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Foie Gras?
Arrêter s'il vous plaît!
I'm beginning to feel like those poor geese must feel as they are being force fed to prepare them to become foie gras.  The poor things have a tube jammed down their throats and must endure such great pain as the food is literally stuffed into them. 
With the recent public relations campaign coming out of the bush administration stuffing us with sunshine and happiness stories about Iraq, it truly is enough to make you gag.  Stop please!
Another thought regarding this "things are rosy in Iraq" public relations campaign that the administration is ramming down our throats.  If things were going so swimmingly over there, why would bush decide to delete Rummy and insert Condi?  The administration is blaming the public's negative attitude on the Democrats and the media  but  seems to me the administration doth protest too much! 
 When the killing stops,  I'll start listening!
If, as we are now being told, our "smart bombs" didn't hit the power stations of Iraq or destroy the infrastructure of Iraq, and  if the damage to the infrastructure has been caused by Saddam's neglect, then why do we have to pay for and rebuild it?  Why do we have to pay for it if we didn't break it?  
Bush set a nice little trap for the Democratic candidates.  He gave his tax cuts and now if anyone wants to rescind them, it's considered a tax hike.  In actuality if the tax cut was rescinded, we wouldn't be paying anymore taxes percentage wise than we were three years ago.  Besides, our tax dollars are going to Iraq one way or the other.  It's truly a pay me now or pay me later situation, because no matter how it's done, it's you and me who will foot the bill.  We can pay higher taxes or we can lose services here in the US.  You decide.
Bush starts dropping a bit in popularity and sightings of Saddam rise exponentially.  What a coincidence!
Bush says the media is not showing the sunny side of Iraq so his administrations yanks the media's reins to the right.  The media obeys, the majority of the viewers take their prescribed medication, get dumbed down and life goes on.
Another soldier dies in Iraq but an Iraqi school gets a new coat of paint, so it all evens out?
Even though you thought they might do it, you didn't deep down in your heart, believe they would.  Would they?  Well, it's not like it hasn't been discussed.
"WHILE NO evidence exists that "planting" WMD in Iraq has been discussed officially inside the Bush administration, intelligence sources confirm what just about anybody could deduce: The idea has come up in casual conversation."
       "It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. "
                                                                     -Ansel Adams-

And finally, if you have a heart, if you appreciate the beauty and the intrinsic value of nature, please read this article regarding the bush administration's latest antics.  Seems they want to destroy the Endangered Species Act.  Like this administration needs something else to hunt for, right?  They now want to make it legal to hunt down and kill endangered species all around the world.  I have always been afraid they would go after the Endangered Species Act, but I had hoped they would be too busy destroying other things to notice it hiding in the shadows.  Apparently I was wrong because there are people out there who want to wear the remnants of dead creatures and people who want to hang the carcasses of dead creatures on their walls.  These same people have lots of $$$.  This administration will do anything for $$$.  By gutting the Endangered Species Act, the administration is once again trading lives for cash.  This administration just loves money to death!  They don't care how much blood is dripping from a dollar as long as it's their dollar. 
The target this time can't fight back and it can't call for help.   A war in Iraq wasn't enough bloodshed for them,  now they want to go after rare creatures.  Is there a caring heart in this administration?  Is there wisdom in this administration?    Hell NO!
"Saving Endangered Wildlife by Killing It?"

Monday, October 13, 2003

There seems to be a bit of a problem here. 
I think we have all heard, at one time or another, the president say, "If you feed a terrorist, you're just as guilty as the terrorists". 
Well, if you watched the hearings last week in the House of Representatives regarding the sales of surplus Department of Defense Biological Lab Equipment via the internet, you discovered that the DOD has made available a virtual buffet of chemical and biological (CB) equipment available to just about anyone who is hungry for the production of chemical and biological weapons.  They will even sell protective clothing to go along with the equipment.  However, by their own admission, some of the protective clothing may be defective, even the protective clothing that they sold to first responders around the country. 
"According to GAO, due to poor controls, there is little assurance excess CB equipment has not already fallen into the wrong hands.   "Shays said, "The cheap, virtually unregulated availability of low cost biological laboratory equipment poses a risk to national security. The Department of Defense should not be a discount shopping outlet for would-be bio-terrorists." 
(Washington, Oct 7 - Congressman Christopher Shays (CT-4), Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations)
 (link #1 below)
"At the subcommittee's request, GAO bought surplus items though a shell corporation, acquiring operating lab equipment and other items at less than one-tenth of the original cost to the Pentagon, the report says.

The GAO also was able to buy protective suits and other items, despite a department policy that prohibits public sale of the items.

Some protective suits bought by the GAO had previously been determined defective, yet they were still circulating in the surplus supply chain, with some issued to state and local law enforcement units."
 (link #2 below)

"The Pentagon's sale of the surplus equipment was uncovered by Congress's general accounting office (GAO) which conducted a sting operation, setting up a dummy company to buy laboratory equipment online on a Pentagon website.

The GAO found that the defence department did not check the background of its customers. Most of the equipment being sold was available commercially but the Pentagon was selling it at bargain prices. The GAO bought $46,000 ( £27,500) worth of equipment for just over $4,000 ( £2,400). 

 Defence  officials were called in to answer questions before a congressional inquiry about the sale of the army surplus, which included centrifuges, evaporators, bacteriological incubators, and protective suits to unknown customers in other countries, including Egypt and the Philippines, where terrorist groups have been known to operate.

The news is particularly embarrassing, coming only days after the CIA-led Iraq Survey Group claimed the discovery of similar equipment in Iraq was evidence that the Saddam Hussein regime had a covert weapons programme. "

(link #3 below)


I'll let you draw your own conclusions, based upon that last quote. 


Link #1    http://reform.house.gov/NSETIR/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=1598

As I searched for the above information, I discovered to the best of my knowledge, there was very little material to be taken from US sources.  This I found very interesting!
Friday, October 10, 2003
If you were fortunate enough to see the PBS program last night, "Truth, War and Consequences", you had to have learned a little more about what is going on in Iraq.  After viewing that program, I came away believing that one of the most dangerous weapons in Iraq right now is Ahmed Chalabi.   
 You've just got to see this program! 
Yesterday bush was cruising around the US telling captive audiences that things are much better in Iraq than we have been told they are.  He seems to think that we have a misconception of reality based upon a vast left wing, press conspiracy.  He seems to believe that if our military applies a coat of whitewash to a school, that should be reported with violins playing in the background and when a US soldier is murdered on the street, well that's not a news story, that's just one of those pesky little realities of war. 
I don't give a damn if they build a hundred new schools and every damned light bulb in Iraq is glowing,  as long as we continue to lose members of our American family over there, then the news is not screwin' good!
Bush says that things in Iraq are better than they were.  Better than what?  Better than the day we dropped all those bombs on these same people we're now building schools for?  Well hell yes, as soon as death stops raining down, it sure as hell would be better. 
      Bush and all his little cheerleaders can repeat this new "happy mantra" until they are blue in the face and most of us will know full well that it's excrement from a male member of the bovine family.  But there's that other bunch.  The one's who believe we found wmd on every corner in Iraq and that Suddam flew the plane that hit the first tower on 9-11 and that all our soldiers in Iraq have been sprayed down with all sorts of toxic chemical weapons.   That goofy bunch will believe anything they hear from bush's mouth and what they don't hear, they just make the hell up. 
     So bush can march out all his folks, and they tell all their stories and you can listen if you want to.  But as far as I'm concerned, if things are so rosy in Iraq, why would they have to try so hard to make us believe it? 
It's just difficult to watch bush try to get all emotional and use his "sweet" voice when he talks about kids in Iraq getting school books, when I know that here in the US, way too many of our teachers have to open up their own wallets to be sure that their classes have all the equipment they need!
Let's visit some of the kids in Appalachia and see what kind of shape their schools are in.  Let's visit some of the big cities here in the US and see what kind of shape their schools are in.  When we get all the schools in the US in good shape, then we'll see what we can do to improve the schools in Iraq. 
Charity begins at home but our tax money seems to be on holiday in Iraq! 
Hey, I've got a question for you.  Did anyone hear anything about the DNA report confirming that, the two dead guys that we showed all over tv, were Saddam's sons?  Wasn't that supposed to be available in just a few days after their deaths on July 22 of this year?  Hummm it's been a pretty long time since that date.  Remember how the soldier shot one of them in the mouth and messed up the guy's face big time?  Remember how the embalmers sort of fixed the two dead guys up with the wax and they looked more like they wanted them to?    Remember how we said that we had a sample of their DNA to compare with that of the two corpses?
I'm just asking because perhaps that DNA report was made public and I just missed it. 

