By James Boyne
Once again, Americans are being taken for suckers by the Bush administration. Bush has "flip flopped" and claims that we now need a "permission slip" from our allies before we can defend the security of America. Sound familiar?
Today, North Korea formally announced that they did indeed have nuclear weapons and that they were damn well going to keep them as a deterrent to the President Bush's threatening and bombastic verbal attacks against North Korea.
North Korea has enough spent plutonium to have created at least seven nuclear weapons and has the long range ballistic missile technology to deliver them right smack into the heartland of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Under the veil of impenetrable secrecy it is impossible for the US to know exactly how many nuclear bombs the North Koreans have or if they have been tested.
Here's the clincher. After the bombshell announcement by North Korea that they have nuclear weapons and will keep them as a deterrent to President Bush's threats against the Communist state, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wimpishly remarked, "we will have to consult with our allies".
According to the Associated Press today, February 10, 2005:
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Washington would consult allies before responding.
"I think we just have to first look at the statement and then we need to talk with our allies,'' Rice told Dutch RTL television while on a trip through Europe.
This is the exact same statement that Senator Kerry was raked over the coals for. Senator Kerry, during the campaign was mocked, laughed at, ridiculed and smirked at with disdain by President Bush in one speech after another. I can still hear President Bush's words and see his grinning smirk as he yelled repeatedly, "AND SENATOR KERRY SAYS THAT WE NEED A PERMISSION SLIP AND TO CONSULT WITH OUR ALLIES BEFORE WE DEFEND OURSELVES. WE DON'T NEED ANY PERMISSION SLIP".
Well, here we are. I guess we were lied to. I guess we were conned by the President. I guess we were snookered by Bush. I guess his whole campaign and all his bombastic, patriotic rhetoric was a façade. According to his new Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, we have just found out that North Korea has nuclear tipped weapons, the means to deliver them to our shores, and they are planning to keep them specifically because they feel the need a protective deterrence against the threats of President Bush----and what do we need to do----we need to consult with our allies---PRESIDENT BUSH NEEDS A PERMISSION SLIP.
58 million Americans voted for President Bush because he made a mockery of Senator Kerry's simple statement that "we should work more closely with our allies and consult them". President Bush and his team of malicious, libelous slanderers; his team of "dirty tricksters" took Senator Kerry's eloquent, intelligent, thoughtful statements and twisted his words and shoved them back down Senator Kerry's throat for week after week after week. I can still see Bill O'Reilly and hear Rush "Limberger" ranting their vile propaganda on the airwaves over Senator Kerry's comments. I wonder what we will hear tonight. Will FOX News; will CBS, NBC, and ABC, will all the neo-Nazi types that broadcast their neo-con radical views over the radio be absolutely aghast that the Bush Administration has announced that YES, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE MOST POWERFUL NATION ON EARTH---NEEDS A PERMISSION SLIP; WE NEED TO CONSULT WITH OUR ALLIES BECAUSE SOME WHIMPY LITTLE COUNTRY LIKE NORTH KOREA HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND NOW WE HAVE TO CRAWL ON OUR HAND AND KNEES TO OUR ALLIES AND ASK THEM WHAT WE SHOULD DO.
I sure hope that Senator Kerry, the Democrats, the conservative biased media that now controls all of the airwaves, and the American people are taking note of this bizarre development.
And to add to the absurdity of it all we also have a President who needed $87 billion before he needed an additional $25 billion but before he needed to ask for another $80 billion for the war against terrorism before he needed to spend a total of $300 billion before he needed to announce that it would cost $2.5 trillion to fix Social Security before he announced that the Veterans Administration budget would have to be trimmed by a few billion before he cut billions in funding for Education, Medicaid, Disability, Senior Citizen programs, etc. Bush sounds like a "flip-flopper to me. He promised everyone everything during the campaign and now he turns out to be just one big "flip-flop".
And of course this was before President Bush found out that the $350 billion in tax breaks that he gave to his wealthy contributors did not create a single job and had had no affect on stimulating the economy and that the "corner we were turning" was going to be one of those corners that took over four more years to turn and that at the end of the corner would be a cliff that we would all fall off.
We have a President who can grin, smirk, laugh, giggle and ridicule and mock Senator Kerry and others---but who doesn't have a clue as to what is going on in the world of foreign policy or have a clue as to what is going on in our own country.
This is a President who claims to know where Jesus is but doesn't have the faintest idea where North Korea is, nor the foggiest notion of what a budget is.
Maybe he should have been a TV evangelist. I think he missed his calling. The way he can whip up those carefully controlled crowds of ultra conservative Republicans into a frenzy; those crowds of "family values people" that would lynch you from the nearest tree or stone you death if you disagreed with them----the way he can do that, well, he must have missed his "calling".
I fully expect our President to strut across the stage, take the bullhorn in hand, and yell "wur gonna git deese folks dat wanna knock our buildin's down"; "wur gonna git Som Dong Wong Jang and his band of murderous North Korean terrorists". "We got nukes too and ours are bigger and better and faster". "Let's go git 'em". "Jesus is with us".
Isn't this why 58 million Americans voted for the "tough guy"? Isn't this why 58 million Americans voted for this modern day Dr. Strangelove? Aren't we all just waiting to see a real "shock and awe" campaign---a thermonuclear, total annihilation "shock and awe? Maybe we can have Bill O'Reilly and "Rush Limberger" push the buttons that launch the fireworks.
And of course, all this bull about North Korea and all the bull about Social Security is just one more diversion, one more smokescreen, to keep Americans diverted and distracted as the major American corporate special interests, the bigwigs, and the well connected----rape, pillage, and plunder our US Treasury, or what's left of it.
I guess all we can do now is sit back and watch as Bush carried out his "pre-emptive strike doctrine". I guess we didn't learn our lesson from the last Korean War.
James Boyne
James Boyne is a regular contributor to and his previous articles can be accessed here.
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