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Cayce, Kucinich and Spiritual Politics: The Search for the Missing Peace

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Cayce, Kucinich and Spiritual Politics: The Search for the Missing Peace

by Meryl Ann Butler


"Let each one, as a son, as a daughter of the living God, feed His lambs, feed His sheep. With what? The spirit of truth, the spirit of peace!"
(Edgar Cayce Reading 3976-27)


"I have seen the dynamic of faith in self, faith in one's ability to change things, faith in one's ability to prevail against the odds through an appeal to the spirit of the world for help, through an appeal to the spirit of community for participation, through an appeal to the spirit of co-operation, which multiplies energy"When you feel this principal (of unity) at work, when you see spiritual principals form the basis of active citizenship, you are reminded once again of the merging of stardust and spirit. There is creativity. There is magic. There is alchemy."

It was June 2002; Dubrovnik, Croatia. My daughter, Rainbow Angelica, 24, listened as an American Congressman spoke these words at harpist Georgia Kelly's Praxis Peace Conference. Thrilled, she couldn't wait to call me, half a world away. "Momma! You're not going to believe this! I found a politician with a Soul!"

Surely, this Congressman's words sounded more like those of a mystic than a politician. Later, as I read the transcript of his speech, I was reminded of Edgar Cayce, America's most well known psychic's, admonition to "" know thy ideal in politics as well as in religion, and know they MUST come from the same spiritual source. And they must be one, for the Lord thy God is one, - as thy body, mind and soul are one." (2784-1)

The Congressman continued, "As citizen-activists the world over merge, they can become an irresistible force to create peace and protect the planet"Active citizenship begins with an envisioning of the desired outcome and a conscious application of spiritual principles." One almost expected him to add the familiar Cayce adage, "for mind is the builder!"

This Ohio Congressman, Dennis J. Kucinich, is a practical idealist who has a plan on his website for each new path he suggests. He introduced a bill in July of 2001 to create a cabinet level Department of Peace, which would "build not only a structure for peace within our government, but infuse a consciousness for peace within our society, as has the Department of Defense reflected a consciousness of war." Sound like a radical new idea? Surprisingly, it's been around for longer than most of us might think. According to the Department of Peace coalition website http://www.dopc.us/, George Washington introduced a Department of Peace bill into Congress in 1793. But 210 years and 146 bills later, Americans are still waiting.

Kucinich reintroduced his Department of Peace bill as HR 1673 in April 2003. The DoP website says, "It is the first federal bill to emphasize nonviolence-or freedom from violence-as a human right." Marianne Williamson's Global Renaissance Alliance is a strong supporter of this bill, holding conferences and acting as a focal point for citizen activism.

Kucinich says, "The Department of Peace will facilitate the dream and vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, that dream which still seeks to make nonviolence an organizing principle in our society, and we can do that through education, through teaching our children peace-sharing, peace-giving and mutuality.

"The same power that brought to our nation freedom, bids us to free ourselves from the shackles of violence through making non-violence a structured part of the everyday life of our nation - to teach peace, to teach conflict resolution, to free our homes and to free our communities of violence, to prove that the American evolution is within and when peace becomes innermost it then becomes outermost in our communities and in our nation.

This is the moment when the hand of peace, which seeks to create conditions where all nations live together and coexist peacefully, is so needed. America cannot put its foot on the accelerator of war and advocate peace simultaneously!"

The Department of Peace would be funded by at least 1% of the Department of Defense budget, according to the bill. So, at the current fiscal levels, the DoP would operate on $8 billion a year. This legislation is supported by a variety of groups including Amnesty International, the National Organization for Women, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Tikkun and Veterans for Peace.

The Department of Peace bill offers a practical path towards global co-operation. It provides a roadmap toward the ideal alluded to by Abraham Lincoln, when he said that the only really effective way to destroy one's enemies is to transform them into friends. And Edgar Cayce foresaw that 'No longer may any land or nation indicate that they are self-sufficient," (257-252), and "without [the brotherhood] of the world there will again come the Armageddon." (900-272).

We are one world, ready or not.

Kucinich was honored with the Annual Gandhi Award in 2003. This prestigious award, given to a "distinguished peacemaker"for contributions made in the promotion of international peace and goodwill," placed Kucinich in the company of recipients such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Linus Pauling and U Thant. In his acceptance speech, Kucinich said, "..we can use this power which is within us, this light inside of our hearts"and let it shine so that this alternative vision of peace"can be the vision by which our country expresses itself."

Finally, it appears that we have moved up to "Code: Green" - the expression of the healing energy of the heart chakra.