"When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice,

I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and purity of its heart. " -Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Thursday, October 9, 2003

Tonight at 9pm est. there will be a "Frontline" program on PBS titled "Truth, War, and Consequences". 
"Truth, War, and Consequences"
A special intelligence operation began looking for evidence to justify a war with Iraq in the days after September 11, 2001"

Thursday, October 9, 9:00pm
Truth, War, and Consequences

So we're gonna do a little public relations campaign to promote the war in Iraq.  Well, that should be one hell of an undertaking.  How do you sell a war that already happened and already looks like nothing more than a shooting gallery?   The last PR stunt, on May Day when george hopped aboard the big boat and said, "whew, it's pretty much over", didn't work out all that well, so hopefully they will get a new PR firm to handle this new, and nifty idea of theirs.  I mean what do you do to make it look like no lies were told, no thousands of Iraqi civilians were killed, no soldiers were killed, everything is going fine in Iraq, lots of wmd everywhere and that there is no oil in the spOILs of this war? 
Get ready for the "Red, White and I'm not Blue just because I haven't Seen My Daddy Since Last Christmas" war coloring book", the "I Love My President and God and Stuff Like That" t-shirts, the "No One Died in the Iraqi War" lapel pins and maybe even the "Honk if You Love Jesus and Believe that We Found WMD in Iraq" bumper stickers.  Another catchy idea might be a "So What If People Died, If It Makes It Cheaper for Me to Drive My Sweet Humvee Then Damn It, I'm For It".  t-shirt, which of course would come in large sizes only.  If things get even worse in Iraq they could always make a sticker that just said, "Iraq?  Never heard of it".
 I suppose they will muzzle all the families who have lost someone in this god awful war.  Can't take a chance on someone telling the truth right now, when the public is asking questions. 
Tsk Tsk, Mr. and Ms. America, don't start trying to act like this is a democracy.  Don't start acting like you have freedom of speech and all that other crap you think you're entitled to, just because a bunch of guys, bunches of years ago, thought they could write that, sorta French sounding, Constitution.  That was then and this is now.  Those guys probably would have a problem with telling lies to the American people and sending their soldiers to invade and occupy a country, that just happened to have the second largest oil puddles in the world.  What the hell did those guys know?  Hell, they might have been gay!  Just think about that Mr. and Ms. America..............but don't think about anything else.  A true Patriot never thinks, thinking is akin to terrorism, it will not be tolerated.  To show your support for our president, his war, and his great leadership, you must stop thinking!!  Just believe what we tell you and no one gets hurt!  And remember, you can be designated an enemy combatant at the drop of a wire tap. 
The problem with the USA, according to this administration, is that the we won't just shut the hell up, believe any and every word the administration says, close our eyes when the bad stuff happens and apparently they would like us all to get a real good, serious case of amnesia.
Bottom line, what they're selling, we aren't buying.............no matter how they package it.  No matter what spin they use, we won't get sucked in.  No matter if they try to sell this damned war in happy meals, we won't buy it. 
Until someone tells us how the hell we get out of this mess, when our troops are coming home, and how the hell we are gonna pay for all this, we aren't buying anything.  There is not a PR firm in the world that can bring dead soldiers back to life.
Wednesday October 8, 2003
There is no better quote to describe what happened in California yesterday than this one!

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer?"  -George Price-  

Ladies listen up!  The next scum who gropes you could be your state's next Governor.
Okay, it's all but official, Arnold in the new governor of California.
Congratulations Californians, you have just hired a man who has no experience, no credentials, no resume, not a clue about what the hell he's doing and, best of all, you hired him to run your state.  Hell you didn't even call him in for an interview, so you don't really know a thing about him except that he made funky, he-man, macho movies, likes to pose for photos in his birthday suit and he seems to have a track record of leaving his tracks on the ladies. 
What a novel approach to hiring someone to lead the largest state in the United States and also the state with a very large financial problem. 
Did you guys just say "hasta la vista" to common sense?
I understand that you were very unhappy with Davis, but did you have to shoot yourself in the foot to prove it? 
With Iraq, we have been referring to the UN telling us, in so many words, "You broke it, You pay for it".  Well Californians, by electing Arnold, I think You bought it broken and now You gotta keep it. 
Good Luck folks cause I think you're gonna need it.


"Acting is the most minor of gifts and not a very high-class way to earn a living.


After all, Shirley Temple could do it at the age of four."
-Katharine Hepburn-

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

No More Virgins, No More Whores
If there is a god of elections, pray that he or she allows this California vote today to come off without a hitch so that we don't have to be tortured with recounts and more speeches from the robotic looking Arnold.  Is it just me or does the dude look like a monster to you too? 
Hey Arnold, lay off the teeth whiteners for a bit, you look funky enough dude, then you open your mouth and you look like you swallowed a used-car lot, too much glow!
Please think about this a minute or two.  How will the War on Terror ever end?  When will we be able to say that every single person or group who wants to harm someone else in some other country is no longer a threat? 
Because bush says that the war on terror began here in the United States on September 11, 2001, our country is considered a theater of war.  Don't you see that with this designation, the rules of war can be implemented here until the war on terror is over.  And again, how and when can it end?  Hey folks we're in a forever war and that's not good!
Am I the only person who has no idea who J Lo and Ben are?  I know they are movie stars but why do I hear so much about them?  I wouldn't recognize either of them.  Am I missing something?  Why should I give a tinker's damn about them?
Does anyone really truly believe that finding the whitehouse "leaker" is a priority for george bush?  It's just one more thing for this administration to look for.  And god knows they have a hunting list a mile long.
Note to Iraqi people, watch out for a Wal-Mart to move into your neighborhood real soon.
Another note to Iraqi people, don't let them change the name of your country to "America's Mini Me".
Note to Republicans, when may we expect you to get real?
Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska is in desperate need of an emergency burr-ectomy.  
He seriously needs to have that burr removed from his ass and hopefully that will calm him down a bit.   
And finally a note to all Californians.  If you do elect Arnold as your next governor today,  thanks from all of us in Florida, because you will be replacing us as the  "Goof Ball State".  Congratulations, with Arnold as your governor, you will certainly deserve the title. 
What the hell were you people thinking?????

Monday, October 6,2003

Wow, Arnold is going to fit in with the bush administration like rush at a clan meeting.
Arnold gropes women and then denies it and everyone says, "Hey that's okay".
Arnold says he kinda thought Hitler was cool and then denies it and everyone says, "Hey, that's okay".
Arnold lies and everyone says, "Hey you're guy we want to lead our state, we'll elect you!"
Bush lies about the reasons for war and then denies it and everyone says, "Hey, that's okay".
Bush lies about everything in the world and then denies it and everyone says, "Hey you're a great Prez.  We'll re-elect you for four more years".
Come on Democrats, get with the Republican times!
Stop whining just because President Clinton lied and got his ass kicked by some big elephants.
This is a new time, a new way of doing things.  In this Republican time, you can lie your ass off, deny it or give a surface apology and you get to become one of the big elephants.
Hey times have changed! 
It's different now! 
In these Republican times, lying is  not a call for an ass kicking,  lying  is rewarded with assets!
Try to get it straight!
Jeeezzz, why can't you Democrats keep up?

Saturday, October 4, 2003

I'm still reeling from this experience.

