By Thom Hartmann
part of a sophisticated psychological operations program by conservatives that explicitly targets working men in America, and dates back to research first done for Richard Nixon.
Rush Limbaugh just declared psychological war on the working white males
of America, although most of them probably didn't realize it. This week
Limbaugh rolled out a "funny" faux advertisement for the
"Hillary Clinton Testicle Lock Box" that now any woman can use
to clamp down on men's testicles just like Hillary does.
This wasn't just a whim of Limbaugh's, or a response to his recent rehab.
It's part of a sophisticated psychological operations program by
conservatives that explicitly targets working men in America, and dates
back to research first done for Richard Nixon.
Ask most men, "Who are you?" or, "What do you do?" and
you won't hear, "I'm my wife's husband," or, "I'm my son's
dad." Instead, men typically answer by describing what they do for a
living. Men do this because they're so conditioned to think of themselves
as breadwinners, and generally derive most of their social status from
their occupation.
That's why, in this day and age, men who work for a living are a troubled
bunch. Jobs are moving overseas in record numbers, conservatives have
declared war on organized labor, and insecurity in the workplace is at
peak not seen since the Great Depression. Add to this the simple fact that
most men feel their masculinity is defined in part by their ability to be
successful breadwinners, and you have a potent formula for psychological
Today's working poor and middle-class men, living with job insecurity and
a declining standard of living, feel emasculated. Their ability to earn a
living is eroding, and, with it, their sense of their own potency, their
ability to project themselves onto the world and "conquer" it in
a way that meets the needs of their family.
The result is becoming conspicuous: working men are getting angry or
falling into despair.
The despair is reflected in suicide statistics. As the BBC reported on 29
July 2003, "Suicide is the single biggest cause of accidental or
violent death among men in England and Wales," even exceeding deaths
in car accidents, traditionally the largest killer of men. Suicide among
men in England, BBC noted, "accounted for more than one third (34%)
of the total number of male accidental or violent deaths during the
year." It's a particular problem, another BBC report noted, for men
in areas of high unemployment, such as Britain's suicide capitol,
Manchester. In that community, the suicide rate among working-age men has
doubled over what it was 20 years ago when jobs were more secure and pay
relatively higher.
The problem has spread throughout the developed world, where good jobs are
being lost in droves. In Japan, for example, Japan Update news service
reports that in the working-class prefecture of Okinawa, "The male
suicide rate per 100,000 people has increased 1.5 times compared to 20
years ago." They added bluntly, "The suicide rate in the 50-60
age group is especially high and the reason for the dramatic increase is
thought to be a combination of low income and high unemployment."
The majority of unemployed or under-employed men don't kill themselves,
however. Instead, they get angry, and look for the sources of their anger.
And this is where the conservatives are working hard to perform an elegant
smoke-and-mirrors switch of attention.
Conservatives have figured out how crucial it is to make sure that the
working-class "NASCAR Dad" demographic - so important to
conservatives that NASCAR drivers were invited to place their cars on the
White House lawn for a Bush photo op - don't connect their sense of lost
masculinity with this conservative administration's anti-worker policies.
Thus the Hillary Clinton Testicle Lock Box. And the Phallic Projection
Force War In Iraq. And the Big Bulge Strut On The Aircraft Carried Deck.
This is psychological warfare of the first order, and will be successful
if the Democratic Party fails to respond properly.
As Arlie Hothschild points out in her brilliant essay Let Them Eat War,
George W. Bush and Karl Rove have effectively used 9/11 as a substitute
for job anxiety, and Bush's war on Iraq as a symbolic way for men to
vicariously feel personal power via their stand-in, the macho-acting man
in the White House.
At the same time, Limbaugh and the vast conservative talk machine are
working overtime to assure the under-employed and threatened men of
America that the target of their rage should not be conservative policies
but, instead, castrating women. Hillary is behind the campaign to put
men's testicles in a lock box, and it's those damn liberals who are
responsible for all the ills that have befallen the working class.
Some of the Democratic presidential candidates think the best way to
respond is to out-testosterone Bush, but Joe Lieberman is failing
miserably at his rather wimpish attempt, and John Kerry's proclamations of
his war hero past seem strained.
Other candidates think the best response is no response, and deplore
Dean's attempt to reach out to southern white male voters.
But the best response is to help working men focus their fear and anger on
its appropriate target: conservative pro-corporate anti-labor policies.
Best positioned to pull this off are Howard Dean, who has already reached
out to "white guys in pickup trucks" and held their votes for a
decade as governor of Vermont, and Richard Gephardt with his longstanding
relationship with organized labor. Dennis Kucinich's pro-labor stances are
less well known among the general populace, but he's seen as a
truth-teller and could also help unspin the conservative lies.
The most effective ways to do this will be to take a loud and principled
stand with organized labor in the many ongoing battles around the nation,
fiercely battle Bush's attempts to gut overtime rules, stand up for fair
trade that protects domestic industries (instead of free-for-multinational
corporations-trade), and, as did Teddy Roosevelt, declare all-out war
against Big Business on behalf of working people and a living wage.
If Democrats can help NASCAR Dads realize that conservative trade and
fiscal policies are at the root of their problems, they may wake America
up from the web of deceit being spun by Bush and Rove. If not, prepare for
another four years of the rich getting richer while the middle class
slides into the abyss, perhaps taking American democracy with it.
Thom Hartmann (thom at is an author and nationally
syndicated talk show host.