscured
While way too many  citizens went uninsured.
There was distrust as far as any eye could see,
The administration had lied just as much as could be.
When given a choice between the good and the bad
Every government decision was totally mad.
The holidays were coming, but no cheer could be found.
Our soldiers were dying on a far distant ground.
Washington said "major combat is done"
But, we know that's not true, because no one has won.
What's going to happen to all our sweet states?
Seems we're quickly being taken to hell's granite gates.
If there's someone out there that knows just what to do,
Please drop a line to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
There are men at this locale who care nothing for you.
But, they watch where you go and they watch what you do.
Tell them you're not happy, tell them you're mad.
Tell them their choices are mostly quite bad.
These folks on the hill are driving us nuts,
These folks don't want to listen, so let's kick all their butts.
This time next year, we will speak out real loud.
We'll vote for someone new who can make us all proud.
We have just one mission, it's as clear as can be.
They'll hear from us soon, from you and from me.
We'll show our dismay and we'll show our unrest.
We'll elect a new group, the Democratic best.
So on this day, when things seem rather rank,
With little cash in our pockets and less in the bank,
We'll muddle through shopping and we'll muddle through fear,
And  we'll try to muddle through another losing new year
But, we'll think about good times we have had in the past,
And we'll try to believe that this misery can't last.
We will find some good way to enjoy this season.
We will remember that we have many a fine reason.
We'll drink a toast to times that are yet to be.
We'll drink a toast to you and then one to me.
We'll think about bush and of all his men.
We'll think about when better times will begin.
We know that we can fix this, we know that we must.
We have to have a government that we know and can trust.
This time next year when the holidays come near,
This time next year we won't live in this fear.
There are some major problems we all have to face,
Like lying and deceit, it's such a disgrace.
With bush and his boys our world's come undone.
But, this time next year we'll all vote as one
We'll send them a message, real loud and real clear.
We'll tell the Republicans to get the hell out of here.
We'll send them packing, we'll give them no passes.
We'll shout Merry Christmas as we kick their collective old asses.
We will show as much mercy as they have shown us.
We'll cause them to cower and we'll cause them to cuss.
We'll take back our country, we'll take back our house.
We will rid Washington of every single old louse.
So climb on the roof top and shout it real loud,
We're Democrats, and damn it we're democratically proud.
We see the challenge, we see it clear.
We're gonna have a damned good Merry Christmas next year!
But until then, until things are much better,
We have to work hard.  Hell, just write a letter.
Do what you know a good American would do.
If we want to make things better it's up to me and to you.
As we all plod through this present holiday season,
Remember the goal, we must return to reason.
We must go forward and learn from the past,
To have our votes counted, first they all must be cast.
If Santa is out there and if he reads all of this,
I hope that he's real mad, I hope that he's real pissed.
I hope that Santa is just exactly like me, I hope he's all mad and I hope he's in shock.
I hope that Santa drops a giant chunk of coal in george's grimy Republican sock.
I hope that Santa can see this all very clear.
I hope that Santa will come to visit this year.
I hope that Santa's reindeer find no challenge to their coursing
I hope Santa's elves aren't the victims of out-sourcing.
What if you plan to write Santa a letter this year?
But, you get a return message that says, "Santa's not here"
What if you call Santa and it requires extra fees?
Then you'll know another manufacturer has moved overseas.
As I bring this little message to a goodhearted close,
There is one thing for sure that each of us knows.
As the holidays come and we go through the motion,
Our hearts will be with our soldiers far over the ocean.
We send them our love and we tell them we care.
We want them all to know we'll remember them there.
We wish them Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year
Of all our treasures, we hold them most tender and dear.
This time next year, if we get our way,
Each one of these soldiers will have ended their stay.
They will be back here with us, it's where they should be.
They'll be back here with their families, with you and with me.

Friday, November 21, 2003

Governmental Uterus Registration
(if you don't like the title, you'll love the article)
When something is bothering me, I mean really making me upset, I take out all my anger and everything else out on my house.  I clean like a mad woman.  I clean everything standing  just to get all the negative energy out of my system.  Well, as of today I have the cleanest damn house on the block, if not in the state.