The Face of the Enemy, The Face of my Friend


Friday, October 3, 2003

Hunting Season is Officially Open
It is legal to hunt for Osama.
It is legal to hunt for the anthrax killer.
It is legal to hunt for Saddam.
It is legal to hunt for wmd.
The date for the official opening of Finding Season has yet to be announced .
David Kay made his report yesterday regarding his search for wmd in Iraq.
Mr. Kay outlined what he had found to date.  He reported that he and his crew had found the word "bomb" in many Iraqi dictionaries. He said the word had been cleverly hidden between pages 55 and 57.  Mr. Kay stated they had  also found several hundred kits for making small 6 inch balsa glider airplanes.  These kits were located near a large supply of airplane glue.  Mr. Kay reminded those in attendance that this very same glue, when inhaled, could result in hallucinatory sensations.
Mr. Kay continued to point out that, although he had found no chemical weapons, he did find a large supply of spit balls stashed in, of all places, a child's backpack.  When analyzed, the spit balls were shown to contain large amounts of human spit.  Mr. Kay reminded the Congressional members that when human spit from one person is applied to the human body of another, it may induce gagging and retching on the part of the receiver.  There was an audible gasp from the audience.
Mr. Kay  reported finding many unexploded munitions scattered over the entire country of Iraq.  He said someone had stenciled the words "made in the USA" on the munitions.  Mr.Kay pointed out that this was just another example of Saddam's cunning, deceptive plan. 
Mr. Kay brought his report to a close by asking for another 8 million dollars to continue his work.  He told the Congress that he believed if he were granted this money he was quite sure that he could find even more weapons.  He said that he had it on very good authority that within just a few weeks, a large shipment of weapons would be found at the Iraqi airport about 8pm if all incoming flights were not cancelled due to bad weather. 
Mr. Kay summed up his report with this clear and precise statement,  "We have not found yet, and I'm sure you know this, otherwise you would know it earlier, we have not found at this point, actual weapons. It does not mean we've concluded there are no actual weapons, it means at this point in time, and it's a huge country with a lot to do, that we have not yet found weapons.". http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2003/s959159.htm
After the members of congress took a moment to digest Mr. Kay's final remark, they shouted in unison, "Say What?"
Later it was reported that Mr. Kay was spotted at the local Wal-Mart purchasing several chemistry sets and a copy of "Finding wmd for Dummies".  However this last report could not be confirmed.
It is rumored that, after the apology yesterday by Arnold regarding his incessant groping of women, one staunch Republican Senator said  that any man who does these sorts of things should always be excused if he just says the two little magic words, " I'm sorry".  He also said he is considering offering up a bill that would make it legally mandatory to forgive and forget about any  sexual indiscretions committed by any Republican man.  This bill would require the accused to say,"I'm sorry", and all charges would be dropped.  
It is said that yesterday, President Clinton publicly apologized for his past sexual indiscretions.   The response from the Republicans was, No you aren't.  Rumor now has it that the Republicans are going to look into impeaching Mr. Clinton again, based upon the arrogant gall of  his thinking that just by simply saying , "I'm sorry", that could make up for all the pain and embarrassment he had caused the women.
Rush Limbaugh, after being accused of buying illegal pain killers, not only denied the purchases, he also denied feeling pain.  He said his job was to inflict pain, not to kill it. 
President bush's economic plans appears to be successful, as far as creating new jobs.  The unemployment office announced today that they will be required to hire a record number of new employees in order to process the record number of unemployment applications they are receiving. 
Also, the major newspapers report they too will be hiring more employees to work in the Classified Department of their papers due to the increase in the number of "employment wanted" ads they are receiving. 
When notified of this information, President Bush responded, "I told you so, I told you so, Na Na Na Na Na-na". 
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Oct 2, 2003

The Face of the Enemy, The Face of my Friend by Patricia Ernest "I knew that recently CBS had been accompanying some of our Florida National Guard who are serving in Iraq as they taped this segment and I also knew there was a slim possibility that I might get to see, within the program, my friend who has been away and serving in Iraq since January". 


Rabbits and Resolutions
Bush isn't having the greatest week of his life.  First he has to watch his egotistical enemy kiss Laura's hand while she's far away in the dreamy, romantic, sweet ambiance of France.  If a Frenchman kisses your hand, does that mean you have been French kissed?  I bet old george wasn't smirking after seeing that.
Then he has to deal with the fact that there's someone in the Whitehouse or the Administration or somewhere who has given out information that could be dangerous to a CIA employee.  Bush was Johnny on the Spot with this wasn't he?  The article by Novak came out in mid July and the last day of September, when the feces finally hit the fan, bush jumps right on it and asks for someone to volunteer to take responsibility for the commission of a felony.  We all know how we can rely on  felons to do the honest thing and just step up and admit to their crimes.  Bush tried his best not to smirk when he talked with reporters about this, but eventually that smirk appeared just as it always does when he appears to be amused.   But don't fret, they'll figure out some way to erase this disaster just like all the rest.  Think back to when the news came out that the landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln was nothing more than a photo op fraud.  They just dismissed the facts and continued with the fallacy.  Why get all involved with the truth when lies are so much more convenient and enabling to your cause?
Also now,  over two months after the Novak article came out, the whitehouse has instructed everyone to save all emails, phone records etc. for the investigation.  Don't you think that the persons who did this would have already destroyed anything that would be damaging and that would connect them to the deed?  And don't you think these people who made the phone calls would have known that all whitehouse phone calls leave a trail?   Hey, maybe they just called from a phone booth.  Duh!
It'll be interesting to see how they try to blame this on the Clinton administration, and you know they will.
Okay Californians I gotta say this.  What in the hell are you guys thinking?  According to the news you're about to elect a weight lifting, mediocre actor to run your state when, according to the news again, you guys are in a deep pile of financial do-do.  Remember, HE'S AN ACTOR!  Just because he plays parts in movies and gets the girl or wins the fight doesn't mean he actually has super powers.  That's just pretend. The running of a state is real, it requires actual big time intelligence to do it right.  Again, HE'S AN ACTOR!  he can't actually terminate problems with some sort of cinematic super power, not in the real world.  He plays parts and reads scripts.  Being a good governor requires dealing with real world, real life situations that come with real world, real life consequences.  Arnold is acting the part of a candidate and right now he has someone to write the script, but what will happen when your state faces a crisis and  the script writers have all gone home?
Are you guys actually going to brag that your governor is a guy who ends almost every sentence with, "and all that stuff"?  Yep, to Arnold it's all just stuff. 
And just one last word, when a chameleon sits on a green leaf he can turn green, but that doesn't mean that he can become a green leaf, it just means that he can camouflage himself to look like one so that he may hide and protect his true self.
Good Luck Californians, and all that stuff!
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Tuesday: Sept 30, 2003 Rabbits and Resolutions