Congressman Kucinich answered the following questions:

MAB- Ideally, what role do you see the USA playing in bringing about peace on earth?

DJK- First of all the United States must end the occupation of Iraq. If it was wrong for us to invade Iraq, then it is wrong for us to stay there. We are not stuck. It is time to get the US out and the UN in, and the plan on my website describes how to do that in 90 days.

We need to reach out to the world community to create a context for international security. There is nothing so powerful as when people unite in a vision of a world that co-operates, a world at peace, a world of prosperity, a world of love. It is only through international cooperation that the United States can be truly safe. We need to reconnect with the nations of the world and create a new fabric of peace.

MAB -What can individuals do in their own lives to help bring about peace on earth?

DJK- The kind of peace that we seek in the world is the kind of peace that we seek in our homes, as well. The hymn is quite true, 'Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.'

Each of us has a responsibility to seek a peaceful context within our own lives. The place that we work that out is within our own homes. Those close relationships so central to our lives give us a chance to learn about developing peace, to learn about cooperation, about reconciliation, about the power of love, and about how love does surpass all. We can create peace in the world if it starts within our own family. It is important to bring the peace that is in our own hearts into the public forum.

The media, it seems, is addicted to war, and then war becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Suppose individuals acted from a different paradigm? From a place of the certainty of inevitable peace? The advancing tide of this world is toward human unity. We have the opportunity to consciously choose a new direction, and the most powerful agent for change is the human heart.

In the book of Isaiah, we are urged to be repairers of the breach. Our work for peace will be strengthened when we repair the breach within our own society"This is about healing our world. This is about what is called in the Jewish faith, tikkun olam. We must begin this process of reconciliation and healing. We must be repairers of the breach, and we can help to repair the breach by creating a nation which stands for jobs for all, health care for all, education for all! Let's use this as a moment to lift up America!

MAB- What kind of future do you see for the USA ten or fifteen years from now, and what kind of changes will we need to make to arrive at that future?

DJK- We must have confidence in the authenticity of our dreams. I see a bright future where we have lifted up the Spirit of America to soar above poverty, racism, joblessness, and fear. Where we have created a nation and a world where we celebrate the rights of all people. I would do this through a presidency that spells the end of fear and the beginning of hope, through a WPA type program that puts millions back to work rebuilding bridges, libraries, schools and universities, through a program where every American has health care. My vision includes an America where pre-K and college education is available to anyone who wants it, for free. My vision of America includes using our technological genius to create new solutions in sustainability instead of more weapons. We need to take our country in a new direction where peace and prosperity can exist simultaneously."

In The Psychic Side of the American Dream, Robert W. Krajenke says "According to Manly Palmer Hall, the dream and the goal of the ancient seers was the eventual revival of an enlightened and democratic world order based upon the Atlantean ideal of spiritual awareness," and goes on to ask, "But how can you and I lift the consciousness of America? Perhaps the answer can be found in the words of Jesus, 'If I be lifted up, I draw all men to me."

We all have experienced the magnetic draw to a person with an optimistic attitude. In my first opportunity to hear Dennis Kucinich speak, I felt the goose-bump-producing truth of this when I heard him say, "In physics there is a process known as entrainment, in which lower frequencies will attune to a higher vibrating frequency. In a sense, what a president or any leader should be doing is to set the highest possible tone for the nation, and lifting everyone up. And this should be done with a sense of compassion and purpose, keeping focused on what you are trying to create."

Krajenke continues, a "factor that can cause us to lose sight of our true spiritual nature is the long-cherished faith of Americans in the hardware of war. Defense has its place in the structure of balance designed by our Founding Fathers, but weaponry, like materialism, has become for many of us a 'false god,' we place in it the faith and give it the respect that would more properly be rendered to the (Divine) and the mystical awareness of (Its) presence in our lives." Congressman Kucinich points out the manifestation of this imbalance in our society: "When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding. When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding."

It has been said that the measure of the maturity and compassion of a nation is in how it treats its children. Current war expenditures threaten to smother our children and grandchildren in a legacy of debt that reaches far into the future.

"Perhaps," says Krajenke, "we should gear up the nation not for war, but for mysticism. Why not, if a mystic is the most appropriate channel through which the power of God can flow?" Mystic Matthew Fox, says, "I agree with Dennis Kucinich that the evolution of our species requires a conscious effort to train ourselves in peace-making and not just war-making... I see in Dennis"an optimistic belief that our country can regain its initial values--values that are not about conquering the world and becoming the world's judge and policeman, but that lead through respect--respect of the environment, of women, of oppressed and poor people--the wellsprings for true grassroots democracy" and a call to authentic citizenship in our world today, one that can appeal to the best in us..."