So many things this week.  So many emotions.   Such a clean house.
To begin with, it seems that we are having part two of the war in Iraq.  This time the bombings should be named "Shame and Awful".   It's like having a nightmare and then waking up and discovering the dream is over.  Then going back to sleep and dreaming the same scary dream again.  Only this is no dream, and it doesn't qualify as a nightmare.  This is real bombing and more real deaths.  How can we bomb the Iraqi people until we make them love us? 
Then there was the whole fiasco about Medicare.  AARP folks are getting shafted and things may be out of control.  It's such a dirty situation I don't even want to go there.
Thursday morning we awaken to discover that bombs have gone off in Turkey.  Lots of people are dead.  We bombed people in Iraq and someone bombed people in Turkey.  All the bombs killed people, so all who made the bombs or dropped the bombs killed people.  Who the hell cares?  I guess that's what we're supposed to say.............I guess it is.  Why is that?
Bush goes to visit Tony and they seem to think they know everything there is to know about war.  Bush met with the families of the dead British soldiers.  He doesn't do that here at home.  He hasn't met with a single U.S. family.  Why are the British people more important than our people?  He gave the Prime Minister of Italy his sincerest regrets regarding the Italian soldiers who were killed.  He hasn't said publicly that he regrets U.S. soldiers being killed.  Why does he care more about the Italian soldiers than about our soldiers?  Why is that?
You know they want to close a lot of the schools on bases here in the U.S.  They say they can't afford to keep them open.  Didn't we just send just about all our money to Iraq to help build schools, etc.  Why didn't we keep some money here so we could keep our schools open?    Why is that?
Blair and bush spoke to the press Thursday morning.  If you saw it, you had to be embarrassed as bush spoke.  Compared to the eloquent Blair, bush appeared to be a buffoon.  Made you want to cover your face and hide.  I don't have to ask "why is that?".    I know why!  
The best part was when the reporter asked bush why he thought the people in England "hated him".  You should have heard what I yelled at my tv in response to that question.
It's amazing to me that we have just about 24-7 news coverage about the demonstrations in Miami, but we didn't get to see much if any of the demonstrations against bush in England.  Do they think if we don't see the demonstrations in England we won't believe they actually happened? 
Shoot, the holiday season begins next week - the fun of Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping and all the other parts of the happiest time of the year.  Okay, that's it!  Folks, as bad as everything is, we gotta try our best not to let the holidays sneak past us.  Yes, the world is one stinking place right now, but we have to buck up and let the good times roll.  Because if we don't, then the neo-cons win.
So on that somewhat cheery note:
From one pissed off, liberal turkey!
Friday, November 14, 2003
Just in case you're as peeved as I am about bush taking the female body hostage, you can read my feelings about that
right here:
Hey Sister! It's Not Your Body


Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda!
That pretty much sums up this week doesn't it?  Finally the excrement is hitting the war fan and everybody is chipping in their two cents on what we shoulda, woulda, coulda do, done, did. 
Well hello!  It's too damned late for second guessing.  Bottom line is  it's a big freakin mess in Iraq and no one has a clue what to do.  We just mailed them all that money and now what?  One thing the Iraqis should learn from all this, even a so-called democracy can screw up big time when they the wrong man is running the show.  I hope they're taking notes.  Here's what you don't do folks, you don't let the highest court in your country choose your leader.  Got that?  Don't allow that to happen, because if it does, then hello, you aren't a democracy.
  Since no one, even bush, can blame this one on President Clinton, they are now blaming it on the Iraqi people.  Seems the Iraqi folks haven't passed democracy 101 fast enough.  This would be about the equivalent of planting me in the middle of Wall street and giving me six months to learn all the ins and outs of running the largest investment company in the world.  I could give it my best shot, but I don't think I would have a handle on everything in that amount of time.  How can you rapidly learn what you don't even understand, what you have no experience dealing with?  It's insane.   Hell, half the time the members of the council don't even show up for the meetings.  Do they ask them why?