Monday, September 29, 2003

Okay, let's talk about Joe Wilson and, as Arnold would say, "all that stuff".
Do you think that if, during the Clinton days, this matter about treason had reared it's ugly head it would have been referred to as only a matter for the Justice Dept.?  Don't you think that Bill Clinton would already be swinging from the old oak tree?  Christ, the bush boys are acting as though no one in the administration could or would ever out a CIA agent, so for the most part, case closed.  They're gonna let Ashcroft, the man from hell, tinker around with this.  Yeah, whew, I feel better, because if anyone in this screwin' administration is going to be fair, it sure as hell will be the man who is whittling away our Constitutional rights just as fast as his pocket knife will allow.  Investigate?  How about filing this in his round file and getting back to his routine of trying to figure out how he can jail all of us who open our mouths and demand some semblance of the truth.
And where are the true American Patriotic Republicans and why aren't they demanding an investigation into this just as some of the Democrats are?  Why aren't they eager to protect the identity of our CIA agents.  Why are they mewing in the corner and not out there raising hell too?  It's time for a couple of those guys to get into the swing of things.  Is this a democracy or not?  It's time for everyone, war lovers and war haters, Democrats and Republicans, Christians and sinners, the left and the right, to get our acts together and stop the damned fighting amongst ourselves and start getting this damned country back to something we all can take pride in once again.  It's time to write and call and call some more.  Tell Washington that it's pretty damned important that we don't and we won't stand for treason in this country.  Tell them to have the guts to speak up and speak out, no matter what party they represent.  Tell them it's high time for them to be real men and real women and do their damned job.
This is not just a Democrat rant, this is an American demand.  Remind them that oral sex truly does not have the same effect on national security as out-ing a CIA agent.  You might also remind them that we are the one's who hire them and, during the next election, we will be the one's who just might fire them.  Just as a kicker, you also might mention that treason is a freakin' felony.
Isn't it funny how oral sex in the whitehouse causes a storm, but treason is just blown off!
I guess it depends on what tense of the word "blow" you use. 
Bob Novak, the reporter who wrote the story that out-ed the CIA agent, was on Crossfire on CNN.  When asked about the story about Joe Wilson's wife, he spun the story like a child's top and then with a dreadful little smirky face he said, "I know who the they are.", referring to whomever in the Whitehouse out-ed Joe's wife.  God, what does this administration do to people to make them so smirky?  I, one hundred percent, believe that a reporter should never have to reveal his sources but I also, one hundred percent, believe a reporter should have an actual brain and should use it when it comes to writing stories that might place someone in danger.  Hey call me old fashioned!
I wonder what would happen if, in Iraq, someone out-ed one of the new Iraqi police people and put that person's life in jeopardy?  I'm guessing the bush administration would go ballistic and make a giant damned deal of it and call the outers terrorists and treat it very seriously.  Too bad they won't treat the USA as well as they do their new adopted country.
Why doesn't anyone call for the laundry list of how the money is being spent that is supposed to be going to support our military?  Are the troops actually getting what they need?  What are they getting and why does my neighbor have to send things to her husband in Iraq, things like deodorant and lip balm and food?  Where's the list and how much of the 50 plus billion is being spent on true needs?  How much of that money is going to supply the new Iraqi military? 
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*
Mon-Sun, September 22-28, 2003
Below are a few of the items and ideas that cruised around in my head this past week or so.
Sunday on Meet the Press, Tim Russert was speaking with Condi Rice.  They were discussing  bush's State of the Union Speech and the reference to the yellow cake uranium fable.  Seems that Condi and pals have a very bad problem with their memories.
DR. RICE: First of all, the CIA did clear the speech in its entirety and George Tenet has said that. He's also said that he believes that it should not have been cleared. And we apparently, with the""in October for the Cincinnati speech, not for the State of the Union, but the Cincinnati speech, George Tenet asked that this be taken out of the Cincinnati speech, the reference to yellow cake. It was taken out of the Cincinnati speech because whenever the director of Central Intelligence wants something out, it's gone.
       MR. RUSSERT: How'd it get back in?
       DR. RICE: It's not a matter of getting back in. It's a matter, Tim, that three-plus months later, people didn't remember that George Tenet had asked that it be taken out of the Cincinnati speech and then it was cleared by the agency. I didn't remember. Steve Hadley didn't remember. We are trying to put now in place methods so you don't have to be dependent on people's memories for something like that.
  MR. RUSSERT: Did you ever read the memo that I referenced?
       DR. RICE: I don't remember the memo. It came after it had been taken out of the speech, and so it's quite possible that I didn't. But let me be very clear: This shouldn't happen to the president of the United States, and we will do everything that we can to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Well that was a pretty important thing to "forget" don't ya think Condi?  Especially since it was the big arrow that you guys used to point to war.  Holy smokes, we got a memory problem here, big time! 
If what she said is true, I would suggest that they seek medical attention or resign because her remarks made me wonder what the hell else did they forget?  Like maybe they forgot that Saddam had truly destroyed his weapons.  Maybe they forgot that the UN was an organization that was kinda relevant?      Maybe they forgot the weapons inspectors reported that they had found no nasty stuff during their inspections earlier this year?  Hey, maybe they forgot that Saddam was not responsible for 9-11?  Maybe they forgot to tell the truth?
Hey, next time you feel you should be punished for something that you've done, just turn on C-Span and listen to anything that Sen. Pete Domenici has to say.  If his yelling and screaming doesn't get you, his extreme tirades will.  If you think that you still need to suffer a bit more, wait for Sen. Ted Stevens to pop up.  These have to be two of the most obnoxious speakers ever to echo through the Senate chambers.
Anyone who was fortunate enough to hear Sen. Bill Nelson, who I am very proud to say is from Fla., as he spoke to the Senate regarding deployment times for the Guard and Reservists, was able to hear a speech that came from his heart.  He has spent much time talking to families in Fla. and also talking to the men and women in Iraq and he's been listening too!  He wasn't speaking with the attitude of a typical politician, he was speaking to and from the hearts of a lot of Florida citizens. 
So bush feels that if Saddam had a wmd instruction sheet, then he could make wmd.
Well I have a gourmet cookbook, but my friends can attest to the fact that I cannot make a gourmet meal.
Bush is having the last laugh.  He says the wmd never stood for weapons of mass destruction. 
He says wmd has always stood for Wells of Mass Dollars.  And  we sure found that, he said gleefully, as he wiped an oil smudge off his wallet.
It seems this rebuilding Iraq is equivalent to you being sick and then someone brings a sick stranger  into your house and you have to mortgage your home to cover the stranger's medical bills.  Suddenly  you realize, by the time this stranger gets well, you'll still be sick but you can no longer afford to go to the doctor.
Bush invited Vladimir Putin for a sleepover and he asked Putin to help him pay for a war that Putin was against from the get go.  How's that for goofiness? 
By now, everyone has read the grocery list for Iraq.  We've heard about the costly garbage trucks, area codes etc.  But what about spas and golf courses?  Won't the Halliburton fellows want some rest and relaxation after a hard day at the "front lines"?
Okay, everyone is all excited because bush said that Saddam and 9-11 share no common genes.  I mean really think about it, he said that was one of his major causes for the war and now he says it wasn't and everyone says........Gee, look how honest he is!
Give me a break!
Sen. Ted Kennedy calls bush's war a "fraud" and  the republicans say that his comment is an example of democrats being soft on defense.  So are they saying that even a fraudulent war is worth fighting and dying for?
Give me another break!
Bush and his buddies tell us we have this grand military.   Well  obviously we don't have enough full time military personal, because if we did,  why would  so many of our Reservists and National Guard have been called to go to  Iraq.  Please think about that for a while.  Why would bush create a war knowing full well that he did not have enough full time military to do the job?  Support the troops indeed, he's not supporting the troops, he's exhausting and extinguishing the troops.  I hope he has nightmares every night and I hope the ghosts ruin his rest and never give him a break.
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Friday, Sept. 18, 2003

Soft on Defense My Ass!
Someone said that Sen. Ted Kennedy's comment about the war in Iraq being a "fraud" was just another example of democrats being soft on defense.  What does that mean?  Does it mean that Democrats aren't willing to fight for their country, or does it mean that democrats aren't willing to fight for their big companies?
Hell no, democrats are not soft on defense.  Democrats are intelligent on defense.  Democrats don't use the shotgun approach to defense.  Democrats determine if there is a clear and present danger and then they weigh their options.  Democrats don't make up sh*t, they deal with sh*t.  Democrats will wage war, they just won't wage war for the sake of war.  Democrats realize that there is more to war than bragging about victory.  Democrats realize that war is an expensive endeavor in both lives and money.  Democrats know that war is not the first answer but the last.  Democrats are aware that war is an admission of failure in every other attempt to bring about peace.
No, democrats do not have blood covered fangs nor do they enjoy the pleasure of blood money.  Most democrats are peaceful people and they aren't fools. 
In a land of, I got a gun, you got a gun, all god's children got guns,  it's not surprising that war is popular.  Guns are, in this country, a sort of "hey, don't you friggin mess with me cause I gotta gun and I can blow your brains out!" symbol.  And with that comes the "let's do war and show the bastards how screwin tough we are"  mentality.  That attitude is nothing more than an admission of weakness cloaked in bravado.  Weakness personified!  It says, I don't have to know anything, I don't have to do anything, cause I have a gun and you don't want to die so that makes me tough.  Anyone who thinks that a gun and a war makes you a tough  American patriot is just plain pathetically stupid.  The only thing a gun and a war makes you is dangerous.   Any idiot can pull the trigger of a gun, but it takes a wise man to convince that idiot not to do it.  Who was the last American hero to shoot first and ask questions later?  Maybe in the old west that was the motto, but this isn't the old west.  This is the new democracy. 
In the old west, everyone had a gun, so everyone had to be on defense all the time.  Shoot or be shot.  That's what equal gun ownership does.  It causes paranoia, and paranoia breeds a defensive attitude.  Paranoia can cause people to take irrational actions due to their obsession with fear.  The same holds true with war.  Now that the US declares war at the drop of a hat, not the drop of a bomb, all other countries have become paranoid and as a result they feel they must play defense.  They don't trust the US to be logical any more.  If someone goes around brandishing their six shooter, that doesn't result in admiration, it results in alienation. and fear.  Well, the US is not only brandishing their six shooter, they're firing indiscriminately into the crowd and that has caused a major problem.  This indiscriminate firing makes us look like dangerous lunatics with a dangerous weapon.  We look like the crazed gunman who loses it and, because of some strange illusion  or some deep paranoia, believes that all strangers are out to get him so he just shoots everyone he sees.   Anyone  with even two brain cells is going to run like hell when this guy is on the street.  This is not a person you want to befriend and support, this is a guy who scares the hell out of you and someone who should be contained for the good of society.    Due to our paranoia after 9-11, we have become that crazed gunman.   We have become the country who believes that everyone is out to get us, the county that scares the hell out of other countries as we fire indiscriminately into the crowd, and if we aren't careful, we may become the country that other countries feel should be contained for the good of society.   Anyone or any political party who favors placing the United States in a position like this should not be described as being firm on defense, they should more aptly be described as being dangerous to peace.
pissed off patricia


