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Spot a few holes?  Well call it surrealism.  This story was clearly deliberately leaked, and if it is true, the CIA is the most incompetent group of bumbling fools in the America.  I find that proposition dubious.  If they really did not alert the administration to the fact that this document was fabricated, then it was a conscious decision made under pressure from the administration well beyond what has been reported so far.  It would mean that they were so scared of the immediate consequences of revealing the fact that the document was fabricated that they allowed the administration to make fools of themselves.  I find that proposition dubious as well.  The only remaining possibility is that this is the first blatant cover story to come out of the administration, and unfortunately for them it is an extremely shoddy one.  If the Democrats and the media are smart enough to challenge it, this could represent the beginning of the end of Bush.  The CIA, already miffed, may not be uniformly willing to take the fall either.  If bush is busted, debate about impeachability will end, and even if the hypocritical Republicans who tried to impeach Clinton do not do the same for this far more atrocious offense, Bush and all of the Republicans will have a hard time in 2004.  Now that's a happy ending.

Jesse Lee is a recent graduate of Trinity College in Hartford with a degree in Political Science and Philosophy. He works as a paralegal in Washington, D.C. where he was born and raised. He also volunteers with MoveOn and The Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC).  He encourages your comments at kirkout79@hotmail.com. This article is copyright by Jesse Lee and  originally published by opednews.com but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached.


CIA Did Not Share Doubt on Iraq Data (Washington Post)
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