  Now I have earth shaking questions.  Who does Bremmer's dry cleaning and his laundry?  Who washes and irons his clothes?  Is he like a king with lots of servants to care for him and take care of all his personal needs.  I mean think about it.  Every time you see him over there he's in  a little suit with the lapel hanky and the works.  No one else over there looks all that tidy.  Okay maybe it wasn't an earth shaking question, but sometimes you zero in on the small stuff because the big stuff is just too overwhelming.
Of course by now everyone has heard about the very adult approach the Republican senators took as they pitched a hissy fit over the "judicial crisis".   They basically said, "We won't shut up and go to bed until we get our way.  So there!"  Geeez, and you wonder why our country is kinda messed up?  Be sure and share this story with your little kids.  Show them how real adults act when they are miffed.  Show them how adults don't compromise, they just act out.  I think I know a group of senators who seriously need a time out.  They need to go sit in the corner and think about what they've done.
When is He Coming Home?
Just for the record, it's now been three weeks since my friend's wife has heard from him.   No one knows where he is or how he is and we're worried big time.  Iraq is not a good place for man nor beast.  Everyone says that we can't pull out now because it would mean chaos for Iraq.  Looks to me like things have become pretty chaotic since we pulled in. 
If they turn Iraqi leadership over to Chalabi it's going to make us all wince.  This is the guy who has a fine reputation of making money disappear without a trace.  Don't believe me?  Ask the folks in Jordan, seems when he skipped out of there  he made seventy million vanish.  Isn't it bad enough that we have a puppet for a president?  Are we going to force the Iraqis have a magician?  This is a real circus!
Judge Roy Brown
Judge Roy Brown got his holy walking orders on Thursday.  His god only knows what he's going to do next, but rumor has it that he plans to build an ark and sail into a political career.  Think about it long and hard folks in Alabama.  Are you real sure you want to be the only state that is so religious that you are banned from "state"?   Do you want the name of your state changed from Alabama to The Church of Alabama? 
I listened to Roy speak after he was removed from the bench and he sure didn't sound like a sane man.  He sounded like a man who was haunted by the holy spirit.  Seriously haunted!  If Roy wants to get a new job, I would suggest he find a tv station and become a tv evangelist.  He would be perfect.  And, it would keep him busy enough, so that he wouldn't be planting anymore 2 ton graven images around the grounds of the government. 
Tuesday, November 11,
To All the Veterans and Their Families,
Please consider yourself thanked from the bottom of my heart!
Please consider your neck to have been  hugged.
And, please consider your cheek to have been kissed.
Because, I consider you to be the BEST!
With sincere gratitude and admiration,


Friday, November 7, 2003

This is fall.  Many of us veg out on Sunday afternoons.  We just give our brains a few hours off, put on something comfy, kick back and watch...........yep, watch a little football.  We gather a few snacks and our favorite beverages, maybe even some adult beverages.  We just chill and have a good time. I happen to love to do just that!  Pin up my hair, put on the appropriate sweatshirt and get down with laziness.  Life is too short to be tense on Sunday afternoons in the Fall.  Fall means football.  Life deserves football watching!  It's good for you to kick back and enjoy the luxury of doing nothing but having a hell of a good time.
If you watch football, you know there are penalties when a team screws up.  Well, life can sort of be like that.  When people screw up they should be penalized.  So here's the score this week.


Flag on the Field
Penalty--Illegal Substitution
Bush signed the partial birth abortion bill.  Said he wants us to become champions of life or some such prophetic quip.  Champions of the unborn.  Ignorers of the health of the living.  Expediters of death in war.   Hey, we got all the bases covered!  Bush signed the bill knowing full well that it went against the Constitution, but so what, his bro did the same thing here in Florida a couple of weeks ago. United States Constitution, what United States Constitution?  These bush boys don't need no stinkin' Constitution because apparently they believe they're God!