Thursday, September 17, 2003
A Predictable Press Conference with the President
Press question (PQ)
President answer (PA)
PQ  Mr. President, we understand that you want to chop down the national forests to prevent forest       fires.   Is that true?
PA  Well, as you know 9-11 changed everything.  Yes indeed, we're hunting these trees down and killing them one by one.  This administration has determined that trees are evil doers because they feed forest fires.   As I have said before, if you even feed an evil doer, then you are an evil doer.  The logging companies have put a bounty on the leafy heads of these evil  trees and we'll pursue them wherever they live. 
PQ  Mr. President, we also understand that you are waiving some restrictions which in turn will allow our rivers and streams to become polluted with industrial waste.  Is that true?
PA  Well, as you know 9-11 changed everything.  Yes indeed, we're polluting the waters with deadly chemicals before the terrorists get a chance to do it themselves.  You see if we do it first, it will allow us not to worry about the terrorists doing this evil deed in the future.  We're sort of beating them to the punch, if you know what I mean.  (audible chuckle)
PQ Mr.  President, we have heard that you have eased restrictions on power plants and factories and now these industries may spew all sorts of pollutants into the air we breathe.  Is that true?
PA  Well, as you know 9-11 changed everything.  Yes indeed we are easing those restrictions.  We feel that it is every patriotic American's duty to sacrifice for the cause of the war on terrorism and we don't believe that asking Americans to breathe in a few particles of cancer causing agents is too much to ask.
PQ  Mr. President, we have heard that you may be considering doing away with the endangered  species act.  Is that true?
PA  Well, as you know 9-11 changed everything.  Yes indeed, we are seriously considering doing away with the endangered species act because we have good reason to believe that those plants on that list have harbored terrorists in their evil bushes and that those animals on that list have been the food for terrorists.  If you harbor or feed a terrorist then you are a terrorist and we will get you one by one.
PQ  Mr. President, we have heard from the American people that they are concerned about the very large financial deficit this country is facing.  What can you say to them?
PA  Well, as you know 9-11 changed everything.  If the American people are concerned about the deficit they should remember that terrorist need money to do their evil deeds.  By giving all the American money to other countries and to big business we are protecting the American people and preventing them from becoming the victims of terrorists robberies.
PQ  Mr. President we have heard that, as a result of your spending and tax cuts, our educational system is in a decline.  Is that true?
PA  Well, as you know 9-11 changed everything.  Terrorists want to learn how we work and what makes us tick, so if our schools are substandard we know for sure they won't be able to sneak in and learn anything there.
PQ  Mr. President thank you for your time.  Is there anything else you would like to say to the American people?
PA  Well as you know 9-11 changed everything.  I would just like the American people to know that I have good reason to believe that smart children, healthy elderly people, employed people and financially comfortable retirees are a threat to our country.  My administration is doing everything possible to do away with this danger and to see to it that we never have to worry about their existence in the future.  If you know one of these people, if you harbor one of these people, if you even feed one of these people then you are aiding the enemy and we will hunt you down.  See, that's what this administration does, we hunt.  We like to hunt for things.  We hunt for Osama, we hunt for WMD, we hunt for Anthrax killers, we hunt for Saddam, we hunt for evil doers, we just hunt, hunt, hunt.  I guess that would be my message to the American people.  You may rest assured that your government is hunting for you. 
 May God bless me and may God bless America.
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Who better to try to convince Israel and Palestine to stop seeking revenge for the killing they have done to one another than the dandy duo of Bush and Blair.  Just look at the example that the dandy duo set when they invaded a country that had not presented a clear and present danger to either of them.
When you Want War
When you Need War
Who are you gonna call?
Do you want to invade another country but you have no justifiable reason?   No problem, we will show you how to concoct evidence that will  fool some of the wisest and convince most of the skeptical that preemption is the only way to go.
Do you owe some old business buddies a few favors?  Hey, what better way to pay them back than to plan a war and give them an open ended, no financial limit contract for the reconstruction of your targeted country?  Just imagine the dollar signs in their eyes  when they see that your bombs have really done a number on that country.  Your old pals will be eternally grateful.   You might even find a little something extra in your re-election fund stocking this Christmas. 
Do you know of a  leader of a country, with whom you once did business , but now you don't need him anymore?  Does his country have a large supply of oil?  Let us  put him on our list and before you know it, we can show you how to change facts to justify invasion and regime change to suit your cause.  And hey, even if you don't actually win the peace, you get to keep all the oil.  Plus as an extra bonus you may claim the invasion was for the good of the people of that country.  See, we always have you covered because we have experience in cover-ups.
Maybe you're already involved in one war but things aren't going so good and you want to deflect attention away from your failure?  Are you just plain tired of dealing with the criticism?  Hey that's no problem.  We'll not only start another war for you but we'll convince your critics that you have actually been successful with your first war.  It's our job to make your war look good and therefore make you look good!
Rest assured that PEACE BUSTERS will provide you with a qualified staff of liars with many years of experience.  These are folks who can always lie with a straight face.  They can take money from your grandmother and your children and give it to big corporations without even a wince of guilt.  They are the best in their field.  These folks can send your sons and daughters, fathers and mothers off to war for no honest cause and never feel a pang of guilt.
Yes Mr. and Ms World, when you need the financial and egotistical benefits of war but you just can't find a good reason for a declaration of war, don't sweat the details.  Instead call PEACE BUSTERS for all your bloody war time needs.
As we say here at PEACE BUSTERS,
(Open Monday through Friday but closed on weekends and the entire month of August)
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Pretty ironic huh?  The republicans in California may lose their right to a speedy recall election based on the  Bush v. Gore Supreme Court decision.  This is the same decision that caused the democrats to lose their rightfully elected President in 2000 .  How's that for a bit of yen and yang?
But now the republicans think that Supreme Court decision is just plain wrong.  They think the courts are political and that all courts should stay out of politics.  Finally, the left and the right have something they may agree on!
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Monday, September 15, 2003

Hey great news, the plane carrying the American Media has finally landed.  After circling the airport for about two years they are now back on the ground.  No one seems to know why they have been unable to land for all this time.  But we do know that their absence has resulted in a whale of a void of impartial news.  There was some mention that perhaps their plane's "guts to tell it as it truly is" device may have not been functioning properly due to a problem with the right wing. 
Now that they are back down to earth, it seems their first order of business is to begin to give the public details on the horrendous job George Bush has done during his time of trying to impersonate a President of the United States.  They are talking about the US deficit that has grown into a money sucking monster while they were away and they are talking about the lies that were told to convince the American people to back a US military invasion of Iraq.  There is even some coverage of the "after war" sordid conditions  that our military personal, who remain in Iraq, must contend with everyday.  This comes months after bush declared the mission accomplished.   Some even went so far as to say that there will be a Presidential election next year and that a democrat might actually have a chance to win.
I'm sure you will all join me when I say welcome back American media, Welcome back to reality.  We have sorely missed your coverage.  While you were away the only news we received were the press releases from the Whitehouse and they tended to be a tad biased.
Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Since it seems that this administration is much more concerned with the welfare of the Iraqi people than with that of the US citizens, perhaps they, the administration, could just relocate to Iraq.  Bush could be the "selected" president of that country just as he was here.  Meanwhile, we could call up Al Gore and tell him to show up at the Whitehouse and take the position he was elected to take in 2000.
Bush could run Iraq farther into the ground and President Gore could begin fixing the mess bush has made here.  I mean come on, is this not the best solution yet?
Powell is at the UN begging for cash but unwilling to bend.  What exactly is it in Iraq that we are unwilling to bend about?  Why is bush holding on so tight to that disaster over there?  Which part of the aforementioned disaster does he find so dear that he can't let go?  Is it the daily deaths of our troops, the bombings of the buildings, the lack of electricity, the lack of water, or the general chaos?  I guess that  it could be the forever, giant bazillion dollar contract for Halliburton and the oil.  Nah, it wouldn't be that would it? 
After god told bush to slay Saddam and Osama,  did god tell bush to hang on tight to Iraq for contracts and oil?  If indeed god talks to bush, he better tell him to straighten his ass out, stop lying and get right if he wants to visit the pearly gates someday.  From what I remember about the lessons in Sunday School, lying and cheating are frowned upon by the god that my church was promoting.  But hey, maybe things have changed, hell everything else has changed hasn't it?  Maybe the bush administration rewrote the Bible too.  Maybe for national security reasons they felt a little revamping was necessary.  Maybe after 9-11 they decided to make a couple of biblical deletions of biblical proportions.  With Ashcroft and his mighty sword in Washington, hell who needs the bible anyway?  I'm sure they find it good to use occasionally as a  reference, but some of what it says can surely get in the way of big business and especially big dirty monkey business. 

