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How About Michael Bolton Instead? 

How About Michael Bolton Instead? 


By Jeffrey Thomas Boutin




            I have to admit that this idea started off as a joke, but after watching the John Bolton confirmation hearings and doing a little research on both U.S. Ambassador to the UN nominee John Bolton and Grammy-Winning Singer/Songwriter Michael Bolton, IÂ've come to the conclusion that nominating Michael might actually be less silly then nominating John.

            All of my research indicates that Michael Bolton was never a member of the Federalist Society, but John Bolton has been a longtime activist for them.  According to their own website, the Federalist Society is not a big fan of international law or multilateral governance.  On the other hand, MichaelÂ's 1989 hit Â"How Am I Supposed To Live Without YouÂ" emphasizes the need to rely on others, that we are much stronger together than apart.  He also re-recorded the classic Â"Lean On MeÂ" for his album Â"The One ThingÂ" in 1993.  The lyrics to that song stress the importance of multilateralism (IÂ'm paraphrasing) and cooperation amongst peoples to make life better for everyone.  The sentiments expressed in those two songs show that Michael is more in tune with the UNÂ's charter than any statement I can dig up from John, so letÂ's move on.

            Michael Bolton has never worked with former NC Senator Jesse Helms whereas John Bolton did.  As the Grand Wizard of the GOP, Jesse Helms wrapped himself in the confederate flag and all the racism it implied.  With JohnÂ's help, the Republican Party tried to curb voter registration campaigns organized by labor and African-American groups during the 80Â's.  Michael, on the other hand, was profiled in a 1995 issue of the African-American publication JET.  In the same year, he was a keynote speaker at the Martin Luther King CenterÂ's annual march and rally in Atlanta.  The following year, he received the Martin Luther King Award for Â"outstanding achievementÂ" from the Congress of Racial Equality.  John worked with Jesse Helms!  I report.  You decide.

            John Bolton has opposed international treaties restricting landmines, child soldiers, biological weapons, nuclear weapons testing, small arms trade, and missile defense.  Michael established the Michael Bolton Foundation in 1993- now the Michael Bolton Charities, Inc.  It provides assistance, education and shelter to children and women at risk from poverty, as well as physical, emotional and sexual abuse.  In a joint effort with the state of Connecticut, Michael Bolton Charities, Inc. created Â"Safe Space,Â" a danger-free environment for youths to Â"foster self-esteem, leadership skills, job training and awareness of social issues.Â" Republicans might argue that the use of child soldiers might help with leadership and job training, but I donÂ't think even a moron like Sean Hannity could sell that with a straight face.

            Whether itÂ's his lack of faith in UN peacekeeping or his opposition to paying UN dues or his opposition to the International Criminal Court, itÂ's pretty obvious that John Bolton is a lousy choice for UN Ambassador.  But- this is about Michael Bolton, so here- briefly- are some other qualities he brings to the table as evidenced by some of his song titles.  Â"(What A) Wonderful WorldÂ" shows optimism.  Â"Voices That CareÂ" shows compassion.  Â"Soul ProviderÂ" shows he has a spiritual side.  Â"The Spirit Of AmericanÂ" shows that he is patriotic.  And Â"Can I Touch You ThereÂ" shows that he has a respect for otherÂ's boundaries- just to name a few.

            Of course if Michael Bolton ever had a confirmation hearing, the Republicans would cite MichaelÂ's 1993 hit Â"Said I Loved YouÂ" But I LiedÂ" to paint him as being deceptive, but that would be taking a quote out of context.  You have to anticipate these things.  Too many right-wing talk show hosts and pundits make quite a healthy living off of taking quotes out of context, but all you would have to do is look at the full text to realize these righteous, pompous air-raid sirens have punkÂ'd you.  LetÂ's look at the lyrics. 

Â"Said I loved you but I liedÂ"Â"

(ThatÂ's where the Republicans would stop, but keep reading.)

Â"Cause this is more than love I feel inside

 Said I loved you but I was wrong

 Â'cause love could never ever feel so strongÂ"

Even though the rest of the lyrics clearly show that he didnÂ't Â"lie,Â" the Republicans would probably still try to brand him as a Â"flip-flopper.Â"

            Of course, IÂ'm not being serious here.  Even though, I did gain a new respect for Michael Bolton.  I still donÂ't really like his music, but I have a lot more respect for the man.  Chances are he probably wouldnÂ't even want to be Ambassador to the UN.  ThatÂ's what really gets me about John Bolton.  Why would he want to be the US Ambassador to an organization that he feels is irrelevant?  It just doesnÂ't make sense.  He has expressed animosity toward the UN in statements he has made throughout his career.  What is Bush thinking?  You wouldnÂ't nominate an anti-Semite to be U.S. Ambassador to Israel, would you?  I donÂ't know.  After looking closely at John Bolton as a nominee, maybe Bush would. 


Jeffrey Thomas Boutin is a freelance writer living in Florida who once lived in Ohio. Though technically not responsible for either election debacle, he still feels guilt by association. He also lived in North Carolina during the reign of Jesse Helms. If his track record continues, Tennessee- the only place left he has lived so far- will be the birthplace of the Anti-Christ. Any suggestions of sane places to live in this country can be sent to btrmelnfrm@aol.com.


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