Flag on the Field
Penalty--Forward pass from beyond line of scrimmage
With a smirk and another smirk bush glided his pen across the paper, and he sent the Iraqis about twenty some billion dollars.  They don't have to pay any of  it back.  It's not a loan, it could have been, and it should have been. But, it wasn't a loan, it was just good old insane ridiculousness.  We generously gave them more money than we could even dream of affording.   He just smirkingly tossed it to them.   Early Christmas present with no return address attached.  We aren't Grinches, we're broke.  It was our money, now it's theirs.  So long money for things our country needs.  We won't see ya later.
Flag on the Field
Penalty--Ineligible receiver touching the Pass
Did you hear?  We're sending all those billions to Iraq and if a little profiteering is done, hey that's cool.  There was a provision that would have banned any profiteering, but shoot, that would make it just so damned difficult to be crooked.   So that little situation was avoided.  We just said, "Here's all our money, do whatever you want to with it.  Give it to any corporation who stings you, give it to any crook who wants it.  And if you need more, give us a ring.  We're here for you but we're not here for US".
Flag on the Field
Penalty--Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Last Sunday, just after the announcement about the helicopter being shot down in Iraq, I received an email from the Kerry campaign.  The email showed a picture of Sen. Kerry standing in a field holding a hunting rifle.  Not being a fan of guns in any form, I didn't like the photo.  Then as I scrolled down the email there was another photo of Kerry holding a dead pheasant.  Such a ugly ugly sight.  Having been fortunate enough to once see a pheasant in the wild, I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can draw a bead on something so pretty and then just basically blow it's brains out.   Even worse, having one's photo taken with the dead bird in one's hands.  What was that all about?  He later joked on tv that times were hard and he had to hunt to put food on his table.  Not funny Kerry, not funny one bit.  Why the hell do you think that showing me a picture of a dead bird that you had killed would make me want to vote for you?  Are you nuts?  At least Dr. Dean just talked about Confederate flags and pick-up trucks, he didn't send out a photo of himself actually riding in the back of a pick-up truck and waving a Confederate flag.  Someone in Sen. Kerry's office just isn't thinking or else they think the way to win votes is to show that Sen. Kerry likes to kill animals.  I've never been fond of people who kill animals.  They say that kids who kill and torture animals are headed down a bad road.  Why is it that if an adult kills an animal he feels this is a plus to lead him down the road to the whitehouse? 
Dear Sen. Kerry's campaign,
Please don't send me any more photos of dead animals.  Animals look much more beautiful when they are alive and can stand on their own.  I don't want to see them dead and being held by a man who kills them! 
My vote is not in Sen. Kerry's future.
Flag on the Field
It seems that I am hearing the word liberal and communist in the same sentence a lot these days.  Is that the new trend?  First we were traitors, then we didn't support the troops, then we were un-American, then we were hysterical historical revisionists, and now we're communist?  Why not just refer to us as Americans who give a hardy damn about their country?  Yeah we do, and it doesn't matter what label they slap on us it won't shut our mouths, it won't shut our eyes, and it won't make us stop trying to heal our country and make it good again.  Good in the eyes of other countries and a good place for all people to live. 
I don't care if they call us aliens or monsters or wiggly woggleys, we're gonna do this thing!  We're going to work our little liberal asses off and we are gonna make our home a true home, not a corporate warehouse.  I'm telling you it's gonna happen, because we are going to do it.  It's too deep in our hearts, we can't help it.  We just love our country and we're going to rescue it, love it and take care of it the way it deserves to be cared for.  Right now, it's being held hostage but we're not dealing with a ransom, we're not negotiating, we're going in!  We will put an end to USA abuse, watch and see!

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Due to the fact that things are going so swimmingly in Iraq and in Washington under the direction of our fine President, I just don't see any reason to continue making daily entries on this blog page.  For that reason, I'm going to try doing a once a week entry that will be posted on Friday mornings. 
If you've visited this blog page before, you are probably wondering, "What the hell?"