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Friday, September 12, 2003

With all the memories of sadness these past days, I can't help but think about my good friend as he labors through a year of his life over in Iraq.  If you've read some of my writing you may recall that I frequently mention him, because he's always on my mind.
He was my inspiration for the first letter I ever emailed to a site on the internet.  I wrote that letter the morning after my friend told me he had to go to Iraq.  I cried most of that night and the entire time I wrote the letter.  You see, I had never said goodbye to anyone as they went off to war.  I had protested vigorously the war in Viet Nam, but I didn't know anyone who was involved in that war, I just knew it was a war that no one should die for. 
That night, I hugged my friend and I tried to take a mental picture of him, which by the way I did.  I can still see the sad expression on his face and I can still remember the sound of his voice and what we didn't say.  What I feared, I could not say to him, and what he was dreading, he could not say to me.  I just remember that it all seemed so unreal and so unnecessary.  I knew that he and I felt the same way about this war but it was out of our control.  He was going to leave.
I have to tell you something about him, I'm so sure you would like him too.  He's a fifty year old National Guardsman and a grandfather of two.  He is the most gentle man I've ever met.  He has a little green pickup truck that he drove to work, and he lives almost directly across the street from me.  Many many afternoons I would be out walking my dog when he would come home from work.  He would drive into his driveway and his three cats would come to greet him.  The two younger cats came running from the yard, but the third, the old cat, would take a little longer, as his days of running had passed.  Each day they would all come to greet my friend as he returned home at the end of the day.  He would always put down his lunch cooler and bend down to give each of the cats a welcomed scratch on their backs and heads and speak and coo to each of them.  He never stopped until the old cat finally arrived and received it's equal share of the love and attention.  He always waited for the slow old cat to amble to his side.  Then he would get  the rest of his stuff from the truck and walk up to his front door with his group of feline fans following so close behind. 
That one old cat of his is really very old and mostly just lays under a palm tree in his front yard all day.  This old cat kind of has a tough time walking because he has arthritis in his legs.  Due to age and perhaps experiences, his fur is no longer a shiny ebony but more a dusty black.  He's an old cat and perhaps a tired old cat but he hasn't given up.  He was forced to began his vigil of waiting about the middle of January, and he's still waiting.  I imagine he's wondering when that little green truck will pull into the driveway again.  Maybe he even wonders why things have changed.  Maybe he wonders why time drags by so slowly and so sadly.
Don't feel alone old cat, I wonder the same things that you do, and I wait just like you do.  I miss our friend with his wonderful smile and his always cheerful greeting.  It's been much much too  long a time since we've seen that little green truck drive up in the driveway hasn't it old cat.  I know you don't feel well old cat but please please don't give up.  Just try to hang on until we see him again.  We need each other right now, maybe we need each other more than we both realize.  When I see you there, napping under your tree, you remind me that we have to believe and never give up.  Perhaps when you see me, you sense that I'm thinking about you and admiring your patient devotion.  Just hang in there and keep in mind old cat, he's just as eager to see you as you are to see him, so you have to hang on.  If it becomes difficult and you feel just too tired to keep going,  please remember, he always had time to wait for you.

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Well, it's been two years.  Two years since we thought a pilot had misjudged his flight path or something.  Then we heard it had happened again.  Then we heard something had happened at the Pentagon.  Then we heard a plane had crashed in Pennsylvania.  We sort of knew what was happening but our minds just couldn't connect it all based on our experiences in life.  We had heard the word terrorist and terrorism but we always associated it with some other country far far away.  This wasn't something that could or would happen here in the US.  We had heard of bombers and we had heard of bombs but we had never heard of a group of people taking over airplanes and just flying them head first into buildings.  No wonder we were all stunned.  No wonder we were all frightened.  The world had changed big time and we were in a state of shock.  Then the towers started to fall in a giant dust and glass storm.  We couldn't think as fast as things were happening.  We thought that the people should have been out of the towers by the time they collapsed.  That's the way it should have been we thought.  Then we began to wonder, what next?  Our minds spun in disbelief.  We wanted someone to tell us this just wasn't real and someone could fix it and fix it fast.  We cried because we knew it was real.  We just stared in disbelief at our television sets and everything else paled and disappeared.  We called one another and spoke of the all the events and then hung up the phone because whomever we had spoken with couldn't make it all okay again.  We hugged our kids and lots of us prayed.  But with all the hugs and all the prayers, it was still there and the events had really happened.  People were dying in New York, in Washington and in Pennsylvania and we knew how but the why was just beyond our understanding.  Our minds continued to try to make something rational out of irrational events.  We were more confused and perhaps more afraid than we had ever been.  This day wasn't like any other any of us had ever experienced in our lifetime. 
That day was two years ago today and we still can't grasp what happened.  We still ask why.  We still have trouble believing it all.  We still morn for the dead of that day.  It is still one of the worst days of our lives and one of the worst days of our deaths.

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Seems, according to spooky old bush, that Colin Powell will be going out trick or treating a bit early this year.  I suppose Colin will be wearing a costume that makes him look like a peaceful man who has Iraq's future at heart.   He will be trick or treating at the door of countries around the world with his out stretched hand asking for money and troops to go to Iraq and help the US get the hell out of the mess bush has gotten that country and ours into this year.  Colin will be trying to trick these countries into believing they are in some eerie way responsible for the disaster this war has become.  He will be trying to crave out a solution to this scary problem.
Good luck Colin, you'll need it when a door opens and  you here someone say "bonsoir".
 Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*
Tuesday, September 9, 2003
Bush is like the drunk brother-in-law who drops in to visit you unexpectedly.  He then proceeds to call up all his mean spirited, wild drinking buddies, invites them to your house and then they party and destroy your place.  The next morning, when they all sober up enough, everyone leaves and you are left with the stench, the mess and the all the expenses of the repairs.  Your drunk brother-in-law leaves you with all the bad stuff and he moves on with no remorse.
This is how bush has handled everything he's touched.  He fooled around with our economy and left it a mess.  He fooled around with our education system and left it a mess.  He fooled around with a war in Afghanistan and left it a mess.  He fooled some into going to war with Iraq and when things became a mess he turned to someone else to clean it up and pay for the repairs.  Seems everything this drunken brother-in-law gets into, he makes a mess and we will be left to clean it up for years and years to come.
And  just like with a drunk brother-in -law, we are saddled with him even though we had no say in the union that brought him into our lives.

"The awarding of the contract in March prompted some lawmakers, including Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., to question whether the administration's deep ties with Halliburton helped secure the contract -- charges the White House has adamantly denied. Vice President Dick Cheney formerly ran the company. "

"Waxman had written Flowers seeking answers as to why the contract has "no set time limit and no dollar limit and is apparently structured in such a way as to encourage the contractor to increase its costs and, consequently, the costs to the taxpayer." Waxman has said the contract to Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) could be worth up to $7 billion over two years. "