A selection of luminaries endorsing Kucinich and his ideals reads like the speaker list from an A.R.E./Edgar Cayce Conference catalogue: Dr. Patch Adams, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Arun Gandhi, Andrew Harvey, Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, and John Robbins, among others. Swami Beyondananda says "Backing Dennis Kucinich is the first step in putting the Cultural Creatives on the map as a political force"(Kucinich) is already breaking through the "Irony Curtain" and speaking clearly for the Silenced Majority" Imagine a government that did OUR bidding instead of the bidding of the highest bidder!"

"We have finally found a politician who stands up for what is right and cannot be bought or sold," say Nancy Thurlback and Sidney Kirkpatrick (author of the bestselling Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet.) "We personally are not into party politics and are neither Democrat nor Republican. It just happens that Dennis Kucinich is the first politician that we feel is worth even attending a meeting for, let alone putting time and energy into supporting."

Former flower children Jose Arguelles, Ben &Jerry's Ben Cohen, Ram Dass, Wayne Dyer, Willie Nelson and Pete Seeger spice up Dennis' eclectic mix of spiritual supporters. And Kucinich counts Shirley MacLaine, godmother to his college-age daughter, among his supporters.

Kucinich's campaign symbols for five consecutive winning elections have all been variations on the image of light. His destiny number, in numerology, is 11, a master number considered to be the number of the lightbearer.

Kucinich's natal chart pegs him as a "spiritual warrior," an astrological phrase often used to describe the mixture of energetics between Aries (planet of war and his ascendant) and Pisces (the "spiritual" sign, and the location of his moon.) Moon in Pisces is indicative of great compassion, which Kucinich demonstrates. His grand trine in fire signs with his Aries ascendant, his Pluto and his South Node indicates energy for transformation, leadership and creativity, springing from deep talents from the past. This grand trine is currently being energized by his progressed sun moving toward his South Node, continuing for roughly the next two years. Kucinich's 7th house Mars, bringing assertive transformation through co-operation and partnership, trines the sun in the US chart. With the US sun positioned at Kucinich's nadir, he has the energy of Capricorn (the ruler of politicians) at his midheaven to lift up the United States.

One of the most fascinating astrological aspects of the chart is the trine between Dennis' Chiron (the healer) and Uranus. Indicative of unusual ways of thinking and communication, this would also relate to his penchant for imagery in his speeches and campaigns that relate to the healing power of light. Kucinich's Uranus is conjunct the US Mars, indicating that his unique rhetoric could effect a quick turn away from aggressive policies. These planets create a grand trine with the US moon, showing that through unusual kinds of thinking and communication, Dennis' chart is perfectly positioned to bring balance and healing to the heart and soul of America.

Even color trends, a subtle indication of the deepest portions of the psyche of the nation, herald a new direction. The Color Marketing Group sees current color trends being more "therapeutic and nurturing," and more "clear and pure and driven by a need for more whites, lights and translucence," throughout 2004. Perhaps this is a deep soul level response to the desire to shed more light on current national and global situations. The palette even features a new color called "Peace," described as a "unifying global blue that represents peace on earth," perhaps signaling that the national consciousness is ready to embrace the tenets of peace.

Perhaps this is the result of the pointed contrast of the current administration which has carved out a void that is finally ready to accept spiritual politics.

As my daughter said about Kucinich, "he is into peace, you know, mom, like back in the 60's!"

I know, indeed. And where have all the flower children gone, (long time passing)? After we spent the 60's protesting, we went on to raising families, developing careers and many of us explored various paths of spiritual development. Now here we stand at the beginning of the Millennium. Less angry than we were in the sixties, I like to think that many of us have finally learned that focusing on what we do want is more likely to have the desired result than fighting against what we don't want. More connected with spirit, we seem to have spiraled upward to the next level of consciousness in politics. And Dennis Kucinich's ideals reflect this perspective in the choice of his campaign theme song - John Lennon's "Imagine."

"Imagine all the people living life in peace""

Finally, politics with soul - a very good sign on the path to the missing Peace.

Meryl Ann Butler MerylAnnButler@aol.com  is a modern day renaissance woman. A professional artist since 1974, she is also a writer, labyrinth builder, workshop facilitator, traditional drawing and painting teacher, citizen diplomat, contemporary fiber artist and mother of a daughter and seven stepchildren. 

This article may be posted or reprinted in its entirety when the following information is included:
Edgar Cayce, Dennis Kucinich and Spiritual Politics: the Search For The Missing Peace c. 2004 Meryl Ann Butler. MerylAnnB@aol.com.
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