Marry Money or Steal It?
by Lonna Gooden VanHorn
Have you gotten those e-mails about Kerry and
Teresa? You know, the ones about Kerry marrying his
money. Stalking heiresses?
I have never seen Kerry's first wife, but he is still
friends with his ex brother-in-law. Not too many brothers are
friends with men who have really done their sisters wrong. I
also cannot imagine anyone making Teresa do
anything she did not want to do. No one held a gun to Teresa's
head to make her marry John Kerry. Not surprisingly, thrice
married Rush Limbaugh is one of the ones vocally outraged
about Kerry's luck with women. Jealous, perhaps??
Women marry money all the time, and that is okay, but
in this country if an only moderately well-off man marries a a
much richer woman he is a giggolo. Or something.
Additionally, he could not possibly be marrying the woman for any
reason other than her money.
In monarchies impoverished noblemen always married a rich man's
daughter if they could, but in my opinion, anyone who had the
chance to marry Teresa and didn't would be a fool, even if she was
dirt poor.
I saw "Operation Petticoat" again a few weeks
ago. Tony Curtis's character was explaining to the Cary Grant
character that there were two ways for a regular schmuck to make
money. Marry it or steal
it. He had joined the Navy because it gave him
entrance into the circles where he could marry it.
Well, if Kerry married money, at least three of the
four Bush brothers (I am being charitable to Marvin, here) all made
money the second way. They stole it.
Yoshi Tsurami, one of W.'s Harvard business school
professors who had a very low opinion of Bush and says he
demonstrated "pathological lying habits" and
who also says Bush's policies will take us back to the
"Gilded Age" of the robber barons, said he told W. when he
was a student that he felt sorry for the investors in any business W.
was likely to be involved in.
Well, he was right. W. went bust in three
businesses. His shareholders took a
beating but he did okay. Daddy's rich friends, some of them
Daddy's rich Saudi friends bailed him out.
They received tax breaks for doing so. Guess who paid for those
tax breaks? We did! The Arlington, Texas, taxpayers were
largely responsible for the millions W.made from the Texas Rangers.
Both Jeb and Neil were involved in failed Savings and
Loans. Neil's (Silverado) cost taxpayers a billion dollars.
Jeb's (Broward) was a little less pricey. Guess who paid for
their reckless business dealings? We did!!
So, if a voter chooses to make this election be
about how the candidates became wealthy men (as if Senators are so
poorly paid they are paupers without their wive's money) we have two
choices. We can vote for the man who elicited enough admiration
from two wealthy women that they opted to marry him, or we can vote
for the man, who like his buddy Ken Lay, got rich at the expense of
employees or investors in his businesses, and at the expense of we taxpayers.
Bio: Lonna Gooden VanHorn is a housewife working
24/7 to "write" Bush out of the White House.
Her poor husband (a Vietnam veteran, and currently
unemployed) has recently been sojourning with his
children, and at Lonna's parents' farm in southern Minnesota, because
her Mom is a great cook, and he has given up on getting a home cooked
meal in New Mexico until after the election.