In regards to this contract that was given to Halliburton for the reconstruction of the oil wells in Iraq and a bunch of other stuff.  When does that contract expire or is it open ended?  Is it automatically renewed or will it have to eventually go out for bids?  Will that contract run forever or is there a requirement to be met?  When the troops all come home will the execs of Halliburton follow?  When and if Iraq takes over the running of their country, does that end Halliburton's involvement?  Does anyone have a copy of this contract that the public may see?  After all, it's our money that's paying the bill, shouldn't we see what we signed up for?
Just in case sometimes you feel as though you're "losing it", because you doubt every fun-king thing you hear from the bush administration, don't worry, you aren't "losing it", they stole your confidence in them from you.  You haven't gone bananas, you've just recognized monkey business when you've seen it.
Seems we keep getting these tapes and such from al Qaeda telling us what they are planning to do.  I wonder, was there such a warning tape before 9-11?  Is this a new thing they do now?  Seems funny to me that if they are going to do something awful to us, they would give us a heads up so we could be prepared.
Friday, while no one was watching the administration quietly announced that all the National Guard and Reservists would serve in Iraq for a year from the time they arrived there.  Well that means my friend will be over there until sometime next year.  And don't even attempt to try to tell me that my friend knew what he was getting into when he signed up for the National Guard.  That's just more bullshit than can be tolerated.  He signed up to be available for emergencies, he did not sign up to be a target in bush's war of lies.  If my friend had wanted to be in the army and do army combat he would have done that.  If any of you men who are reading this are 50 years old, have seen and heard about the conditions in Iraq, have a family and grandchildren and are not in the best of health and feel it would be swell and your patriotic duty  to be stationed in Iraq for a year..............then go down and volunteer your ass to go there!
Bush better try his damnedest to stay in the oval office for four more years because once he gets out and has to fly on commercial planes, I don't think his background is going to pass muster to qualify as a "no risk passenger".   When they look at his background and all the American deaths he has been responsible for, the lies he has told, his military record and his association with Saudis he may be blacklisted from flying on airplanes in America. 
If you haven't been mad or cussed a blue streak or just plain cried about what has happened to our sweet country since bush walked into the Whitehouse, you are brain dead and really need to wake the hell up!  The true patriots of this country love their country more than they love george bush.  If you support bush simply because he is the selected president, then you're just a presidential fan, not an American Patriot!

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*


Monday, September 8, 2003

Hey, I'm back!
I had a wonderful week with nothing to do but enjoy life in a sort of fantasy world.  I kept up with the news but I guess I was trying to pretend, for just a bit, that it wasn't my sweet country that was responsible for making all the bad news.
I thought I could keep up the fantasy until bedtime last night but I was wrong.  There was bush's damned face looking at me from my tv as he lied some more.  He said he wants you and me to be a financial slave to Iraq's freedom.  He said the UN should be involved.  He said stuff and I fumed.  I hate that look he has on his face when he's telling us bullshit.  It's that look that my dad used to get when he was laying down the law to me.  It's that, "it's my way and don't you damned question a word of it", look.  It's that look that's supposed to make you feel subservient.  It's the look of a man who has the authority but not the intellect to back up what he says.  It's the look of a bully!
Bush is trying to handle the UN the same way as he is handling the 70% of Americans who still believe that Saddam was somehow responsible for the attacks of 9-11.  He thinks if he says it, it makes it so.  Well, the people of the UN aren't zombies.  Unlike the 70% of Americans who just follow, arms stretched out in front of them, eyes blinded, brains dead, the folks at the UN have mental intelligence and they aren't afraid to use it.  They see what the hell is going on here and most of them want no part of it.  They know bullshit when they hear it.  Bush may be the selected president of the US but he's not god to the folks at the UN.  Bush says it's the responsibility of the members of the UN to help him clean up the blood and guts that he's spilled in Iraq.  He says they owe him.  He ignores the fact that those same folks told him this war was a damned bad idea and refused to hop on his killing bandwagon.  He ignores the fact that the weapons inspectors were just inspecting away and finding nothing.  He ignores the fact that he and Powell lied to UN before the war.  Now he is sending Powell back to the UN with a new message.   Well why the hell would he expect them to believe him this time?  
Bush simply  ignores anything that doesn't fit his cause.   According to bush, the bush cause should trump reality every time.  The facts should be ignored when they don't fit the cause. 
If you agree with him on that, then you may now officially consider yourself a certifiable zombie.  Walk on zombies, just follow the trail of the bullshit!

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Saturday, August 30, 2003
Friday morning,  just after the news broke about the mosque bombing in Iraq, the Fox Holes on Fox news were showing the tape of the destruction and the crowds of angry men shaking their fists to the heavens.  One of the Fox Holes said, "They see a camera and they just play to the camera".  As usual the Holes didn't have a damn clue what the hell they were talking about.  These  Iraqi men had just lost their most sacred leader along with at least 74 more people.  They had just witnessed people being literally blown apart.  How the hell would you expect them to feel?  What else would you expect them to feel but pain and anger?  I doubt they were concentrating on the screwin' tv cameras.  They were probably wondering what the hell was going on in their lives and in their world since the US arrived .
Later in the morning I clicked over to C-span to see who the guest of the morning might be.  Zowie, I got lucky.  The guest was a semi moron from the EPA.   Obviously not their wisest representative. because he answered about 80% of the call-in questions with, " I'm not familiar with that".  These weren't rocket science questions either.  One person,  for example, asked about the Whitehouse dictating the EPA report regarding the air pollutants at the twin towers after 9-11.  To which the guest answered,  " I'm not familiar with that".   Excuse me, he was not familiar with that?..........Well he sure as hell should be!
Remember,  Bush and Blair were nominated for the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.  It would have been such a big mistake if they had won.  How embarrassing would that have been?  I doubt they'll be on the short list this year.  Maybe they can come up with a new prize, The Not so Nobel War Prize.  They'd be a shoo-in for that one, don't cha think?
Sooooo Arnold did a little partying back in his younger days did he?  Arnold says he wasn't living his life, back in the good old days, to become Governor of California.  Well Arnold, when did you start living your life to become Governor of California?  Was it about one day after you knew that the recall was going on the ballot?  You had your wild child days and now they have come baaaaack to haunt you.
Seems this has been a trying week for religion. 
First we had the Judge in Alabama who was trying to make a religious statement.  He had, what to me appeared to be an unhealthy if not abnormal, relationship with an en-graven-ed  image  on a giant chunk of granite.  I don't know if the Judge thinks he discovered the original 10 commandments or what?  He was behaving as though his might be the only copy.  The Judge is a funky fellow.
Then we had the religious group in Milwaukee.  These folks, with what to me seemed a  somewhat unique approach to healing,  wrapped up a sick little boy in cloth and a church elder sat on the little boy's chest until the child "inexplicably stopped breathing".  Another way to describe this might be, the child died because a grown man  was sitting on his chest and the kid probably couldn't breathe. 
 I wonder if this, apply large man to chest of small boy, remedy has been  successful in the past? 
This may call for a new medical alert bracelet, "In case of illness do not allow large person to sit on chest of small person as this excessive weight may prevent some pretty damned vital organs from functioning properly"
Neither of the aforementioned events is much of an endorsement for religion is it? 
Emergency! emergency!  Deity damage control needed PDQ!  In the meantime a little common sense and rational should be applied liberally.
You had to wince yesterday when Bremmer released his statement regarding the mosque bombing.   He placed such emphasis on the fact that innocent Iraqi civilians had been killed.  I still find it strange that when US bombs killed innocent Iraqis, that was liberation but when the bombs belong to any other group it's murder.  I guess it all depends on who the bomber or bomb dropper is.... huh?  I wonder if it makes any difference to the victims? 
I won't be ranting and raving for the next  few days because my husband is taking his WMD ( Woman of Mass Dissatisfaction) on a little get-away.  I will be lazing on the beach, doing a little shopping, dining and cocktailing.  It's not because I want to do this you understand, but because as a good American, I feel it is my duty to contribute to this failing economy....lol    Yeah right!
So until I return, please take care of yourselves, be sweet, smile often and I will see you on or about September 8.

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

 Pissed Off Patricia's Blog
Friday, August 29, 2003

"The Little White Rooster"



Just a quick note to John Ashcroft. 
Dear John,
I have examined the Constitution of the United States. and no where can I find the amendment that states that during tough times all freedoms may be revoked to suit the extreme beliefs of the presiding Attorney General.  Now I do not claim to be a scholar of the Constitution but I'm not an idiot either.  Please let me know where it says that all rights are guaranteed as long as things are going swimmingly in the US but they are totally at the discretion of the Federal government when the leaders of the country become paranoid as hell and decide they may use any excuse to curtail all freedoms and rights previously granted.
Thanks for your attention to this matter John,
A United States Citizen
It is surely understandable that the US administration wouldn't want to give up any of it's control over the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq, heck their plan has worked so well so far, it would be a shame to mess it up!
Wouldn't it cut out a lot of hassle if we, next April, just made our income tax checks directly payable to Halliburton?
Are electrical blackouts coincidental or a contagion among the coalition?
Smoke may get in the eyes of the folks in Oregon, but they still seem to see things clearly: 
"Can it be pure coincidence, locals are asking, that two wildfires sprang up in view of the spot where President Bush planned to promote his plan to thin forests for wildfire prevention?   And that they both appeared just as his plans emerged? "

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*


Thursday, August 27. 2003

Maybe this is the deal, maybe bush just hates us.  What other possible reason could he have for treating us so bad?   Maybe he's mad because we didn't re-elect his dad or something.    Maybe he hates President Clinton so much that he's going to just destroy our country.  I mean it has to be something like that.  He's just done so many terrible things to us that he must just hate us.  If anyone else had done the horrible things to this country that he's done, the whole country would be fuming.
He made no effort to prevent the events of 9-11 even though his administration had hints that something very similar to what happened, was going to happen.  He just seems to do everything that would ruin us.  He has wrecked everything here, the economy, our educational system, , our jobs, our wilderness and as of yesterday, he has made a mucky mess of the air we breathe.  He has put us in debt way up to and much higher than our grandchildren's  eyeballs and he's sent our military into a war based on nothing but lies. 
Oh, he's made promises for funding, but name one good thing he has actually followed up on. 
Just try to name one positive thing he has done for our country since he took the oath of office.  Name just one!  Take as long as you like.  I'll wait.   I'm a patient person.

