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Election Was Rigged and Stolen Where is the F*ing Outrage. When Will the Biggest Demonstrations in US History Happen?


Election Was Rigged and Stolen Where is the Outrage?  When Will the Biggest Demonstrations in US History Happen?

by Rob Kall


American Democracy may be on its Deathbed. The exit Polls Worked in Non-Electronic Voting Sites. But in the sites where un-recountable electronic voting took place the exit polls were off and in Bush's favor. This is the smoking gun. This is the clear sign that the failure of the republicans in the house and senate to support paper ballot legislation was intended to enable the theft of the presidency and further congressional seats. This election has zero credibility and must be overturned. ( for more info on the vote corruption, read:

Never Say Die-bold: So You Don't Think the Bush Campaign Stole This Election? Think Again

Kerry Can Win Ohio

The Day America Died, The Mugging of Democracy, and John Kerry... You Let Us Down

BEV HARRIS: Diebold Caught?

and here's an archive older articles that warned of this infamy Voting Vote, Computerized Voting Election Issues

  We need to take a few days to plan and then take to the streets in massive numbers. After months of phone-banking, canvassing, engaging in visibility actions like runagainstBush, I can tell you that when I met anti-bush Kerry supporters, it was very rare that I did not find people who felt passion about  being anti bush. Of the 56 million who voted for Kerry Edwards, we can assume that most of them are now passionately pissed off, even if they don't all know that the election was rigged and ripped off worse than Florida in 2004.

It is a despicable outrage that Kerry just laid down and gave up. You could see that this was not what Edwards wanted. I understand it was not what the lawyers wanted. But that is what we are now stuck with. That doesn't mean we have to lay down and take it. We must mobilize at a higher level than ever and force a change in election law so NO election will ever be held again that cannot be completely and certainly recountable and voter verifiable.

Democracy in the US is now a historic phenomenon, not a current reality. We no longer live in a democracy. It's simple. You remain silent, go about your life as usual, and give up, or you decide that you have no choice but to act, to take the day off, or cancel your special plans for the days to come when demonstrations are held.

After the theft of the 2000 elections, the rest of the world waited for people to take to the streets, for the outrage to erupt in protest. It never happened and millions throughout the world were shocked. We cannot stand by and let this atrocity against democracy stand. We cannot allow Bush, the criminal who has now stolen two elections continue to evade facing legal American justice.  But it will take unrelenting pressure and raising our voices loud.

Word has it that John Ashcroft will soon be leaving. I fear he will be remembered fondly and that a worse person and policies will fill his place. Even under patriot act I it is illegal to propose acts of civil disobedience, so I will not do so. But we must remember Martin Luther King's and Ghandi's courage in the face of injustice. If you love America, you will get involved. In my opinion, these demonstrations should be local, along major roadways, perhaps at major drivetimes.

These are days and times of Republic infamy and the perpetrators and co-conspirators are the most vile traitors. Those Americans who are being told bush won an American mandate have already proven that they are easily fooled by Fox news, that they accept lies and distortions as reality. We have a responsibility to rescue America from the mass madness that has befallen it. If we fail to act now, we will succumb to and cooperate with the traitorous attack on democracy that the US is now the victim of. Resolve to take action. Resolve to persevere, to keep on fighting. Our predecessors lost their lives for American freedom. Do not let it be stolen by traitors who work with the help of a sold out American media. We will, we must take back the vote, take back the presidency and the congress and take back the media.

Rob Kall is editor of www.OpEdNews.com Read over 150 of his articles at Rob Kall's article archive  Read his blog at www.opednews.com/robsblog.htm Rob lives in Bucks County PA, which, went for John Kerry in the 2004 election.


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