Okay a part of that opening sentence is true.  I am going to change this to a weekly blog and post it on Friday mornings, but it sure as hell isn't due to a lack of aggravation over the  dysfunction in Washington.  And, it isn't because I think it's just dandy that our troops are getting killed in bush's war. 
I want to, rather than write in dribs and drabs about current events, I want to  write a weekly summary.
With the holidays approaching, I need a little time to try to convince Santa that I've been a good girl.  If he sees that I'm bitching and moaning every day he might scratch my name off his list.  I think I'm already off his short list.  And one thing is for sure, I do not want to piss off Santa Claus!
Who knows, if things get even crazier in this world , I may just go bananas and toss in a daily entry ever so often.   I can't imagine things can get any crazier than 16 soldiers getting killed in one day and our screwin', lost in space president doesn't say a word about it.  Nada, zip, zero words uttered!  This kinder, gentler, compassionate, uniter, presidential imposter just let it slide by as he went la la la along on his campaign money raising extravaganza.    If he felt bad when these troops were killed or when any of our troops are killed, seems to me we would see it in him, we would just know it.    We know when someone is feeling sad, we just know it even if they don't tell us.  Hell, even if he truly doesn't give a damn, he could at least, for the sake of appearing to be human, act like he cares.  Instead he just appears to deny how the families feel.  Is he capable of feeling sympathy and sadness?  Could he truly be capable of hiding such feelings from the public?  Why would he want to? 
Saturday, November 1, 2003
There she was last night, prettier than life.  Her hair just like honey and her face is the face from which they fashion angel's faces. Those sweet little eyes looking into mine.  She was shy but her eyes were inquisitive.  She approached me slowly and cautiously.  Who would have expected someone so gentle, so young to know so much.  Life for her is good but it could be so much better.  A part of her heart is far far away.
She wore red.  She wanted something from me and something from the world.  I gave her what I had and she seemed pleased but in her heart she wanted so much more.  She just kept staring into my heart, and it hurt.  It hurt because unknowingly she was breaking my heart into tiny pieces.
She is almost three years old.  Her grandfather is in Iraq and she carries a bent and ragged photo of him with her wherever she goes..  Before he left for Iraq, she and  her grandfather spent many afternoons together as they played in his backyard.  They would pick flowers and observe the birds at the birdbath.  They were buddies and they were good buddies!    She has a nickname for her grand father and he has one for her.  If you speak with her on the telephone she will hold his picture up to the receiver and ask you if you can see him.  She misses him and I know for a fact that he misses her.
Her mother and her grandmother brought her to my door last night and rang my doorbell.  When I opened the door, there she was wearing this little ladybug costume.  Oh my goodness, she was cute!  She was standing there in the glow of the lighted pumpkins adorning my entrance way.  Just this tiny little girl standing between two adoring adults.  The costume allowed for some of her little blonde curls to peek out and play in the breeze.  I must have looked like a giant to her, but as soon as I knelt down you could see her relax.  She held out her basket and uttered the national Halloween phrase "twick or tweet". 
As I was filling her little basket with "tweets" my heart was breaking, because there was a vast empty space there in the pumpkin's glow.  There was a dark space in all that light.  The space was so dark and so empty that  you could feel it.  That empty space should have been filled with one more adoring adult.  Her grandfather should have been standing there beside her.  But, he wasn't. 
He's in Iraq, and he might be alive or he might be dead.  She doesn't know that possibility exists, she will tell you that he's "at work".   He's been pulling this shift "at work" since about last February.   
I wish he could see her, but more than that, I was wish she could see him.  I wish he could come home from "work". 
Last night,  as I stared into her little innocent eyes, I wondered what her grandfather might be doing at that same moment.  Was he crashing down the door of an Iraqi family's home?  Was he scaring some little Iraqi child as he confiscated it's father?  Was he shooting someone?  I don't know. 
 I do know that this grandfather soldier would given anything and everything to have been home from "work", and  sharing the experience last night, of escorting that sweet little ladybug as she fluttered through the neighborhood,  "twick or tweeting". 


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