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Where the hell does bush get off?  He said in his speech today that we will fight terrorists before they come to fight here in the US.  Well, I wonder what the Iraqi people would have to say about that,  He made the damn "bring em' on" comment and invited all the screwin' terrorist to fight our troops in the Iraqi people's front yard.  Okay, maybe a few hundred or thousand innocent Iraqis will die and maybe a few more hundred of our troops will die............but hell, we kept our front yard nice and tidy.
Is he basically saying we went to Iraq so that we could invite all the terrorists to come there too for a friggin fight?  Nice compassion bush!  Real damn nice plan coming from a real damn nice Christian.
I also noticed as bush spoke, he is sounding more like a preacher than a president.  I don't mean the words that he uses, but more the body language and the tenor of his voice.  He gets louder as he gets to his points he wants to make.  I was just waiting for him to bang his fist or a bible on the podium.   The faces he makes as he speaks are not only strange, they're disturbing.  Sometimes he smirks and sometimes he curls his upper lip and sometimes he just sort of does funky things with his mouth.  The rhythm of his speech was very much like an old fashion preacher with the "amen" being replaced by applause.
I tell you, that guy is just getting creepier and creepier and the more he gets boxed in by this nightmare war, the more ridiculous he looks and sounds as he stands before the hand picked audience and keeps saying the same things over and over.  It's unsettling to see the President of the United States stand before an audience and smile as he speaks of death..........very unsettling indeed.

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Tuesday, August 26,  2003
Hey Hey Hey, who's running the show?
Powell is at the UN asking for countries to donate troops to the war that we started but can't seem to figure out how to end.
Rumsfeld and crew are saying we don't need more troops.
Bush and Co. are saying bring on all the terrorists in the world and we'll fight them in Iraq.
Powell is asking for countries to send their own troops so our guys can come home, and this just after our invitation to all terrorists to attend a free-for-all in Iraq.
Bush is on the golf course or in the gym or taking a nap or at the money/barbeque trough or at the local diner swilling with some good old boys.  Meanwhile, seems the rest of the gang must have let their cell phone batteries run down because there doesn't seem to be any communication.
So again, who's running the damn show?
I would say, judging from the results, that the "roadmap to peace" in the middle east must have been drawn up by the same cartographer who drew up the roadmap to peace in Iraq. That guy better be looking for a new job cause he isn't very good at what he does now.
Does anyone really truly think that bush would have preformed that touch of drama onboard the USS Abraham Lincoln if there were really and truly still some wmd to be found in Iraq?  I mean, come on, if the US had good intelligence on wmd in Iraq, it wouldn't have made sense for bush to declare major operations over before they had found the hot stuff!
If you've screwed something up and you need to cast blame somewhere else,  just do what bush does.  Blame it on President Clinton, or you can blame it on the "terrorists" or you can blame it on "9-11". 
If you've really really screwed something up, blame it on all three.
The militant group Ansar al-Islam denies attacking the UN offices last week in Iraq.   When was the last time a group like that, made a successful attack and didn't want to take credit for it?  So if not Ansar al-Islam, then who?
Under the heading of "Please tell me I did not hear that", comes the following:
If things don't get better, the US might consider sending troops into the Israeli/Palestinian battle.   
The military may be covertly recruiting ex-Saddam intelligence agents to help them identify the enemy. 
There are full frontal nudity pictures of Arnold on the internet. 
One half of our (Florida's) National Guard is in Iraq, thanks to Jeb Bush's generosity to his brother's pre-emptive war and we are about two weeks away from the height of hurricane season down here in the land of mostly sunshine.  Hopefully the hurricane gods will spare our state this year because if we should have another horrible storm like Andrew, back in 1992,  we'll be in the big state of trouble!

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Monday, August 25,  2003
I hope you held on to that money you received from bush's tax cut, because today your local gas station would like to have it back.
Bush says that the terrorists hate freedom and peace.  Would someone please tell me what the hell that means.  Do the terrorists, at their weekly terrorist meeting,  just sit around and talk about who is free and who is at peace and how they hate the concept or what?  Do they chat and say, "Let's see, the US is free, god I hate that."  It just doesn't make sense to me.
The Fox Holes said this morning on Fox News said that just because bush is at his ranch for a whole month, that doesn't mean that he's not working.  Give me a break, we all saw him at the golf course last week, we've all seen him at the local diner in his cowboy suit with the macho belt buckle and we've all seen him at the money grabbing barbeques.  Didn't look much like work to me.
The next time one of your conservative, war supporting, republican friends starts telling you how wonderful this damn war in Iraq has been, please tell them to go down and enlist and volunteer to go to Iraq because our troops could sure as hell use some help over there. 
I'm betting that if bush is elected in 2004, there will be a call to reinstate the draft.  You sure won't hear a word about it now, but once he is safely in office again it will happen.  You have to know that they would love to do it right now but it would obviously be political suicide. 
If we are spending a billion dollars a week on the war, why can't we give our troops enough food and water?  Seems to me that we could afford it on a budget like that.  In fact, I want to see a detailed list of just what the hell we are spending and where it's going and to whom.  It's our money that's being spent so why don't we demand to see where it's going? 

Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Friday, August 23, 2003

"50 Ways to Blow your Cover"




Things that are difficult to deal with and maybe harder to understand.

During an intro to the news story about thousands of deaths in France as a result of the heat wave, Fox News used the sentence:  "Thousands of French Fry".

George bush gives $2000 dollar a plate fund raising barbeques, but he won't go back to the UN and eat a little crow in order to get troop help from other nations.

When the US dropped tons of bombs on Iraq, if a few thousand civilians were killed, it was for the purpose of regime change so it was okay,  but when planes flew into buildings here in the US and thousands of civilians were killed, that was a terrorist attack.

When Saddam killed thousands of his people he was a tyrant but when we killed thousands of his people we were liberators.

When the Iraqi people are without electricity that is just part of reconstruction but when the US is without electricity that is a disaster.

Everyone with knowledge knows that the troops need some help in Iraq, but Rumsfeld says things are just fine.

After the last two events, the blackout in the northeast and the bombing of the UN offices in Iraq, bush spoke to the nation via video tape.  Why?

Why do some people spend so very much time thumping the bible and so little time extending a helping hand to one another?

Why it's so important for Judge Moore to keep the "10 commandments" in the giant granite slab, when he could just keep them in his bible and in his heart.  Usually if you sincerely live by the dictates of your religion, you don't need to have a giant copy of them at hand to remind you of  what they say.


Bush stands in front of a forest and he thinks that makes him an environmentalist,

so if I stand in front of a firehouse, does that make me a fireman?

I don't think so. 

  Chill down my martini glass honey, I'm coming home*

Thursday, August 20, 2003

Regarding Judge Moore in Alabama and his 10 commandments:
"Moore first drew national attention after posting a wooden, hand-carved plaque of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom while a state court judge in Gadsden, Ala."

"Judge Roy Moore is a man of his word. He promised that if elected chief justice to the Alabama Supreme Court, he would take the Ten Commandments with him to Montgomery. Last month, he kept that promise big time. A one ton, granite replica of the traditional "stone tablets" now sits prominently in the rotunda of the Alabama Supreme Court building."


The second commandment states:  "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image....
The American Heritage Dictionary defines "graven" as follows:
graven image
n. An idol or fetish carved in wood or stone.
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